Monday, January 26, 2015

Candide Thovex

You might not know who Candide Thovex is now, but trust me, by the time you finish this article, you will probably be more than a little in awe of him. (continue reading) or just watch this insane video.


Unknown said...

Phenomenal. Thanks Lem.
I like when the footage slows while in mid-air and there's an eagle or something flying nearby. The tunnel freaked - the dirt freaked - that ending on the railing and on the deck. Freaked. Fearless.

CO has good skiing - but nothing like that. I'm guessing France or Switzerland?

Unknown said...

btw- That film is the kind of stuff you see at Banff Film Festival. (video at link) If Banff Film Fest comes to a theater in your area - get tickets and go. You won't be sorry.

Chip Ahoy said...

That was fun.

Colorado is the best I've seen. Except for Utah. The whole time I was thinking, "that looks like Utah," but the gray cave shown here threw me off. And now that you mention Banff, I only saw Banff during off season and it was awesome, same as Utah.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Death defying.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Death defying.


But consider, if you will, Rex Kramer, Danger Seeker.

Now that's some insane video, baby!

ricpic said...

Best would be to end it by hitting a boulder or smashing into a tree because what's the point of living past 22 when the lightning reflexes lose a hundredth of a second?

Christy said...

Wow! Reminded me a bit of a Jerzy Kosinski novel, wherein the protagonist spends hours practicing a jump similar to the one at the ski lodge.

Anyone else cringe when he skied over the grass and rocks?

Unknown said...

RE-watched. @ 4:17 he is heading into the ski lift station where riders get off on top and (obviously) he's going to wrong way and for a slit second the lift operator is freaking out.

This guy is naughty.

Towards the beginning there's some sort of slalom race going on, and he just skis right over the top of the racers.

Unknown said...

"to" should be "the"