Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Is everyone sick to tears of Ferguson yet?

So... "protests in sympathy" are going on across the country, because even if you're not oppressed you can still take a morning off from your Grievance Studies class at a top university to stand in a road and block traffic and get everyone mad at you for making them late to work taking care of sick people, or get them in trouble with their construction crew boss, and so get to feel just a little bit of what it's like to be black in America.  Because what's the point?  A bunch of white kids (the girl who got run over was a minor according to the story) in Minneapolis just don't want to be left out of annoying the community?  The kids (and if you look at the video, they are all high school or college age at most, no adults in the entire bunch) standing across the freeway in California aren't oppressed, but they stuck working class blacks and other minorities on the freeway because... they don't want to get left out?  What?  There is no way I can even imagine that a rational person can see blocking traffic as a goal achieving tactic.  So what's it good for other than the Feels?

Anyhow, here's what retired Miami detective (and novelist) Marshall Frank has to say about Ferguson.

(Guy looks so much like my dad (his cousin) and my grandmother that it totally weirds me out.)


Shouting Thomas said...

I was sick of it all a long time ago.

Manufactured outrage for the sake of getting blacks out to vote in the November election.

The rule of Lemnity said...

The appropriation of private grief has been briefly but eloquently captured by rh comments over the years.

How privileges conferred to grieving parents are somehow aproprpriated by people who will never even meet the grieving relatives let alone know them.

Bastardizing an understanding limited to those who know the survivors and continue to know them into something unrecognized and peverse.

chickelit said...

You may be sick of Ferguson but Ferguson isn't sick of you. The left put way too many eggs in that basketcase.

KCFleming said...

Very soon there will be nothing left to loot.
Ferguson will die, albeit slowly.
Off the national stage, it will fade away, as people move away and no one replaces them.

Socialists promise that beyond revolution lies utopia.
Instead, lies more lies.

KCFleming said...

I was sick of Ferguson when it was Rodney King.

edutcher said...

Given it's all so phony, of course.

OTOH, we have been seeing this sort of thing for 50 years.

AllenS said...

Since the Ferguson "incident", how many young black men have been killed by other young black men?

ndspinelli said...

The Grievance Syndicate need to do a much better job finding a "victim."

Unknown said...

If the media would actually report the facts, I don't think Brown would be such a sympathetic character. Instead, Brown is portrayed as a small young boy - an unnamed poor little black teen who did nothing wrong - and was shot in the back by a mean blood-thirsty racist cop.

All of that is false.

ricpic said...

That woman whose cake shop was destroyed? She's already received 200K in donations. And you know (well, I do anyway) that most of those donations came from whites. An unworthy thought? But isn't the new normal all about keeping count? Fine. In the spirit of the age I'm keepin' count!

Aridog said...

Still noteworthy, in a positive way...Detroit, arguably the blackest large city in the nation, is still peaceful. What's up with that?

Meade said...

Yeah I'm sick of Ferguson. Speaking of tears, when can we get back to talking about feminist girls making science boys cry?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Crack and Meadehouse keep calling each other racist and h8ers. We have that to be thankful for.

Aridog said...

Who farted?

Trooper York said...

It was the dog. We have pictures to prove it.

Meade said...

We are always most righteous when we are guilty ourselves.