Sunday, June 29, 2014

Braveheart -- extra final scene

If you choose to view comments you will see people of the English speaking lands simply cannot take a joke. That is, take the jokes of each other. Every single jape and jab falls flat.

One commenter says, "You got your accurate history in my shitty movie! I'm personally offended, even though I've never been to Scotchland." 

Clearly a joke. A joke! Along the lines of "Merkinland." I find it quite funny, actually. But then another commenter misses the humor, or humour, and pedantically corrects the usage. While it is common understanding Americans are stupid and they're not entirely wrong but not for the reasons they assume. This is stupidly chalked up to stupidity. Nyaaaah, what a bunch of nincompoops, what ul-ta-ruh maroons.

That would undoubtedly be chalked up to being stupid and possibly corrected, missing the connection to Bugs Bunny entirely. 

Not your cup of tea? Er, coffee? Coca cola? 

How about this instead?

What if DVD Fever were archaeologists?

It'd be a bit like Mystery Science Theater 3000

I like this a lot.

This is twice tonight I've seen the arrow shot from the inside of the bow (The first was Pawn Stars). That is, right handed, the arrow held on the left side of the bow. It doesn't seem right. I've always shot from the outside of the bow. Have I been doing it wrong all along? It could happen. You're (I'm) holding the bow in a fist and the arrow mounts over your (my) thumb, with the third feather away from the bow. I can triangulate with my eyeballs better that way for a more accurate shot.

Incidentally, the ASL sign for Greek refers to the nose guard that is missing on the helmet the guy in the video refers to. It is an awkward sign to make because you must twist your wrist uncomfortably to form the word properly. You see a lot of improperly formed words.

But I see other countries use our word for "salt," "flick a bug off your shirt," "can't + person," "warning," "ancient helmet nose guard (done differently two ways),"  "headband," "man + climb + marching along + person," "clean + can't +person," and "yell." While the U.S. does not contribute for the word Greek although they do contribute for "Greece."  And this is why I never do understand these people. It's like when them ferners are talking, it's all Greek to me. (The word must be entered into their search. Then the flag for the country tapped.  I cannot link directly)


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Last night's episode of Star Trek TOS was the one where the Egyptian-esque alien space chick gets her love potion weepy tears on Kirk and enslaves his heart forever and there's no known antidote in all the Universe.

So Kirk boinks her good and hard and she stops being such an arrogant space bitch on wheels and she's all lovey-dovey. She's got a necklace with big ass dilithium crystals on it so Scotty can power up the Enterprise and they defeat the Klingon battle cruiser in 30 seconds flat, which was a good thing because they were all just about to get blown to bits.

It turns out that the antidote for the Elasian tears was Kirk's ever-conquering sense of duty!


But wait. There's more. Now that Kirk has made a woman out of her, Kirk can do a 100% ditch on the alien space princess by dumping her off on some planet where it's all arranged that she has to marry their king so the two planets will stop trying to annihilate each other.



Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I should hasten to add that Kirk is sort-of sad to see her go.

So when the two lovers do their parting scene, he sheds a tiny, little tear.

Get it???!!!!

A TEAR!!!!

THE IRONY, IT BURNS!!!!!!11!!!

Okay, not really. I'm just making that up. This is William Shatner we're talking about, after all, and it's 1969, and it's television, and he's a leading man in a highly competitive business, and he's all concerned about his next acting gig

So, no, he didn't actually cry.

But you can tell that Kirk is weeping on the inside.

You can just tell.

Unknown said...

Achaeologists? Huh?