Thursday, October 31, 2013

"Sources: White House told insurance execs to keep quiet on Obamacare"

"White House officials have pressured insurance industry executives to keep quiet amid mounting criticism over Obamacare's rollout, insurance industry sources told CNN."
After insurance officials publicly criticized the implementation, White House staffers contacted insurers to express their displeasure, industry insiders said.
Multiple sources declined to speak publicly about the push back because they fear retribution.
But Bob Laszewski, who heads a consulting firm for big insurance companies, did talk on the record.
"The White House is exerting massive pressure on the industry, including the trade associations, to keep quiet," he said.
Insurers, he said, warned the White House that the regulations would lead to discontinued policies.
"One of the things I think is clear here is the Obama administration has no trust in anything the health insurance industry is telling them about how to run a health plan," Laszewski said.


Shouting Thomas said...

"One of the things I think is clear here is the Obama administration has no trust in anything the health insurance industry is telling them about how to run a health plan," Laszewski said.

Every progressive I've met knows how to run every business in the U.S. better than the people who actually built that business.

Obama has decided to run an entire biz by government fiat. And, we can see from the events of the past couple of years just how competent he is at running the healthcare biz.

AllenS said...

A thought occurred to me about 5 minutes ago. Now, I have to apologize to everyone right now, but maybe Obama isn't to blame for anything. Maybe Joe Biden is actually running the country.

I know, I know...

ndspinelli said...

These goons make Nixon's henchmen look like pussies. "The Chicago Way."

Michael Haz said...

This months news about individuals having their insurance policies cancelled and being forced onto ObmamCare at much higher prices is the tip of the iceberg.

The employer mandate, which does the same thing for people who have employer-provided health insurance, will hit in 2014.

We all are going to get clobbered by this shit. No fucking way out.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Sounds like crap to me.

Barzini's a man who'll know that without being told.

chickelit said...

The employer mandate, which does the same thing for people who have employer-provided health insurance, will hit in 2014.

Is that when employer-sponsored high deductible plans will be deemed substandard and cancelled?

Michael Haz said...

Exactly right.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

King Obama and the collective facts don't matter left are now blaming Romney.

bagoh20 said...

"Barzini's a man who'll know that without being told."

And Obama is a man who'll do it without being told... until he sees it on Fox.

bagoh20 said...

Well, it is Romney's fault for losing the election.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Obama spins:

"And since we all benefit, there are parts of this law that also require everybody to contribute, that require everybody to take some measure of responsibility. So to help pay for the law, the wealthiest Americans, families who make more than $250,000 a year, have got to pay a little bit more. The most expensive employer health insurance plans no longer qualify for unlimited tax breaks. Some folks aren’t happy about that, but it’s the right thing to do."

-- King Obama, the liar

Ace comments:

"The most breathless claim in his speech, I thought, was the lie that only those making $250,000 per year or more are being “asked to pay a little more.”

This is a lie. Anyone making over $48,000 or so will get the doubled or tripled premiums (and often doubled deductibles to boot!) and no subsidies.

I would say I’m shocked, but that would be a lie. I think I am too emotionally deadened to Obama’s constant lies to even have a reaction. I’m just numb."

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Barzini's a man who'll know that without being told.

You mean Tattaglia...

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Everything.....EVERYTHING....that is happening now was foreseen and warned about. I made many posts on Althouse's site about the terrible ramifications of this awful law, only to be derided and made fun of by morons like Inga and the rest of the slobbering zombie brain dead libtards.

Of course Obama doesn't want to talk to the industry executives or anyone else in the insurance industry. They also tried to warn him about the financial destruction that would occur, not just to themselves (which is huge and likely fatal) but also about the consequences to their client base. The lowest level flunky insurance agent can even see the dripping handwriting on the wall.

Frankly my dears, Obama doesn't give a damn. He never has and never will.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

The employer mandate, which does the same thing for people who have employer-provided health insurance, will hit in 2014.

The deferring of the employer mandate is only going to delay that trainwreck for a year or so. The employers will be dropping insurance coverage like mad towards the end of 2014 and the changes in the plans MANDATED by Obamacare, for the worse, in those that retain plans will come as a huge shock to those workers.

The 'tax' on the Cadillac plans has already begun to be felt by the goons in the Unions who blindly put this man in charge.

The tax on insurance plans provided by the employer at work is actually one of the few things I agree with. When your employer confers a tax free benefit of 12 to 16K to the SHOULD be counted as compensation. Perhaps then the Unions and public employee leeches would have chosen less expensive plans. Suddenly...they are now feeling an itty bitty pinch and the Unions are squealing like the greedy pigs that they are.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

How long will it take for the DNC-IRS to come down hard on Laszewski?
At the very minimum, Rachel Maddow will dig some dirt on him. Even if the faux Maddow dirt is petty and insignificant, Laszewski must be destroyed.

You don't cross the king.

Aridog said...

My few comments at EBL's place fairly well addresses what Michael Haz says above.

This bullshit is aimed at everyone who earns or has earned anything. Control is the objective...either by making you dependent or by making you kowtow becasue you fear they will take more from you in the future.

Michael Haz said...

I'm waiting for a semi-famous blog host to assert that it's all Romney's fault because he didn't make the case strongly enough that he wouldn't be a fascist, and therefore she couldn't vote for him.

Michael Haz said...

Mark my words, the employer mandate will be pushed into 2015 by the Dems.

Millions of people getting their notices of cancellation in the same month as the 2014 mid-term elections is NOT what any Dem wants.

Icepick said...

Every progressive I've met knows how to run every business in the U.S. better than the people who actually built that business.

You didn't build that!

bagoh20 said...

I think the left will use that to bash employers and insurance companies in 2014, thus making the case for bigger government control. Another delay is too obvious an admission of failure, and would be played too easily by Repubs as a Democrat gift to business and the rich.

You have to come from the given of never accepting responsibility or blaming government, even when you are saying you are. How do you deflect?. Where is the squirrel?

Icepick said...
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Leland said...

Millions of people getting their notices of cancellation in the same month as the 2014 mid-term elections is NOT what any Dem wants.

Even thought that would personally benefit me; this is why is must burn. It should just be allowed to burn.

chickelit said...

Micheal Haz wrote: I'm waiting for a semi-famous blog host to assert that it's all Romney's fault because he didn't make the case strongly enough that he wouldn't be a fascist, and therefore she couldn't vote for him.

Alternatively, she couldn't vote for Romney because he failed a rather simple litmus test issue which is near and dear to her heart. Hint: "the greatest civil rights issue of our times." Now just look at the bath water we get to soak in. Ditto for Inga.

test said...

El Pollo Raylan said...
she couldn't vote for Romney...Ditto for Inga.

Inga didn't vote for him because she believes:

(a) the religious right might literally reduce women to sexual slavery, and

(b) the United States offers tax credits to businesses for moving jobs to China.

In short, she's insane.

I think Althouse did vote for Romney. I don't know whether she outright said it, but she claimed to have reached a decision shortly after one of Obama's more obvious lies.

chickelit said...

I think Althouse did vote for Romney. I don't know whether she outright said it, but she claimed to have reached a decision shortly after one of Obama's more obvious lies.

I suspect she voted for a third party as did enough others to make the difference. And I maintain that they did that for "social" reasons unrelated to economics.

chickelit said...

@Marshall: But let's not dwell on the unknowable and focus instead on 2014.

test said...

El Pollo Raylan said...
focus instead on 2014.


Disaster ahead for Democrats as the public learns the administration estimated 93 million Americans would lose their insurance as a result of Obamacare, even as Obama and his surrogates were lying to the public that "If you like your plan you can keep it".

Lydia said...

Didn't Althouse say that Benghazi clinched her vote for Romney?

And didn't Inga herself vote for the Green Party's candidate last year? So odd she's such an ardent supporter of Obama now.

ndspinelli said...

DBQ, I remember those prescient comments. I try and forget the LPN.

chickelit said...

"My ACA decision brought to mind words I misremembered from the Bhagavad Gita: 'Now I am become Dearth, the Destroyer of Wealth.' My adamancy in carrying it through confirmed that."

From the "Autobiography Of My Presidency: Volume 14"
by Barack H. Obama (2017) Random Horse: New York.

ampersand said...
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Trooper York said...
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Trooper York said...

Michelle Obama: (walking in back from the Executive office building) Mama I‘m home!
Marian Robinson (Michelle’s mom) Thank God you are home. Your Auntie Madea is on the warpath. You best get that skinny ass half a cracker husband of yours up here.
Michelle Obama: Now Mama don’t start that up again, what’s the problem this time. I am very tied. The press has been killing us about the healthcare act. They keep saying Barry lied. Of course he lied. He always lies. I mean he lied about being born in America. He lied about not being a Muslim. He even lied to me about being straight. The boy can’t stop lying. What difference does it make now?
Marian Robinson: Who cares, we have bigger problems. Your Auntie Madea is on the warpath. She just got a notice from Blue Cross that her insurance is canceled. And she had the good policy that included hair removal. You know she be one hairy bitch.
Michelle Obama (picks up phone) Oh Mama, please…..this is Barry’s problem….let him deal with it…….Hi, can you ask the President to come upstairs right away. Thank you.
President Barrack Obama: (Comes rushing in) Is everything OK? Are the girls all right?
Michelle Obama: My mother wants to talk to you.
President Barrack Obama: (mutters under his breath) Oh crap. What now!
Marian Robinson: What did you say you skinny assed fool?
President Barrack Obama: Nothing Mother. You do know that I am President of the United States. I have been elected twice now. You might show me just a little respect.
Marian Robinson: You better watch your ass bean pie eating half a mo. I know where you keep your birth certificate and I can give still send of a copy to that nice Eskimo lady if you don’t watch your ass. She could even get a new reality show out of it. “I Didn’t Know I Was A Kenyan!”
President Barrack Obama: Now mother please, I am very busy. I have to get my speech ready for congress. I have to explain why everything is the fault of the dirty insurance companies and those rascally Republicans.
Marian Robinson: Who cares about those damn fools when you messed Auntie Madea’s Blue Cross. It just got canceled. We been talking all day to her boyfriend Leon out in Oakland who is laid up with a bad back. Who be paying for his chiropractor and yoga lessons now you big dummy!
Madea: (rushes into the room) There he is that fool boy. I told Marian that you never would amount to nuthin. First you raise my taxes and now you made me lose my medical. What the hell is amatter wich you boy! Do I got to take a skillet to you head now! How am I gonna pay for my electraizis or my reuhmatiz medicine or Leon’s back rubs from that nice Filipino lady from Woodstock. How am I gonna pay for that? ANSWER ME FOOL!
President Barack Obama: Auntie Madea, what are you talking about? I didn’t cancel your plan the insurance company did. Their plans were just not up to the standards we set. You can get a better plan. Just go on the computer for a couple of days and I am sure you can get something much better.
Madea: You damn fool! My insurance man told me I have to buy a plan that covers pregnancy and prostrate and Viagra or I can’t get it. Why the hell does an old lady need that there for you half a cracker moron. AND I GOT TO PAY $2000 more a year! Your white half must be really dumb. Who was your Mama anyway? Rosemary Kennedy?
President Barack Obama: I don’t have to take this from you Madea, I am the President (he flees out of the room).
Madea: Where you going you pansy ass fool? Marian get my five iron. I got’s to make this right. I gonna play a par three on his skinny ass.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ah, I remember the good old days when things were reversed and corporations instead pressured Republican shills to keep quiet about the damage they wanted to be allowed to do to the people. What fun that was!

Back then, the GOP merely awaited bribe payments to get out of the way so that their corporate sponsors had free rein to bum-rush the people. How low we have sunk from that high standard of leadership!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And I maintain that they did that for "social" reasons unrelated to economics.

Behold the presentation of economics as an asocial science.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's interesting to see the priorities the people on this thread hold. Basically, life itself and decent health are less important than money. Apparently slogans built around such disgusting and perverted priorities didn't test as well as the whole "Sky is falling!" framing.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Balls- the price tag for health insurance is going up all while many people are being forced out of the plans they like.


Titus said...

The fun Troop has been replaced by the insane Troop...and I love it.

Tits, that are big, yet still able to bounc.

Anonymous said...

Titus, ain't that the truth?! I think he was that way all along and fooled lefties and independents most times into thinking he wasnt as much of a mouth foaming rightist as the rest. He is.

JAL said...

Hubby asked about this story earlier "How was the White House pressuring them?"

Anyone know?

JAL said...
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JAL said...

My insurance guy's wife (the family works the business) told me their insurance increased and what they had before (with the additions of having to cover things like maternity et al :-P) is now $3000/month and a higher deductible.

Absolutely no one in the Administration really cared about how to do this or paid attention to the people who do.

Shouting Thomas said...

I'm hearing from high school classmates and friends all over the country that their insurance policies were canceled and that Obamacare doubles and triples their premiums.

Many are considering dropping insurance coverage and hoping they make it to Medicare without catastrophic healthcare issues.

I'm considering same. An increase of $6,000 a year in premiums might be better spent on doctor visit and meds. That increase means that my individual plan will cost $10,000 per year, as opposed to less than $4,000. Unless I'm hospitalized, I'm better off just paying my doctor and the pharmacy cash.

And, re that asshole Ritmo, I was receiving first class medical care under my old policy. Ritmo isn't interested in health. He's a toady and a cocksucker of the rich and powerful, pretending to be something else.

Shouting Thomas said...


What you are celebrating is your side getting its hands on a limitless source of graft.

Fr Martin Fox said...

Keep in mind, so-called "progressives" don't care about truth. They worship power.

So whether Obama and Co. lied to get this through? Shrug.

But he won, baby, he won! He's got the power! That sends a thrill down their leg.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Balls- the price tag for health insurance is going up all while many people are being forced out of the plans they like.

That's because enrollment hasn't risen enough to widen the pool. Yet. But you're a connie so changed future conditions are not things you can fathom.

Shouting Thomas said...


You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Your an idiot.

Like Inga, you're only interested in graft.

ndspinelli said...

ST, It's been proven, if you ignore the needy LPN or LSL, they go away. It's tough, but ignore. It's proven to work. Blast me if you have to instead.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Keep in mind, so-called "progressives" don't care about truth. They worship power.

Sounds like just the kind of thing you'd expect to be said by a guy who'd worship Hitler Youth, pedophile-protecting, Natuzzi Leather-preferring Pope Benedict (now hidden away in a likely very comfortable and no less lurid "retirement") and resents the hell out of the better example set by his eminently nobler, (and more progressive) successor.

Does acting like a jerk in public give you a thrill that the expectations of your office and pompous title don't?

Shouting Thomas said...

Ritmo, you're a dirty toady and grafter.

One of the lowest I've ever encountered.

The worst always try to cloak themselves in displays of empathy.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Your an idiot.

This is exactly the kind of statement that proves the the accuser guilty of his own accusation. And in JUST. THREE. SHORT. WORDS.

Quite an accomplishment - especially for someone who's accomplished as little as you have in life. When you were a tyke, did your absentee parents predict you'd be a professional braggart?

Thomas is to braggadocio what Hulk Hogan was to wrestling.

Shouting Thomas said...


You're probably right.

I'm a political inactivist by nature. But, the scope of this power grab, and the insatiable desire for graft that it represents, has me wondering whether it's time to do something.

ndspinelli said...

CBS did a piece that the first 2 days, 284..284 people signed up for Obamacare. The company that set this up has a running meter. But, when asked how many yesterday the lying sack o' shit executive w/ a whiskey voice testified under oath that she didn't know. NBC and CBS are doing investigative reports, the honeymoon may finally be over. Maybe.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ritmo, you're a dirty toady and grafter.

One of the lowest I've ever encountered.

I consider the source.

How much more than you did Myra (or whatever her name is) make? Even in a bad year?

Shouting Thomas said...


Pretty much says it all.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

BTW, although Thomas is too dumb to know that he probably meant to say "grifter", one dictionary actually has a definition other than gardener who splices trees together for his happy word. And the second one is this:

(British, informal) a hard worker.

(Collins Dictionary).

Having recently spent some time amongst Londoners much more polite, courteous and civilized than what sad Mr Thomas will ever know, I think I'll happily take that definition.

Shouting Thomas said...

If you want to fully understand the depth of Ritmo's shitheaded stupidity and corruption, this is a full explanation.

Government is Magic.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Dude, didn't you work as a home health aide? Study to be a nurse or something? Actually pretend to work in pharma (the sleaziest business of them all)? What's your beef… Did you get laid off from all those jobs or something?

Don't worry. Once the Tea Party destroys the GOP then the recovery will take off and you'll probably be able to achieve more satisfying employment than making video games once again.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The fact that a ranter advertises being quoted by Rush Limbaugh is disqualifying enough of any prospect for finding sane thought in what he says.

Shouting Thomas said...

I always enjoy seeing you defeated, Ritmo. When you start the stuttering and pointing, I've know I've won. It's very satisfying to defeat a completely corrupt, vicious moron like you.

Shouting Thomas said...

I'll even be magnanimous, you fucking moron, and let you have the last word.

Good night.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

In what event did you believe we just competed, then? You certainly win the IDIOTIC SORE LOSER award.

My words aren't vicious, they're just true, well reasoned, and politically vindicated.

They just sound vicious to you because you were too dumb, proud and blinkered to see them coming.

It's like what Harry Truman said about heat and kitchens. I think you need to get out of this one. Or find a better one for better people like you.

How are your Facebook arguments going?

Why do you even live in Woodstock? I think you love feeling enraged and surrounded by things and people that make you feel furious for not being decent enough to understand them.

Fr Martin Fox said...

Well, the other day I was wondering if any progressives would show up and defend the President.

Sure enough, Ritmo has arrived!

I'm sure all the progressive readers of this blog are thrilled to have him speaking for them.

Trooper York said...

You pretty much know you have struck a nerve when the left leg starts twitching spasmodically.

They should get that checked.

But I think their medical insurance was cancelled.

chickelit said...

@Fr Fox: Ritmo is our face of progressive Sullivanism: self-assured in its own ascent, profoundly unsure of whether it is repellent or attractive, and utterly uninterested in metrics to self-calibrate.

Shouting Thomas said...


I live in a very nice house on top the mountain in Woodstock because I can afford to... and you can't!

Trooper York said...

The proof of what a miserable failure Obama and his debacle of a healthcare plan can be seen how the rats are deserting the sinking ship. A bunch of Democrats are running for the exit and putting up bills to "let people keep the same healthcare plan."

No President has ever lied so bold faced to the American Public to sell an unpopular policy. If he told the truth that you would most likely lose your policy and pay a lot more it never would have passed.

Not Nixon. Not Bush. Not LBJ or JFK. Not even Clinton who was a Hall of Fame liar.

He is caught in the web of his own deceit.

Trooper York said...

I would say the last time somebody lied so disastrously was the Gulf of Tonkin resolution.

Now we are in another quagmire.

Trooper York said...

Although James Buchanan said he liked girls and William Howard Taft said he could see his penis past his belly fat so I guess there were bigger Presidential lies.

But "if you like you healthcare plan you can keep and nobody is going to take it away from you" is
right up there.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I live in a very nice house on top the mountain in Woodstock because I can afford to... and you can't!

And I haven't heard a former husband more proud of the bequest he received!

Seriously, man. Get a real job. Maybe put on leathers and ride your Harley for show in Vegas. You're an entertainer… or at least try to be one, right?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And I'm sure your colleagues are proud to have you speaking for them, Father Fox.

What kind of a man of the cloth goes all political over expanding the provision of health care to 40 million? Either a phony, or an asshat, that's who.

Your refusal to walk back your love of rigidly outdated Benedictine mores and veiled swipe at Francis is noted.

BTW, I heard an extravagant retired pope is looking for companions in his private oasis of luxury. Why not go attend to him?

Chickie: If I was as interested as you are in finding repellent things attractive, then I'd probably be as unassured and self-calibrated as you.

chickelit said...

No President has ever lied so bold faced to the American Public to sell an unpopular policy.

Troop: Obama tells "white lies" -- politically calculated fibs for majority ethnic groups for expedience's sake. It's kind of the inverse of what prior Presidents did. It worked for him because it fooled enough of them. So far, he been able to placate the media, but I think that is changing (slowly).

Fr Martin Fox said...

Gee, I pay Ritmo a compliment, and look...

Poor fellow.

Trooper York said...

Sorry Ritmo but this was just a bald faced lie. He knew that millions of people would not keep the same plan because they changed the goalposts. They added requirements as ludrious as demanding men have maternity coverage and woman prostate coverage.

He knew this was a lie and he said it over and over again to sell this bill of goods.

Or he didn't know the details of his own plan. That would make him a total incompetent.

So he is either venal or incompetent. You make the call.

Trooper York said...

This was not a "little white lie."

This was a lie in service of taking over a huge slice of our economy.

I do agree that the lapdog press will do nothing.

Trooper York said...
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Trooper York said...
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Trooper York said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You are not an honest man, Mr Fox. That was sarcasm that you now pretend to have paid as a compliment. How can your parishioners trust you? It's fine to joke around (maybe you're new at it or lack for other normal pleasures) but it's not very honorable to use it as a way to weasel out of a serious discussion about serious matters, unless you only play at taking them seriously, as well. Do you want to be trusted and present yourself in a way that leads people to respect what you claim to stand for or not?

Trooper York said...

Sorry. Blogger went crazy that time.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So he is either venal or incompetent. You make the call.

No, you can make the call. You hated him from the moment Dick Armey made Republicans fundable and electable for two more election cycles.

You can hate him and quibble over how evil you think his character is and I'll focus on making sure the website is functional enough by late November to add a few million to the rolls, which would then bring down the prices. It's like you'd prefer disaster just to make a point. Even Democrats tried to fix and work with Bush's poorly executed Medicare Part D. Republicans keep thinking destructive behavior will win them something… But destruction for destruction's sake (or venting's sake) with nothing constructive to add is still just simply, plain destruction.

chickelit said...

What I find utterly fascinating about your outlook on America, Ritmo is how you ignore practically everything outside of the Boston-NYC-DC axis. You really have no clue of what lies outside it. To you -- save for a couple cities like Chicago -- it really is all the New Confederacy. It's so (for lack of a better term). It's exactly what I'd expect a fresh-faced Oxonian to write and think about America; it's certainly not American in the de Tocqueville sense, nor even within Oscar Wilde's grasp of things American. It's as if it's somehow molded to fit something nonindigenous.

Shouting Thomas said...

What a pleasure it is to watch an evil toady and cocksucker like you exploding in vicious jealousy and hatred, Ritmo.

There is justice in this world!

Sorry for the reappearance, but I can't help but revel in watching you bust a gut. Those demon voices in your head keep goading you into fury.

Why you suffer from this karma, I do not know, but it seems well deserved.

Shouting Thomas said...

Sometimes, writers just get in a groove. This guy is hot.

Here's the source of the fury of the liberals who have been conned:

The loud outcry from those who supported ObamaCare only to discover that their policies are gone is that of the greedy mark who thought that he was cheating someone else, only to discover that he was the one being cheated all along.

Trooper York said...

You shouldn't try to fix something that is so evil and destructive.

That is what the Obama administration has always been.

It has been apparent to some of us for a long time.

The effective of this abomination are just being felt. They are the smallpox blankets that were given out free to the Indians before they got to have football teams named after them.

The chickens are just coming home to roost. The lies on things like the IRS, Benghazi and Obama
care are just being gingerly reported but the lapdog media.

It is not going to be pretty.

chickelit said...

@Ritmo: For example, that time we argued on my blog about the Oxford dude's opinion that not only climate change needed to be addressed by massive taxing of CO2 but also that America owed Africa a sizable wealth transfer. Nothing was ever spoken about accountability or anything. Nothing was spoken about self-determination for African people--about how it might be better for them to help themselves. No, it was just like a giant reparation was needed in order to set things straight.

Do you remember that conversation?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Sorry for the reappearance…

First self-aware ST comment ever.

I just don't like dishonesty and I don't like cruelty, ST. Sorry if you can't relate to that, but I don't destroy myself over my disdain for those things. I simply differ from you in choosing not to make friends of those things. The rest of my life proceeds perfectly well. I do well financially, professionally, socially, romantically, recreationally and with family. Why do you have to put others down? Do you actually have a real point to make or is it just about how you don't feel you've said something worthwhile unless you can direct rage and insult at anyone running afoul of your idea of social/ideological "perfection"? Maybe superficial things make you feel complete… Well, I shan't be apologizing for paying insufficient homage to your belief in phony esteem completers.

Perhaps you and Fr. Fox can tell us what you really think of Palladian and Chip Ahoy.

Trooper York said...

The Republicans owe Obama nothing. They owe the Democrats the back of their hand. They were continually demonized by Obama as terrorists and hostage takers for saying this crapfest wouldn't work and need to be delayed.

You reap what you sow.

chickelit said...

@Ritmo: I sometimes imagine that you must be stinking rich, because you think like Bono thinks (and I don't mean Cher's late ex).

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

CHicken, your point is actually the easiest to address. There was no argument between us then because you quoted a guy who spouted nonsense and crazy talk. Why some assumption that there's something he said that I needed to criticize? Because I could have criticized him more effectively and objectively? Quoting him was itself a straw man.

Anonymous said...

What is really and truly amazing is that they think they've had a victory of some sort. The rightist's outlook becomes more distorted every day.

chickelit said...

@Ritmo: I mean, you don't have a family to feed; you have "the poor" to feed. All of your cares appear to be abstractions.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You absolutely revel in dishonesty and cruelty, you lowlife fuck.

Sentences like these are funny in how self-aware and self-defeating they are. It's like listening to Otto in A Fish Called Wanda going, "You're the vulgarian, you fuck!"


Shouting Thomas said...

God, now the dumbass retreats into pretend pedantry.

When it comes to stupidity, avarice, viciousness, jealousy and plain horseshit personality, Ritmo, you have few equals.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You don't know that Pollo and you're wrong. I have a much bigger family than you'll ever know, if you really want to be personal about it. It leads to a sense of responsibility that sees beyond just two kids.

Shouting Thomas said...

What is really and truly amazing is that they think they've had a victory of some sort. The rightist's outlook becomes more distorted every day.

What's amazing is watching a cunt like you doing a victory dance over your side getting your hands on a shitload of graft, and imagining you are a saint.

You're just slobbering over your greed, Inga.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You reap what you sow.

Why not first try teaching Brooklynites to vote Tea Party and then I'll put some stock into these predictions regarding national politics.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Kevin Kline does a damn good Shouting Thomas.

chickelit said...

It's as if it's somehow molded to fit something nonindigenous.

That's it! It's like a dental impression. Your opinions of America fit like a perfectly converse impression of what it is. In a dental impression, the indigenous tooth is covered with a polymer which makes a perfect cast of it. Then, the ersatz tooth is cast as a replacement.

Shouting Thomas said...

Ritmo, you'll be here all night, alternating between vicious, jealous spasms and retreat into maudlin self-pity.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What in the fuck happened to you kid? Hit upside of the head with a brick before the fontanelle fully closed?

Being the sort of person you are, it's not surprising that this is the explanation you'd relate to.

At least it keeps you from realizing the emptiness of your phony political rage, right?

Does your rage keep you warm at night? Does it bother you when you hate people not as violent as you? Or do you intentionally seek out people that you resent for not being as violent as you are to harass?

chickelit said...

This was not a "little white lie."

I meant that it was a lie that he told to whites. Of course he told it to everybody, black, white and all shades in between but he had margins to call in elections.

Trooper York said...

The Tea Party will never get enough votes in Brooklyn because it is the epicenter of the hipster douchebag explosion.

Brooklyn is lost and I am looking for my exit strategy. The takers far outnumber the producers and our new mayor is an out and out Communist. Who will bring crime back to Dinkins levels.

The neighborhood I grew up in is gone forever. Never to come back.

Trooper York said...

See the post about people moving out of the North East to states with less taxes and less regulation.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Do these "takers" include the customers who helped make your wife's business prosperous?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

U.S. migration is a mug's game. Well, not really. Less successful people will find less competition in less talented, less populous places. Until those places become populous themselves and realize that they, too, desire regulation, more appreciation for and less judgment of their fellow man, and embrace all sorts of other liberal truths that keep them from killing and resenting one another.

Trooper York said...

Almost none of them shop in my store. I get mainly out of towners. Very very few from the neighborhood. Very few from Brooklyn itself. I never had a neighborhood clientele.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

But that raises an interesting dilemma. A business frequented by out-of-towners is almost like a part of the tourism industry, and the owner might not know if the same out-of-towners would flock in the same concentration to the business if it were in a more lightly populated, less touristic place.

chickelit said...

It's not a dilemma, Ritmo. Brooklyn has selling points. full stop. Troop's business is also "Bigger Than Brooklyn" because it's internet based. In a sense, it's branding. But you hate branding because it reminds you of the slave trade.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

@9:53 Fr. Martin Fox

That's it. That's everything.
Power. The destruction doesn't matter... they won!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Ingracrats won. Enjoy Detroit.

ndspinelli said...

April, Milwaukee is on deck, Newark in the hole.

Aridog said...

Lets not kid ourselves...Ingacrats and the like wouldn't last 5 minutes in Detroit. Detroit is a mess, but it is also a tough place and Pollyanna theorists don't usually make it never. Gangsters and corrupt politicians do.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Regarding health insurance. Insurance is not health care. Lets get that off of the table. Insurance is a product whereby you can have access to health care. Your health care needs are not the same as MY health care needs. So, I don't need to buy the same insurance as you do.

For instance (for the terminally stupid like Inga) I don't take drugs, I am never going to need maternity care, I don't need drug counseling or any other type of counseling, I don't need acupuncture or aroma therapy (a massage might be nice once in a while though), I don't need dental care other than the twice a year cleanings and annual xrays and haven't had a cavity or filling in at least 10 years. I don't have any urgent medical conditions that require me to see a doctor for anything other than routine annual check ups and mammogram etc. So.....The one size fits all Obamacare policies are useless to me.

Insurance is a product that you purchase and a RATIONAL person looks at the costs and what the product will do for them. For US personally a high deductible, catastrophic plan is the best. We can pay out of pocket for all of our current medical care and the only things we need covered are major unforeseen catastrophic illness....cancer, break a hip etc. Our current choice may be 'substandard' to some people, but it is OUR choice and suits us.

For example (again...Inga....listen up) The new and improved Obamacare policy will cost us about $1400 a month without subsidies. My husband will be covered by Medicare mid next year and will have a Med Sup plan then. The only thing that I know that I will be needing in the future is cataract surgery in a few years.

Economically, I can pay over $14,000 a year to go towards several hundred dollars of current needs or I can (or could have before Obamacare) pay much less for a catastrophic plan. I can bank the difference and save the money instead and take a trip to Belize or Costa Rica have a nice vacation and get my eyes 'done' for much less than the 2 years of insurance premiums paid to cover things that I will NEVER EVER need.

Which is the more rational economic choice? Pay for something you don't need and will never use? Save money for what you know you will need and cover the unforeseen and unlikely event at a much less cost?

Of course, we no longer HAVE any choices. I plan to pay the penalty for the time being until I am eligible for Medicare as well. It is a Hell of a lot cheaper than buying the Obama insurance. IF I break a leg.....I'll go see a Veterinarian. At least HE won't have to ask if I have guns in the house or about my sex life. The vets don't have to report all of their patient's personal information to the government :-)

Anonymous said...

And DBQ says, keep your government hands off my Medicare!

Aridog said...

Great must know then how the PPACA addresses Medicare and health care in general for those 65 and older. Does it offer supplemental coverage? If so, how what are the rates, etc.?

Please illuminate it for the rest of us, since the Kaiser Family Foundation seems to be unable to do so.

I will be more than happy to find out how Obamacare handles those over 64 years of age.

I will be delighted to learn I'm wrong about it, if I am.

Aridog said...

DBQ ...let me guess, the plan you are citing for about $17K per year is the "Silver" plan on your local exchange? You qualify for no tax credits (there is no subsidy per se), refundable or otherwise because you earn over $250K per year...oh, WAIT!! ...I mean you earn over $60K per year as a household.....I can't recall who told us about it being $250K.

Say hey, go for the "Gold"'s a mere $20K per year for a family of two.

Yeah, I have friends who are facing the same premiums here and out west.

Fr Martin Fox said...

Just sad.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I know Father. Helping the poor is such a sad thing. Please write to Benedict about it and he'll set you up in his luxury villa and you can whine together while stroking his sandal-clad feet and reclining on his Natuzzi leather sofas about how horrible things are now that there are more important things to care about than protecting pedophiles. You know, reminisce about the good old days.

deborah said...

Trooper, late to the party, and just saw Medea...I'm glad Leon has such a capable woman to look after him :) Thanks!