Friday, October 25, 2013

"Sebelius: ‘I Don’t Work For’ People Who Want Me to Resign"

“My goal is to actually get the website up and running,” she [Sebelius] told reporters. “The majority of people calling for me to resign I would say are people who I don’t work for and who do not want this program to work in the first place. I have had frequent conversations with the president and I have committed to him that my role is to get the program up and running and we will do just that.”

A group of 33 House Republicans on Wednesday sent a letter to President Obama calling for her resignation.

The Corner via Tweet (video at the link)


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

That's a bad faith hit piece, a lie, and it reflects poorly on The National Review which used to be better than that.

test said...

But they did fire a call center worker who spoke about callers' unhappiness with the plan offerings. So the person in charge of getting the whole thing to work isn't accountable for her complete and total failure. But someone who admits it isn't working right - which everyone knows already - is termed immediately. Interesting priorities.

Obamacare is failing because its supporters define success as passing a law, not delivering better insurance or enabling better healthcare.

ricpic said...

Anyone who opposes the vanguard is a WRECKER!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Calypso Facto said...

Well said, April.

I was only going to note that she could have accurately stopped after the word "work".

She has apparently failed at every technology implementation she's ever attempted. I bet her aides do her iPhone updates for her.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Behold the arrogance.

Settle down people, Sebelius doesn't work for the American people, she works for the king.

The King himself cannot stand half of the nation, and he uses reductio ad absurdum in his speeches to vilify the rest of the nation. Obama states clearly: If you want smaller more efficient government - Obama states in certain terms that you want NO government. That you want to DESTROY the government.
What childish hogwash.

NO, Obama, we want an honest government that respects the rule of law, governs all people, and respects the separation of powers.
We demand a government be transparent, be an honest broker and steward of the people's tax dollars. Instead we get arrogance. Instead we get petulance.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

spacing... Had to fix..

Calypso Facto said...

Just makes me look really prescient.

bagoh20 said...

Yea, you should be able to edit your own comments. For some reason I never see my mistakes until the comment is posted, and I screw up just about every one. I think there might be a place for me working for whoever Sebelius works for. I'm gonna call her and tell her her I can fix her dial up modem.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Sebelius should resign on her own.
Who are we kidding. The left don't possess any grace, humility or shame.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Thank you in advance, Calypso.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I will never get used typing in a small confined little box. Plus, I stink at proof reading.

It's good to have skillz.

If you can fix her dial up modem, Bagoh, you're in baby. You're golden. but I don't think Sebelius will understand and I hope you won't mind: She pays in bananas.

Trooper York said...

What was the lie Eric?

Or is my sarcasm detector not working?

edutcher said...

Considering her history on tech projects, the Silver Haired Angel of Death doesn't work very well at all.

AprilApple said...

Behold the arrogance.

Settle down people, Sebelius doesn't work for the American people, she works for the king.

She's one of his Consorts.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I was actually being sincere which is something I do occasionally.

She wasn't flipping the bird to the American citizenry. She wasn't flipping the bird to the ordinary people who are criticizing ObamaCare.

She observed correctly that she reports to the president not to the 33 House Republicans who signed onto the letter, which is political grandstanding worthy of the Democrats.

Maybe she's at fault and maybe she's not. Maybe she's arrogant and maybe she's not. I don't know and my opinion wouldn't count for much if I had one.

But I don't care at all for the left/right hate-fest. That's my beef.

If she's one of these there's-a-problem-let's-work-together-to-fix-it type of leaders then there's something about her worth admiring, at least on a personal level.

Why some people find it so entertaining to demonize people they disagree with politically is a growing trend on the right that I find disheartening. We should be more civil, if we want to get things done.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

The National Review used to concern itself with matter of policy, not personality.

test said...

Eric the Fruit Bat said...
I was actually being sincere which is something I do occasionally.

You didn't read the piece very carefully. They reported the letter's substance and Sebelius' response. The piece makes no characterizations about who is right.

If she's one of these there's-a-problem-let's-work-together-to-fix-it type of leaders then there's something about her worth admiring, at least on a personal level.

Clearly not the case since she and her cohorts are spending more time managing the politics with statements like "[Republicans] do not want this program to work in the first place."

Methadras said...

The Long Faced Crone has spoken. She doesn't have to deal with the little people, much less even acknowledge that they exist. After all her Magic Man has deemed that she stay and we kinda know how these interracial relationships go don't we?

Trooper York said...

That is so Rhino of you Eric. Sorry if it offends you sensibility but the constant attacks by the Democrats and the demonizing of people like Ted Cruz and the Tea Party deserves and equal response. No turning the other cheek. No "We are better than that." That's the Mitt Romney way. The Orrin Hatch way. The loser way.

We have to do it the Chicago way. The Dem's set the rules and we have to play by them.

No surrender.

Trooper York said...

This woman is one of the worst people in America. Read about her record with the abortion lobby and then tell me how we have to respect her.

She needs to be brought down for her incompetence alone let alone her arrogance.

deborah said...

"She's one of his Consorts."

Dude. Vestal virgin.

re Proofreading: rh once posted a method to avoid errors; change position to re-read before posting. Don't know what his source was, or if I remember correctly :)

I'm Full of Soup said...

Sebelius was a lobbtist for lawyers in her early career. She is the daughter of former governor or congress critter and the D-I-L of a late congress critter. So she is generally an incompetent lover of bigger govt and an even bigger lover of abortion according to Bill O'reilly. In summary, she has no obvious redeeming qualities or skills.

bagoh20 said...

I don't care who she works for, or what party she is in. She has a responsibility she agreed to, it's a very serious one, and she has failed to handle it in a spectacular fashion. If that does not deserve firing then nothing does. We'd fire her for a racist remark, but not screwing millions of citizens over and wasting half a billion dollars and three years work? Really? Does she have to say something true about Obamacare to get fired, because we've seen that that does it right quick.

Calypso Facto said...

Does she have to say something true about Obamacare to get fired

Or she could just Tweet criticism of Valarie Jarrett; that's apparently an effective way to get the ax too.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Come now. The major democrat power-brokers are not responsible for their actions and/or their failures.

Look at Hillary and Benghazi.

That alone should disqualify her from ever showing her face in public. The shame would force any normal human into embarrassed seclusion. Instead she's lecturing the blind faithful with her endless empty campaign themes.

The media pop-cult complex insist we judge democrats on their good intensions and slick empty rhetoric. Get in line, or you're a terrorist hostage taking tea bagger.

deborah said...

I have to think she is just a figurehead of Obama, and his advisors are completely responsible for the roll out and any progress or lack of progress on the tech end. Sebelius is just rent-seeking cut-out.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

We should be more civil, if we want to get things done.

~99.9% of the things that could get done by the Republicans being more civil are things that I don't want done.

bagoh20 said...

If you can stand by and watch millions of people be hurt the way Obamacare is doing, and then be concerned with civility first while the ones destroying people are as uncivil as they can possibly be, then your mind and heart is lost in a fog.

Methadras said...

Civility is the doorway to being attacked.

Rabel said...

“The majority of people calling for me to resign I would say are people who I don’t work for and who do not want this program to work in the first place."

Majority? So some number of people she does work for are calling for her to resign? Who are those people and why does she "work for" them?

I think that she was referring to Republicans and saying that she works for the Democrats.

That's not the way it's supposed to work, is it?

Lydia said...

I think it's maybe a mistake to focus on Sebelius because it makes it seem that the fiasco is mainly her inability to get a website up and running. While, in truth, all of ObamaCare is a disaster, especially the sharp rise in the cost of premiums, people losing their policies and their doctors, etc. Sebelius could be just the distraction Obama's looking for.

Methadras said...

Lydia, why do you think i called him her Magic Man?

Revenant said...

Behold the arrogance. Settle down people, Sebelius doesn't work for the American people, she works for the king.

With all due respect: she really DOES work for Obama and not for the American people.

Look at the Constitution. The executive branch of government is the President. The Cabinet officials serve the President, NOT the American people. They exist to help him do his job -- he delegates portions of his executive responsibility to them.

They are not, and are not supposed to be, answerable to voters. The person answerable to the voters is the President.

bagoh20 said...

Unless Obama pays her salary personally, she works for us who do.

Methadras said...

bagoh20 said...

Unless Obama pays her salary personally, she works for us who do.

Technically, she's an unelected official and is a member of the presidential cabinet, therefore, she really isn't beholden to the people.