Wednesday, October 23, 2013

"Let Me Make This Perfectly Clear...

...If you like your healthcare plan you can keep your healthcare plan."

This was some chirbit advice given to Freeman Hunt a few months ago in response to something she wrote here or at Althouse. I think the message is more widely applicable.

[click on the green play arrow at the link]


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Leonard Nimoy, is that you?

ndspinelli said...

You're no Rich Little, or even Dan Ackroyd.

edutcher said...

I see they're trying to protect Choom with the Sergeant Schultz defense.

Don't think it's gonna fly this time.

chickelit said...

What did you say, Nick? My ear is full of tin.

Michael Haz said...

Where are the dog photos? I was told that a serious blog that features 'writing' must have dog photos as mot less than one-third of its topics

The Dude said...

EPR has tinnitus.

KCFleming said...

Plus dog marriage posts.

And racist dogs where you can see they spelled the some letters from the n-word with their pee.

Plus dog splooge. Those stooges!

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

It's not easy looking like servant and master at the same time.

The rule of Lemnity said...

'Inside the bowels' is a most promising new comer.

Freeman Hunt said...

Ha ha ha! That is a most excellent impersonation.

Icepick said...

"Plus dog splooge. Those stooges!"

I'm not sure if this is a step up, down or sideways from licking dog balls. Probably more a spurt than anything.

rcocean said...

I detect some anti-dogism MH. Don't you believe in inter-species diversity? I hope you don't believe in people supremacy, and mankind privilege.

I think there's a class at UW that will get your mind right.

rcocean said...

And good news. McCain may run re-election in 2016.

I hear he's practicing his "Just, build the dang fence" line for the Repub primary.

chickelit said...

Lem said...
'Inside the bowels' is a most promising new comer.

Lem, that's your tag. I just found it and reused it. I did add "levity" and "chirbit."

rcocean said...

By almost every measure, whites are more economically conservative than blacks and Hispanics. Surveys conducted over 36 years by American National Election Studies have found that blacks, by margins of 2 or 3 to 1, believe that government should “see to it that every person has a job and a good standard of living,” while whites, by margins nearly as large, believe that “government should just let each person get ahead on their own.”

chickelit said...

Let us then look to Africa or greater Hispania for shining examples of government giving everyone a good job and a good standard of living.

chickelit said...

Guys like Ritmo will always point to places like Denmark to emulate.

chickelit said...

Perhaps Venezuela is the place lefties want to emulate--think energy independence. Venezuela has dropped off the news radar. What is going on there?

edutcher said...

Someone observed that, while the Choomcare site is a disaster, there isn't a porn site in the world that doesn't work.

Icepick said...

Guys like Ritmo will always point to places like Denmark to emulate.

Well, first we'd have to import tens of millions of Danes, instead of tens of millions of Mexicans. (Don't ask me where you'd find that many Danes. You'd probably have to outsource the manufacture to China.) But that's probably not what he means.

Lydia said...

From an October 18-20 Gallup poll on Obamacare, this is just plain depressing:

"Support for the law is growing among Democrats and independents. Eighty-three percent of Democrats now approve, up twelve points since August and 39 percent of independents approve, up from 34 percent in August."

Chip Ahoy said...

That does sound like Nixon.

Birches said...


McCain won't run again. But if he is dumb enough to try, I hope that the AZ Repubs put up a better primary alternative than JD Hayworth.

When you're pushing an egotistical blowhard as an alternative to another egotistical blowhard, well, better to go with the devil you know. That's why McCain won his last Senate primary.

rcocean said...


The problem wasn't Hayworth- its AZ Repubs, who whine and complain about McCain for 5 years years and then renominate him - this has happened in 2004, 2010, and will happen again in 2016 if he runs.

The enablers always have an excuse.

rcocean said...

And what a great Nixon Impression!

Ignorance is Bliss said...

edutcher said...

Someone observed that, while the Choomcare site is a disaster, there isn't a porn site in the world that doesn't work.

That's not really a fair comparison. The porn sites only have to play back pre-recorded videos of young, healthy people getting screwed. has to actually screw the young healthy people all by itself.

sakredkow said...

Where are the dog photos? I was told that a serious blog that features 'writing' must have dog photos as mot less than one-third of its topics

I would like to see more Bob Dylan posts here if you please.