Sunday, October 27, 2013

"All the Wrong People Are Getting Obamacare"

"The state insurance exchanges have been the highlight of a so far dismal rollout process for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. When Obamacare's supporters are challenged on the law's merits, that’s where they point to show that the new insurance markets can work -- if governors are committed to making them work."

But a CBS News report discusses a growing source of disquiet: In almost half the states with exchanges, the overwhelming majority of enrollments are coming from Medicaid, not the new insurance markets -- 87 percent in Washington, 82 percent in Kentucky and, last time I looked, 100 percent in Oregon (which delayed opening its insurance exchange in order to work out technical bugs). The Medicaid expansion side of the bill seems to be working fine in the states that opted for the expansion. But the private insurance side doesn’t seem to be getting a lot of pickup...

... [W]e shouldn’t be too worried about this just yet. In the early days of the program, who would we expect to be rushing to sign up? People who have had long-time difficulties in obtaining insurance.

If we don’t see a spike in purchases starting on the day after Thanksgiving, we should get really, really worried. But that’s still a long way off.

Portions of an article by Bloomberg's Megan McArdle , via Instapudit

ObamaCare's Weather Update: Half a milllion Californians could lose their health care under Obamacare next year


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

We wouldn't be having any of these problems, today, if only we'd have let Hillary succeed back in 1994.

Damn that Harry and Louise!!!

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

So instead of expanding access, Obamacare is reducing coverage.

Instead of affordability, premiums are skyrocketing. And now, we have more people on the government portion the "plan" than ever before. Nice going, democrats.

Shouting Thomas said...

Uh... Thanksgiving is 5 weeks away.


Everything is going according to plan. And, I'm saying that for real.

The graft is rolling in.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I do agree that democrats want every American on some form of government assistance. Even if it isn't necessary.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Agreed - Obama resents that some people have better insurance than Medicaid and he does not care that they have better insurance because they pay for it.

I'm Full of Soup said...

The amazing thing is:

1-Obama and Sebelius had to know the system was not ready and would be a disaster if rolled out on Oct. 1
2- The Repubs were clamoring for a delay.
3- Obama, if he were smart, could have agreed to a date-certain delay and if he had, he would have had time to fix the system and no one would have known how unprepared it was.
4- And Obama and his big govt dreams would not be getting embarrassed as we speak.

Icepick said...

If I had known this was an "inside the bowels of", well, pretty much anything post I probably would not have read it. I don't want to be inside of any bowels.

Michael Haz said...

5-The media is not rally holding Obama accountable for this clusterfuck. There's an occasional harsh word, but really, not more than a slight disappointment.

6-Nancy Pelosi apparently does not need to answer tot he half million Californians who will lose their medical insurance, even though it is largely her fault.

7-No one will be surprised when in December, kind and loving Barry says "look, we cant have folks without insurance, so beginning tomorrow you all can sign up for Medicare."

chickelit said...

Icepick said...
If I had known this was an "inside the bowels of", well, pretty much anything post I probably would not have read it. I don't want to be inside of any bowels.

Sausages are encased in intestine, and most folks scarf them down just fine.

Lem is just giving you a different POV of sausage making.

edutcher said...

Bug or feature?

As things exist, the mess collapses of its own weight because nobody with money is paying into it.

PS AJ, there was a piece yesterday, on Insta IIRC, that basically said Choom is oblivious to all this because he refuses to surround himself with anything but syncophants.

YMMV, of course.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Haz- I am with you in the frustration that the MSM is downplaying this fiasco which makes my last point null and void.

Edutcher- I believe that is part of Obama's socialist DNA.

bagoh20 said...

"If we don’t see a spike in purchases starting on the day after Thanksgiving, we should get really, really worried. But that’s still a long way off."

And by then we will have come up with a new line of bullshit that will likely blame the Republicans, the private sector, and the Tea Party. I mean they told us along this would happen, so they must have planned it and made it happen. They're really stupid, but incredibly powerful and stealthy too, and really stupid, and, and....racist.

Paddy O said...

"Half a milllion Californians could lose their health care under Obamacare next year"

My family among them. We got a letter from our insurance broker saying our insurance is canceled and that we needed to choose a new obamacare plan (in so many words).

Fortunately--a miracle really--a position opened up in the middle of the semester, and I now have a 1 year contract with benefits. It starts January 1. So, we're not caught in this loop of disaster for the time being.

Reality is going to hit California hard. We talk about those low information voters really propelling this administrations goals. The hopey dreamy people who don't care about details just want their stuff or just want other people to give other people stuff.

That's going to hit home in 2014. These same low information voters aren't paying attention now, probably not about the website problems or other issues. They may not even realize they have to go through any new paperwork or application process. They will show up for medical care expecting it just to be covered, as that's what the boiled down rhetoric has suggested.

Paddy O said...

Obama hates poor and sick people. That's what it really boils down to.

If you want to feed the hungry, you don't give them stale bread or rotten meat. Unless you really despise them.

Anyone defending the present approach is the same. Defend Obama on this, and you hate the poor. That doesn't mean cheering Republicans, but it does mean being honest with how those in present need really do require working systems.

This really, sadly, the continuation of so much community organizing. It doesn't matter if people are actually helped, all that matters is the rhetoric of intending to help helps boost one's own ambitions and sense of self.

It's very sad. Especially sad because those who truly do care and want to help are co-opted and become tools of corruption.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Paddy - congrats on the new job!

betamax3001 said...

Convert the Poor into Fossil Fuels.

bagoh20 said...

I don't think he hates the people being hurt - he just doesn't care. He has never cared about anyone that doesn't further his personal advancement.

He left people in his community organizing worse off. He helped to blow $387 million Annenberg dollars before abandoning the project to failure midstream to run for Illinois Senate, which he then abandoned to run for U.S. Senate, which he then abandoned to run for President. He doesn't fix things - he uses problems as stepping stones that he never solves or even improves before moving on to the next opportunity for self-promotion.

He never cared about the uninsured, and sure as hell doesn't now. He only cares how this makes him look personally. He won't fix this thing either. He will leave the mess behind. That's what he does. He never gets involved past the point of campaigning for a job, then standing their sucking up it's gravitas, only to move on before the work starts. He can't really move up from where he is now, or he would have already, so he will just rope-a-dope the rest of the way through, blaming everyone but himself. Again, he never did anything beyond selling another one of his long list of failures. This one, a program he and nobody else even understood. All he cared about was that it was called "Obamacare", and was a "great accomplishment". The destruction is just the price the rest of must pay for his ambition and trophy polishing.

So why would he do that with a policy that is going to be such a massive failure?

Answer: He's stupid, and lazy, and thus has fallen like a 19 year old for a foolish long-failed ideology which he hoped to ride effortlessly to glory.

We chose poorly. Very, very poorly.

Mumpsimus said...

Obama, if he were smart, could have agreed to a date-certain delay and if he had, he would have had time to fix the system and no one would have known how unprepared it was.

Not only that, he could have demanded some concession or quid-pro-quo from the Republicans in return for the delay -- a no-brainer for any competent politician. Did he really not know about the problems? That would mean his close advisors are, in fact, afraid to bring him bad news. That is a recipe for doom.

BTW, according to Mark Steyn, CGI also made a complete balls-up of the Canadian national firearms registry.

Paddy O said...

Thanks, AJ!

You're right, Bagoh. At some point, though, not caring becomes malicious, I think. It's not active hate, it's passive.

Those who vote for such a person, whose apathy becomes a hallmark, can't say the same thing. They support someone who doesn't care, which is them actively preventing people who do care from fixing problems and filling roles.

bagoh20 said...

In reading about the failed Chicago Challenge, I was struck by this:

"Annenberg ignored criticism from conservatives that he was wasting his money on public schools—he believed that government had a responsibility to educate its citizens and that the nation could not walk away from its public schools. Annenberg also ignored criticism from within the education and philanthropic worlds that after five years the Challenge had not produced measurable reform—he hoped that good would come of his gift, but was realistic and doubted he would ever see any concrete, measurable results. For Annenberg that was not the point—his goal was to spur communities and other donors into action—and in that he was not disappointed, with the Challenge raising an additional $600 million from foundations, businesses, universities and individuals." ~Wikipedia

That mindset is broken and really is the seed of so much of our failure to fix things with money though government.

If you spend money with no concern for results, then of course the money will disappears along with the results. If all you care about is feeling good and getting credit for trying, then unearned credit is the only thing produced.

Thus we have the Democrats' electoral power being based entirely on getting credit for things that are fiscal failures, where they get credit for caring, and trying alone, while the people voting for them get worse and worse off. Like Obama, they move from failure to failure like stepping stones in a rising stream, with us behind them standing in the water.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

He doesn't fix things - he uses problems as stepping stones that he never solves or even improves before moving on to the next opportunity for self-promotion.

That's exactly right. The democrat elite and Obama in particular are walking economic wrecking balls. We are not to judge them on results, only their good intentions and soaring rhetoric.

The left's donors, cronies and unions are all stuffed with our tax dollars while they hide behind "it's for the children".
The media then step in to cover for the failures and point blame at a manufactured distraction or strawman. Ted Cruz. Tea Party. Sarah Palin. Fox News... or some made-up lie about a racial slur that never happened and nobody caught on tape. It's gotten so absurd, the left are now manufacturing burning crosses.

deborah said...


"7-No one will be surprised when in December, kind and loving Barry says "look, we cant have folks without insurance, so beginning tomorrow you all can sign up for Medicare.""

Correct! A back door into what they wanted all along. That would be a default two-tier system of the haves and have-nots, though...right?

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I'm surrounded by left and lefter.
These people are mildly agitated when progressive promises do not work out, but they never make the connection. The are true believers to the very end. and... eeek! Tea party!

This is where the doom lives. The blind faithful who refuse to ever hold the people they vote for to account.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

ot: Democrats are trying really hard to turn CO into CA.

bagoh20 said...

What part of the country do you live in, April?

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Really glad to hear your good news, Paddy.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Bagoh -I live in Boulder Colorado.
Eastern edge. I love it and hate all at the same time.

bagoh20 said...

" I love it and hate all at the same time."

Oh, then it is just like California.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I think so... But no ocean.
We are about to have an election for city council. The choices are: left and lefter.

It's hilarious to watch them fall all over themselves promising that they understand business. They do not. They are a pack of control freak ninnies. Sadly, control freak ninnies seem to be the only type of people who want to go into government.

Not that you don't know this first hand.
How's the day look in Playa Del Ray?

bagoh20 said...

A cold low pressure system is comming in from the north Pacific, and will bring our first good rain since spring tomorrow. Right now it's overcast and all fogged in here at 61 degrees. I got a fire going in the fireplace just to get in the mood for blustery weather, which I miss right now.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Your cold front hits here tomorrow. Thanks a lot! ;)

I better get off my butt and enjoy the nice day. The warm days they are a'dwindlin'.

Paddy O said...

Thanks, AprilApple!

This process has contributed to my lack of blogging as I've been swamped with taking over added responsibilities. But, it's been contributing to vocational progress. And maybe after a little while of being swamped with prepping and teaching new classes, I'll be able to have some time to blog again and post pictures of dogs.

Paddy O said...

bagoh, good California weather.

Lovely 70 degrees and sunny here on the eastern outskirts of LA county. Drove into Pasadena and fog this morning.

Aridog said...

Haz and Deborah ... you are, of course, aware that there is NO provision in Obamacare for anyone over 64 years of age...Medicare part A is the presumed default. No Part B (premium is deducted, no means test) or Supplemental (private insurance or exchange) coverage is addressed. In fact, the supplmental issue is attacked by Obamacare to cut Medicare funding to fund part of Obamacare. Screw you all you useless old fucks out there.

I apologize to Obama and his clan for all the 65+ citizens like myself who have the sheer audacity to not fucking die already.

Michael Haz said...

Ari - I know, believe me, I know .

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Paddy - vocational progress trumps blogging. I know this makes me TOP-ish - but, I'm always down for some fun dog posts.

deborah said...

Ari, do you have a link for that?

Aridog said...

Deborah ...just go to Kaiser Family link. Try the subsidy calculator and see if you can find an age level above age 64.

Note: the section about Medicare and Part D does not mention the PPACA anywhere.

deborah said...

Thanks Ari, I'll check it out.