Saturday, September 28, 2013

Breaking Bad

For Deb.

This is a homeless man who is given a sandwich and does impressions of B.B. characters, after Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Everyone does better Arnold than that.. I have no idea if he does well with the characters or not. So to compensate for that shortcoming of uncertainty, here's another. 

But wait a minute first.

His beard is cleanly cut for a homeless guy. I talk to a lot of homeless people, he doesn't look like any of them.  His eyebrows trimmed. Nice haircut. He seems too clean.

Ah. That was easy. [homeless impressionist fake]  huffingtonpost exposes this chicanery, this folderol, this poppycock . 

Must everything be LIES ALL LIES !?  So, was the liar good? 

Back to the uncertainty compensation video, Happy Toast did this. He is the guy who drew Batman punching the Penguin so hard poo flies out with the poo labeled such, xeroxed and used for a birthday card and passed to a 6 year old at his birthday dinner at a restaurant in London. Upon noticing the poo, the boy fell out laughing and could not stop. He gave it to his mother she rolled her eyes, his sister read it and laughed, then Father laughed, then that finally caused Mother to laugh and the whole table was cracking up because the boy could not' stop, he was having a fit, and the whole thing amused the nearby table who caught the infection of childish laughter at poo flying out of the penguin until the whole section of restaurant was laughing uncontrollably.

Oh, that was easy to find too. [batman punches penguin]

His cartoon legs are pegs, for ease of drawing feet, I suppose, and the premise here is Celebrity Breaking Bad. 

I haven't a clue what is going on there. 


Icepick said...

Weirdly, I think I do know what's going on in that video. I find that disturbing.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I see homeless people all the time. That man, with his perfectly clean body and hands and a full mouth of teeth - is not a homeless man.
A beard? That's your homeless disguise? If you want to disguise yourself as homeless, you need to actually sleep on the streets for a few weeks.

Icepick said...

April, in recent years I have noticed a distinct improvement in the quality of homeless people in Orlando. Many homeless here would associate with someone this scroungy.

Icepick said...

The improved quality of homeless people is another sign of 'our' 'improving' economy.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Icepick - the opposite here. More and more homeless, and they seem down and haggard.

Of course I could be confusing the hippies with the homeless. The homeless smell better.

bagoh20 said...

I caught a couple episodes of Breaking Bad a few years ago, and thought this is great, but I want to watch it from the start, so I have avoided it. Now I really want to watch it, but that's a lot of episodes. I need a mind meld or something to get me caught up.

Last year I watch the entire series of Battleship Gallactica on Hulu after never seeing an episode. I really enjoyed it, but it took a lot of time and dedication, and listening to the same 3 commercials about 2000 times each. I couldn't get those damned jingles out my head for months. I still never bought anything advertised either, so think that over advertisers. You're wasting your money and my time.

chickelit said...

That guy's Schwartzenegger imitation sucks. I think mine was even better: link

deborah said...

omg, thanks Chip...I'm honored.

Yeah, his Schwartzenegger stinks, and his Walt isn't that great. Nor is his Flynn, but lol anyway. The Mike and Jesse are good.

Yeah, I'm noticing a lot of phony videos. Like the girl who flipped back onto the glass coffee table. My gut said it was fake, but who would flip onto a glass table? Then I hear they had professional help.

Icepick said...

Then I hear they had professional help.

They HAD professional help, or they NEEDED professional help? There's a difference....

The Dude said...

I do a Flynn imitation that is better than that, but we cannot make fun of him, or else!

Plus, that looks like some sort of time warp homeless version of me - I have a picture of me in '79 and I look just like that. That's scary.

It is, however, heartening to know that should I become homeless I will be able to trade my awesome impression skills for a sandwich. And maybe some meth. YO, BITCH!

deborah said...

Sixty, that pretty much clinches my theory that you're of Scot-Irish extraction.

Both, Icepick :)