Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Saudi editor sentenced to 7 years and 600 lashes

For founding an internet forum that offends Islam and expounds liberal thought.

Raif Badawi

600 lashes with what? That has got to destroy your back, completely shred it. Why so many? Is the point to kill him? I do not understand this at all.

But I do know this photo of Riyadh is very psychologically revealing.


vza said...

This is the country we have supported with sales of arms in the billions. This is our ally.
Is it any wonder we are often considered hypocrites when we preach about freedom and democracy to the rest of the world?

edutcher said...

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;

What it's really about.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Even a tongue-lashing that took that long would kill you.

Basta! said...

They're *supposed* to mete the penalty out 50 lashes at a time per week, but who knows if they stick to the rules.

Probably not, as the punisher is also supposed to hold a copy of the Koran under the arm that's doing the flogging, to lessen the force of the blows, but there are pictures of Sharia floggings on-line, and in none that I've seen is there anything impeding his swing.

rhhardin said...

I'd just turn off his comments.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

I lived in Riyadh when I was a girl. My mother once got in a argument with our dad, hopped in the car and peeled out from our compound. She was gone for 30 minutes-the longest 30 minutes of my life. Of course women are not allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia, and she hadn't even stopped to put on the hijab and abaya she always wore over her blond American self, so I was certain that she had been arrested.

In other news--the picture in the linked article is total Titus bait.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

*with my dad. Contrary to the suggestion of that grammar, my mom and I do not share a father.

Basta! said...

Ooh, there was just a case of a Saudi woman who was bagged driving and sentenced to 10 lashes. There was sufficient international outcry about it that the king personally intervened to drop the penalty. Your mother was lucky.

Did you have to wear the bag too, or do girls get a pass?

The pics of Riyadh look horrifying, not a tree in sight.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Dark Ages... They live, and the US is attempting to return to them through Detroit, Gosnell and Huma/Hillary!

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I do not think you get 600 all at once, but it is pretty severe regardless.

edutcher said...

600 at one time would probably kill you.

roger said...

he is pretty

roger said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
William said...

Flogging used to be standard practice in the British army and navy. It was considered unmanly to cry out while you were being flogged.

bagoh20 said...

People tend to love the nation they were born to, and I'm no exception. Is there any accident of birth as fortunate as being American?

Chip Ahoy said...

Basta!, that's exactly what I thought. My first reaction was to add blotches of green here and there concentrating in a triangle shape at the top of the central architecture.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I once had a law professor who told the class, "Like it or not, you're all going to be in the justification business."

john said...

I wonder what the penalty is for infidel smootches.

Amartel said...

600 lashes.
Do they just keep on lashing after the guy's already dead?
What's the lash protocol?
Stop just before he dies, tidy him up for a few weeks, then back at it?
Doesn't that make the 7 years sentence kind of, erm, unnecessary?

Amartel said...

SA is a disaster area. All the money goes to the 10,000 or so royals who keep the peace with America to further their financial interests and to bail their asses out militarily/strategically from the Shiites and Sunni hardliners. They would be toast if we tapped into our own natural and readily available and plentiful resources. So, global warming. Cooling. Climate change. You know what I mean. It's green. (The flag, the ideology, and most importantly of course, the money.)

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Just imagine how many lashes Hillary Clinton would impose if she ever got her hands (again) on Huma Abedin.

How dare Huma and Anthony Weiner disrespect the Clintons!

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

May the Saudis get what is coming to them too...

Lydia said...

Wikipedia says the name Riyadh means "The Gardens," so there must be some greenery there. Probably short, stubby stuff, not unlike the Joshua trees that characterize the Antelope Valley north of Los Angeles.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Just 600 lashes?

Given how much liberal thought has ruined America, 600 can't be nearly enough.

It's too liberal a punishment.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

How dare Huma and Anthony Weiner disrespect the Clintons!

Tell me about it, right?

I'm telling you, the scariest thing about 2016 is the Clintons. Get an (R) with broad appeal, and make ads showcasing Hillary to be twice the fascist you thought Barack was.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

When we lived there there was some greenery in our compound, but not much. I do remember the international school I attended having some trees and several garden areas, probably maintained at great expense and trouble.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

I clearly remember date palms.

Freeman Hunt said...

A friend of mine is moving to Saudi Arabia this month.