Sunday, January 12, 2025

On Flames & Blame



MamaM said...

If you haven't seen this story yet, it's a good one.

The line that stood out to me was this: His 24-year-old student son, also called Chester Griffiths, added: “This has all been, honestly, under the leadership of my dad.

“He’s been preparing for this for so long. He’s a champion, he has a warrior mentality.”

edutcher said...

It's intersting how dissent (Lurch's highest form of patriotism) is now disinformation (which must be censored) and unity is invoked when the public is on to the Demos' shenanigans.

In particular, Brandon's incessant yelling, "We're the United States of America and we can do anything*. If we're united".

*Until the Demos dislike the idea because a Repoublican is getting the credit or a Communist regime might actually be toppled.