Saturday, January 20, 2018

The New Prurient Prudes

Watch Niall Ferguson overrule Stephanie Ruhle:

h/t Mary Beth at TOP

Doesn't Stephanie Ruhle sound exactly like Megyn Kelly used to sound?


ricpic said...

"Look at the Market. They're basically saying 'Words don't matter, I like these policies.'"

Well, DUH!

She doesn't even realize it, but she's admitting that Trump's an EFFECTIVE president. The dumb bint. I mean this cipher, not Trump.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

lol at the end. Her voice chilled down to NPR clam. "No.. need... to... tell... me... to chill...., Niall."

Uh -really? You seem tense.
I spent some time yesterday with a real estate agent who hates Trump. He's reading the Fury book and thinks says it's all true. *I said no - it's mostly wish fact and BS thread with half-truths. No no - it's all true, he insisted.
Leftist are confirmation bias seekers. I told him I hate Hillary and he had no idea how anyone could hate her. I said - she's corrupt, she lies, she uses the government as a personal enrichment scheme. Nope - does not compute to leftwing hiveminder. These people are so obsessed with eating their own stomach lining over Trump.
They are all convinced he's going to start WWIII.

chickelit said...

"Condescension not needed"

Her words should have been conjugated in the reflexive. The admonition mostly applies to herself.

edutcher said...

I'll bet she didn't worry about hateful when Willie was renting out the Lincoln Bedroom and banging interns.

The Dude said...

Just another Niall in the coughin', eh? Why does he uptalk? I couldn't listen to either one of those heads and I am thankful I have no tv broadcast into my domicile.

chickelit said...

I liked Ferguson in that clip. That's why I gave it the "finding good in liberals" tag.

chickelit said...

That tag has some of my best posts, IMO.

Yes, I don't really mind my own smell.

bagoh20 said...

She actually says at one point when trying to argue that Trump is bad and Clinton was decent:

"We're talking about common decency. We're talking about disgraceful, repugnant behavior in the highest office in the land."

Holy shit! The blindness is unbelievable. In that office Trump said some words they don't like, while Clinton got a blowjob from, and inserted cigars into the vagina of, his young intern, IN THAT OFFICE.

She never even considered what she was saying and arguing. It was just blind hate and emotion that makes her unable to even see what is so incredibly obvious as soon as she says it. The derangement is deep and blinding. I was waiting for him to bring up what Clinton did in "the highest office in the land." Sadly he didn't, but that would have been devastating, and it would have shut her up instantly. Dammit, that would have been awesome.

chickelit said...

Bags, did you notice how she leaned forward and narrowed her eyes at the camera? Ferguson just leaned back and chilled. He could have absolutely destroyed her on that "decency" point you raised.

bagoh20 said...

I know they have to look back at their clips and critique themselves. Are they unable to see what we do? I'm amazed every day at how unhinged the media is. It's like listening in on the TV room at a mental institution.