Sunday, January 14, 2018

Obama's propaganda preference


edutcher said...

Actually, people who listen to NPR live in another dimension.

AllenS said...

Sounds like most people from Chicago aren't happy about this land grab.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

O-man - will you open up the doors to your people? Think of all the homeless that would fit in there.

Chip Ahoy said...

The inspector general assigned to look into FBI was precluded from examining the DOJ by a 52 page objection produced by a female lawyer. Then the commission allowed him to examine DOJ activity as it related to FBI and the dossier.

Tomorrow the inspector general is scheduled to turn over his results and it is exceedingly damaging. Last week he jumped his schedule and released one million pages of results that are already being combed by the commissions.

Only Fox has reported on findings so far. They are damaging to Obama administration. Obama is attempting to poison the well. And that does work on his supporters who already harbor a very strong bias against Fox News. They cannot even say the name. You never see them write it correctly. To be fair, Trump supporters do the same thing with CNN. But now the ex-president is attempting to discredit the one most common news source that he knows will report important information far more damaging than Watergate. The real actual original Watergate that destroyed the reputation of the Nixon administration, not the thousands of something-gates that followed. Worse, far worse, very far worse, than all that.

And the Fox News reporting has only begun. It all gets more terrible from here.

Dan Bongino interviews Sara Carter who launches deep state countermeasures by positing Christopher Steele, Fusion GPS and Hillary Clinton were all fooled by Russian disinformation. They know Democrat voters will accept that while observers with at least two brain cells to rub together will laugh at the squirming. Here is Sara Carter giving that woefully lame @ss explanation a test run. Since a million pages of findings is too much for people, for partisan voters stuck in their ways, a simplified exculpatory explanation is welcomed. And it will be only Fox News delivering the facts. While CNN, MSNBC, ABC et alia will be covering RACISM, RACISM RACISM, RACISM, RACISM, RACISM, RACISM, RACISM, RACISM, RACISM, RACISM, RACISM, RACISM, RACISM, RACISM, RACISM, RACISM, RACISM, RACISM, RACISM, RACISM, RACISM, RACISM, RACISM, RACISM, RACISM, RACISM, RACISM, RACISM, RACISM, RACISM, RACISM, RACISM, RACISM, Trump doesn't even have a dog, RACISM, RACISM, RACISM, RACISM, RACISM, RACISM, RACISM, RACISM, RACISM, RACISM, RACISM, RACISM, RACISM, All previous presidents had a dog, RACISM, RACISM, as they do. Because that is the air their viewers breathe.

Buckle your seatbelts. We're entering turbulence. The kind of sustained turbulence that makes you go, "goddamn, now that the shaking shows the gaps in the fuselage sections I see this whole airplane is just one big flying mobile home."

Amartel said...

These presidential libraries are getting to be too much like monuments, like the ones the pharaohs built for themselves. It's ridiculous. This awful monstrosity isn't even going to house presidential papers, so what IS the point of it? If it's not a library? And (I'm just assuming the point is political and stupid) why do we have to pay for that point? After you're done presidentin' just give your presidential papers to the Smithsonian and get your supporters to build you a palace with THEIR funds.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Chip, you have perfectly captured Barack Obama's gait.

Amartel said...

Looks like a speed walker.