Sunday, January 28, 2018

Memory Lane

It's Sunday. And lovely.  And we traipse down an inviting lane fixed forever in memory where the sun always shines and Spring flowers bloom as we pass as if we are in a Disney cartoon. The birds are singing as our bare feet feel the softness and warmth of the earth and the air is fragrant with perfume of trees blossoming. Our hearts fill with love for all life. And we hear the dulcet intonations of a woman we know speaking softly in the distance and we burst into laughter so intense with pure joy that we collapse into a heap holding our sides from exploding rolling ourselves through the clover. This is our prayer answered.


Amartel said...

Actually, this works on any day of the week:
It's Monday. And anxious. And we slog through rush hour traffic in the driving rain on a highway jammed with community college Bullshit Studies majors and illegal aliens, late as if in a horrifying nightmare. The vultures are circling as our painfully tight shoes cut off circulation and the air is filled with asphyxiating exhaust from Joses Gardening truck in front of us. Our hearts fill with loathing for humanity. And we hear the jarring intonations on the radio of a woman we know speaking loudly ("KAW KAW KAW, BITCHES" not unlike the vultures that we saw circling earlier) and we burst into laughter so intense with pure joy that we collapse into a heap holding our sides from exploding rolling ourselves through the clover. This is our prayer answered.

edutcher said...

Ah, yes, we remember it well.

Chip Ahoy said...

You're cracking me up over here.

ricpic said...

As per Amartel's comment: so when does Hollywood start making Escape From The Golden State flicks?

Amartel said...

Everyone in this shithole is stuck in a pothole that the state has failed to repair. It's like living in Damnation Alley, and there's no getting out unless you run the gauntlet. (Roger Zelazny's post-apocalyptic dystopian vision was fairly on-point!)

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Unions are so last century. Much like your brain, Hillary. Dust.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

HIllary's America is punishment, unions, lies, graft, tax rape, and more punishment.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Amartel- lol.

The bullet, continues to be dodged.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

..Except CA. I'm sorry the democrats turned Ca into a shit hole. Good news! the CA a-holes are on the move into other western states.

Amartel said...

The Amart already has one foot outside the state. Unfortunately, it's in another blue state but, fortunately, one that does not have a lot of homegrown money to play with/waste. Paint it red!

The Dude said...

The bad news is that they are doing what the bumper stickers said that they shouldn't do back in '72 - Don't Californicate Colorado.

Amartel said...

One thing people red states should do is recognize home-grown, in-state blueing tendencies. And kill them with fire. I grew up in a red state that turned blue so I know it's not all imported. It's fun to blame the Californicators. Growing up in Oregon, it was and still is a state tradition. It's probably in the state song and on the state flag. But Oregon turned blue for the same reason Cali did - urban nitwits tried to turn it into their very own utopia, reality be damned. Cali broke away briefly and elected a Republican (albeit a celebrity Republican) while the rest of the west coast got bluer and bluer. I suspect Colorado has similar impulses, especially now that you all voted for the legalized pot. Also, a lot of the people fleeing the blue swamps are doing so because they've figured out the fix. These people are your allies.