Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Hey, Wake UP!

Here is yet another trip down memory lane:

An enormous red oak tree we sawed up back in 2000. Good times.
I still have the truck.

We saw Kodo together - thing is, you don't so much hear Kodo as feel the drumming reverberating in your chest. Also good times.


Edit: Here is a picture of a djembe I turned out of that massive red oak. I have never put a head on it, for reasons. I also made some giant taiko drums out of yellow pine trees that were blown over in hurricane Fran in 1996, but I can't find any pictures of them. 

Edit.2 - perhaps this will clarify the confusion:

That is my dog standing next to the red oak djembe shell. 


AllenS said...

That is a big, big tree.

The Dude said...

It was huge, AllenS, it was around 120 years old and was blown over in a microburst in 2000. I am still working up slabs of it - that storm was the gift that keeps on giving.

Trooper York said...

I thought if you had wood that long you were supposed to contact your doctor?

The Dude said...

I live in gratitude, Troops, gratitude.

ricpic said...

Hey, am I the only one or do youse guys resent it that those drums have to be transmogrified (!) into crashing waves and windswept trees for us unwashed? To me they're sufficient unto themselves.

The Dude said...

Kodo is an interesting group, ricpic, and that video is artsy. Maybe the maker of that video was driving at the roots of that group or how they are a force of nature or some such. I drum and leave the art to others.

The Dude said...

Ric, should I be concerned? I'll post another picture...

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Kodo and a big tree. Nice. Sometimes nature giveth.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

This gives me an excuse to post a clip of my favorite pop drummer the best drummer in the whole world - Budgie - doing his thing with Leonard Eto (or Kodo)

1:44 is when the action starts.

The Dude said...

Good one, DB@H.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Cool turned bowl. With that tree - you could plank your entire house.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

If you could put a band together, using any musician, who would you combine?
I can think of all sorts of great people, but, Budgie would be my drummer.

The Dude said...

That is an excellent question. I have never thought about such a thing - I figured Cream was the ultimate Super Group! If it was all time, living or dead, my choice of drummer would be Buddy Rich.

You should make a post on that subject.

edutcher said...

For those who'd like another quick look at what Taiko drums are like, there's a fairly long scene in Rising Sun where they're featured.

And, yes, you do feel the drumming reverberating in your chest.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Very cool post.

windbag said...

If you could put a band together, using any musician, who would you combine?

Drums: Stanton Moore
Bass: Vic Wooten
Lead: Anders Osborne and Phil Keaggy
Keys: Phil Madeira
Vocals: Rotate w/in the group plus Susan Tedeschi

At least that's how I feel this afternoon.

windbag said...

Joyce Kilmer Forest is nearby. Truly awe-inspiring to walk through it.

The Dude said...

Windbag, you are fortunate to have that prime piece of forest near you. I have never made it out that far, even though I have been hearing about it for close to 50 years. My running joke is "Gonna need a bigger saw!" but like you say, trees that large just inspire awe.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Excellent, windbag.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Vocals: Karen Carpenter, KD Lang, Roy Orbison
Bass: Flea
Guitar: Alex Lifeson
Drums: Budgie

sheesh that's weird

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

what's cool about good drummers (and yes -there are many) they look so happy as they sit there pounding away. Like it's pure bliss.

Someone should write a song.

ndspinelli said...

The Ginger Baker doc, Beware of Mr. Baker, is pretty good.

windbag said...

Nick, that's a great documentary. Another good one I caught on Netflix was on Harry Nilsson. What a voice. One of my favorite songs by him here.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Harry Nilsson - oh yeah.

ndspinelli said...

windbag, Another very good doc. Learned a lot when I watched the Nilsson doc. What a waste of incredible talent.

Trooper York said...

Drums: Gene Krupa
Guitar: The Edge
Bass: Donald Duck Dunn
Keyboards: Leon Russell
Vocals: KD Lang, Annie Lennox, Freddy Mercury

windbag said...

Okay, I'll trade Susan out for Annie. Was never a Eurythmics fan, but golly gee that dame had a set of pipes.

ndspinelli said...

"I was born an original sinner.."

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Best Drummer - ho heave ho!