Friday, January 26, 2018

CNN sends ther dumbest reporter to Davos

To ask the stupidest question imaginable to keep their dwindling audience who are still hanging on but just barely and their airport captive audience poorly informed as possible, and annoyed for as long as possible until their industry collapses.

Had Acosta bothered looking in on any of the discussions, Acosta would have his answer. 

For a selection of sensible videos by people with something of value to say, there is a long list of results. Have your pick.  [trump's team, davos


Chip Ahoy said...

They're business presidents of foreign corporations opening and expanding production in the United States because of Trump's tax overhaul. That Democrats characterize as tax breaks for the wealthy.

edutcher said...

It's called bidness. I could understand how Acosta might not get the concept since his bosses are pretty lousy at it themselves.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Democrats lie. All they do is lie. Lie lie lie endless lies.

obama raided the treasury to pay for green-boondoggles and ACA ass-covering.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Rubbing elbows with big wigs?

That's probably not a mixed metaphor.

But it should be.

Rabel said...

The question is nonsensical, yet he seems proud of it. This guy is so far around the bend I'm not sure it's safe to have him in close proximity to the President.

ricpic said...

"The American economy is BY FAR the largest in the world."

--D. Trump

Take that, China.

bagoh20 said...

Trump should have answered: "I don't know about the rest of them, but this is my real hair."

Personally, I want to know why would they rub their elbows, and why do they wear these big wigs?

I can understand doing the bump wearing a big merkin, but that elbow stuff sounds boring.

AllenS said...

How would you like to have Acosta in charge of food production in the country? Or, electricity. Or, oil/gas heat in the winter?

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Trump was there promoting American business. Very much in line with his campaign promises... actually the central theme of MAGA.

Where has Acosta been?

Leland said...

CNN has a weak bench.

ndspinelli said...

Ever see the Jeopardy w/ Wolf Blitzer? Dumber than a bag o' hammers.

Methadras said...

Leland said...
CNN has a weak bench.

More like decrepit and broken plastic chairs.