Wednesday, September 20, 2017

What's a pro tip all car owners should know?

Reddit top voted comments...

When your screen is frosted over, put both the sun visors down. Helps trap the hot air at the windscreen.

Your car has a Cabin Air Filter that's usually hidden behind the glove box. If your car smells musty or bad, there's a decent chance that thing is clogged like crazy and it's only about $15 to swap it out yourself. I found a freaking dead mouse behind mine last time I changed it.

Make sure the check engine light turns on when turning the key.
Sometimes the sleazy user car dealers will cut the cord on the engine light when things are shitty so it looks like there's nothing wrong with it.

Your ignition doesn't like 10 lbs of keys and keychains hanging from it. It will wear out over time.

The oil pressure light isn't just a reminder to check on in a few days. That's a pull your ass over now the engine is out of oil light.

Most loaded trucks WILL NOT stop on a dime like a car. If you can't see the trucker, the trucker can't see you. A truck tire blows up with the force of a grenade. Trucks always have the cheapest tires available, so when you're overtaking a truck STEP ON THE GAS! Don't dilly dally near the trailer tires waiting for one to explode and obliterate your passenger.


Methadras said...

Don't let women drive. Thank you. /runs away giggling in masculinity

edutcher said...

Corollary: don't watch women driving. Some of the things you'll will haunt you.

deborah said...

You can change the cabin filter yourself!!? Woulda done that ten years ago if only I'da knowed.

When changing a headlight bulb, do not handle the glass part with your fingers. The oils in your fingertips will cause it to burn out MUCH more quickly.

MamaM said...

Pick-up trucks towing trailers and fifth wheels also don't have the ability to stop on a dime.

I now regard them with more respect and give them a wider birth since riding with SonM while pulling a 40 footer behind.

Will give the visor air trap a try this winter.

Not sure the model I drive has a cabin filter, which appears to have arrived on the market 13 years ago and is not present or easily accessible in some models.

In my experience women drivers have a tendency to be more erratic and men more aggressive or stuck on pokey.

I'm not surprised when the driver who insists on going speed limit in the left lane despite numerous opportunities to speed up a tad and move over into the right lane to join others intent on adhering to the speed limit, turns out to be a man, often an older one. Perhaps keen on giggling to himself while feeling the power of keeping a lane full of cars in line!

The Dude said...

I used my feet to change the bulbs - problem solved.

edutcher said...

MamaM said...

In my experience women drivers have a tendency to be more erratic and men more aggressive or stuck on pokey.

Ain't that the truth. Surprised how many guys with NASCAR stickers drive like the old farmer in "Live And Let Die".

Chip Ahoy said...

When driving back to Denver from the mountains on Sunday in winter drivers, especially males, drive down the hill like they're skiing. Very quickly, like this:

AllenS said...

If your CHECK OIL light on the dash has been on for 2 weeks, and suddenly, without explanation, your motor starts to knock really loud, keep driving because it's too late. That's the best advice that I can give you.

Rabel said...

"If your CHECK OIL light on the dash has been on for 2 weeks, and suddenly, without explanation, your motor starts to knock really loud, keep driving because it's too late."

To my surprise, my wife posts at Lem's under the alias AllenS.

AllenS said...

Rabel, if your wife's name was Mary, and she passed away in 1998, then I'm sorry for your loss. Good woman, but mechanically not smart.

Donny Genaro said...

If your fuel pump is located in the gas tank it's a good idea to keep the tank at least half full, particularly during hot weather, to keep the pump from overheating and wearing out quicker.

The Dude said...

I drove a ŠKODA and it had a Czech engine light.

AllenS said...

Czech engine light -- I see what you did there.

chickelit said...

My '63 T-Bird used to stop on a dollar. Drum brakes, man.

rcocean said...

Watch out for small women in big SUV's.

ndspinelli said...

Left lane driving has grown exponentially w/ cell phone use. Take note how many people "lolly gagging"[shout out to Sixty] in the left lane are on the phone. They go there so they don't have to focus on left[cars passing] and right[cars merging]. I would extend the castle doctrine and allow us to shoot left lane lolly gaggers. At least shoot out a tire.

deborah said...

Nick, never made the cell phone connection...hmmm, maybe. The best revenge, I think, if you have the time, and are not averse to reciprocal road rage, is to pass the vehicle, then slow down so you are going a tad more slowly than they. LOL. Bastards.

The Dude said...

No shooting. Not even the bird. Peaceful driving begins with you. I write this as one who is about to undertake a month's worth of driving on this Saturday upcoming. Breathing, remaining calm, dodging the slings and arrows, keeping my powder dry.

deborah said...

Very wise, Sixty. I try to give the benefit of the doubt if someone cuts in front of me, etc. Or if a cashier is rude. I always appreciate it when I'm at a stoplight and many people don't honk angrily, or sometimes don't honk at all, if I'm digging in my purse for something.

The Dude said...

I see those incidents as perfect times to remain mindful. Mindful of how I would fare in jail. Not well - I am too pretty for such crude environs.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I'm fine with 'don't let wimin drive.' Esp. if you drive me to all my errands.
I'd love to be chauffeured around.
plus- with two hands free in the back seat - I can flip everyone off, text, and back-seat drive.

MamaM said...

Good luck on your upcoming journey, Sixty. May the number of females you encounter who are attempting to dig into their purses or yours be few!.

The Dude said...

LOL - thanks MamaM - I did a short test drive this evening - just 30 miles or so, including some night time driving. I don't know what happened to the guy who used to drive from Florida to LA in 3 days, maybe he got old and tired, or maybe he's been busy with other things. But I got this - piece of cake.

Had a good time tonight talking films with my oldest son - it sure was a treat to see him. I really do need to get out more.

deborah said...

Have fun, Sixty.