Thursday, September 28, 2017

"On Day Weiner is Sentenced to Prison, Flashback to MSM Calling Andrew Breitbart a Liar About Him"

Via Instapundit:  It all seems so long ago now. Andrew has been gone for five and a half years, after all. Deb has a nice rundown on Hot Mic in Andrew's own words about how the initial allegation he made began playing out in the MSM. As a bonus, she also posted a video of that press conference that he hijacked.

Here is a mashup of CNN's Jeffrey Toobin and MSNBC's Chris Hayes repeatedly dismissing Andrew's claims, all the while smearing him as a liar.

Both of these idiots are still employed, by the way.

Link to video


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Andrew was awesome.

Leland said...

I agree with the person at the 2 min mark, but alas he is still employed despite being discredited so many times.

edutcher said...

Weiner cried when he was sentenced, which puzzled me.

Now all kinds of people will get to see his wiener.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

These same corrupt asshole democrat media hacks also insist that we cannot ask who killed Seth Rich.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I miss Andrew more than anybody.

Methadras said...

Leftists are rock bottom scum bags of the lowest order. They are sub-human garbage and utter filth. There isn't a single. NOT A SCINTILLA!!! of redeeming quality about them or their ideology. Not one. Anthony Weiner was their rising star poster boy brought low by Breitbart, a man who knew them well because at one time he was one of them. I say to this day that Brietbart was murdered and this was one of the things that led to it.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Leftists lie with such ease.

William said...

It's seldom in life that a man finds himself so completely and quickly vindicated as Breitbart did. A short life, but he got that one in before he died........I don't find Weiner all that hateful. Compared to other NY pols like Schumer, DeBlasio, and Rangel, he's kind of likable. That's some weird kink he got going for him though. How do you even develop a fetish like that? Tattoos, piercings, dicpics--these things didn't exist in the days of my youth. Is he a messenger from the future?

chickelit said...

Breitbart paid with his life for crossing Hillary Clinton et al.

chickelit said...

I'm going to link an old bookmarked quote: Althouse trigger warning.