Saturday, September 23, 2017

"Glitch Allows Non-U.S. Citizens In Pa. To Vote"

Via Drudge:  Philadelphia City Commissioner Al Schmidt says a glitch in the state’s “motor-voter” process has allowed non-U.S. citizens to register to vote, even though he thinks they did so accidentally.

The glitch has had no impact on elections, as the number of people mistakenly registered was small, but Schmidt thinks that statewide there could be many more and he wants the state to review registrations. He also wants it to cross check all active voter registration records against all current PennDOT records containing INS Indicators.

Secretary of State Pedro Cortes issued a statement saying PennDOT is changing its system to prevent the problem in the future and has already made improvements. He did not address reviewing and cross checking registrations statewide. A spokeswoman for Cortes said they are conducting their own review.

(Link to story)


Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

It takes a glitch to vote for the bitch.

I'm Full of Soup said...

A junior programmer should have been able to write code that followed the law....
1- Are you a citizen?
1A- Yes I am a citizen you want to register to vote?
1B- No I am not a citizen .....program skips voter registration question and moves to the next section of the license registration process.

So this was deliberate "mistake" done by the Pennsylvania Branch of the Deep State.

I'm Full of Soup said...

BTW, now that illegals are able to get driver's licenses in many states, the Motor Voter Law should be repealed.

edutcher said...

Right on both counts, AJ.

"The glitch has had no impact on elections".

Sure. Anybody who knows Philadelphia politics knows this is like the "walking around money" given to ward heelers on election day.

The Dude said...

Pedro Cortes - seems legit.

ricpic said...

Hey, Don't Be A Meanie!

It's just a glitch! A subversive glitch!
Us undermining Dems must scratch that itch!
Is that so bad? Is that so awful?
You mean you insist the Left be lawful?!

The Dude said...

Don't be schtupid, be a smahtie!

edutcher said...

Come an join da Nazi Party!