Saturday, July 22, 2017

Talking To Myself (Official Video) - Linkin Park

Link to video


rcommal said...

rcommal said...

rcommal said...

rcommal said...

The Dude said...

Never listened to those depressives, no reason to start now.

rcommal said...


Too bad that you have lived such a joyless life, yet still I will recommend that there is still time.

Recommend even suggest not force

rcommal said...

no full stops at all

rcommal said...

and at present I am moving toward at least, so far, 30% more than my 56 1/3 year's worth of grit

It seems to me Sixty Grit that you're stuck

[All lack of periods and full stops are in tribute to the (not) great Sixty Grit)

rcommal said...

Look to and at yourself Sixty Grit

Are you a cowering coward

rcommal said...

I suspect so

rcommal said...

alternatively either you are a [relatively young] troll or a completely oblivious yet still bitter old moocher

the verdict is out

because unlike you I am something else

The Dude said...

Go fuck yourself you crazy old bitch - you know nothing of me, and I call them depressives because they kill themselves with alacrity.

I like actual music, not pop drivel.

You are indeed something else, especially when you are off your meds.

rcommal said...

perfectly you responded exactly and not just exactly but also precisely as I thought and knew you would

including the part in which you continue to be deluded in terms of the sorts of music I know and like

you thin-skinned fool

rcommal said...

notice that I continued not to use to the full stops or even periods to which you have objected, Sixty Grit

still you whine

rcommal said...

not to mention get all angry and shit

rcommal said...

go look in a mirror hypocrite

it's overdue

rcommal said...

a long, long, long time ago, chickelit said that he'd become fond of me--an acquired taste, way back then, is how I took it at the time==in part because I could punch back twice as hard

at the time that really bothered me

since then I took it to heart, considered it and thought it over, and now I own it

I surely am at least in part a creation of at least part of portion of all of you

including you Sixty Grit

why aren't you happy now is what I'm wondering now

rcommal said...

I need to make a correction here

the "twice as hard" thing became a later meme and I conflated it with something else

as I recall it striving to recall better is that chickelit said that when I punch back I punch back hard

that's a more close representation of my recollection now of then

sorry, chickelit


rcommal said...

rcommal said...

These two are for you Sixty Grit

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

God! I can't remember her name. Wait. It'll come to me. Obviously contrived. Evan Izer . . . no, Palladian, said she was really a gay man . . .

Ha! It was MAxine Weiss or something along those lines.

Sheesh. That was a long time ago.

rcommal said...

Of course, both of those versions are pussified, on account of having left out the "American bitch" part.

AllenS said...

Not my kind of music.

rcommal said...

God! I can't remember her name. Wait. It'll come to me. Obviously contrived. Evan Izer . . . no, Palladian, said she was really a gay man . . .

Ha! It was MAxine Weiss or something along those lines.

Sheesh. That was a long time ago.

Eric the Fruit Bat:

You are entirely wrong here. I recognize and know every name you just tried to reference in order to twist and conflate the conversation toward your agenda in a way that you think both gives you both "in-group" knowledge and therefore leverage.

I dare you to carry on this fashion.

I am not now, nor ever was, Maxine. I am not, nor ever was, the other person to whom you referred. I have been both reader_iam and rcommal, that's true, and I have been open about that for many years.

If you DO carry on this fashion, Eric the Fruit Bat, and a number of people here do not corroborate what I just said (because a number of people here both not only know that what I just said is entirely true but also know my real name etc. and have for many, many years, unto a decade or more) then I will out them.

My gloves are off, folks. I'll put up with being called a bitch. I will put up with various others smears (including being off meds & etc.).

As for the latest example of the bullshit that, in this case, Eric the Fruit Bat is flinging? With THAT I will not put up.

Speak out (under your pseudonymous handles, of course), and tell the truth that I have not lied about the handles under which I have posted, and I have not engaged in sock-puppetry.

If at least a couple of you do NOT speak out, I'll out you in a heartbeat...

...and you will have deserved it, and I will not feel guilty for having punched back 5x as hard.

Nip it in the bud! Truth matters.

rcommal said...

I remember when a mutual person posted this ^ encouraging me in terms of something with which I was dealing when my kid was very, very, very young.

My kid's now getting ready to start his senior year in high school.

rcommal said...

For starters (and this ain't outin' nobody), Trooper of course knows that I'm not that other person you mentioned, Eric the Fruit Bat. There's a picture out there of those two having met. Not just that, there is a group picture of a meetup in Brooklyn, years ago, of then-Althousians, and I'm not in it.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I am not now, nor ever was, Maxine.

I never said you were. I never thought you were. Rather, I was pleased to remember you as reader_I_am from TOP.

And that started a flood of remembering other commenters at TOP and I was trying to remember Maxine -- and then I was pleased that I did -- and so I typed it out. Nothing more to it.

There was also someone who called herself [gooey duck] which is some sort of a clam but it's not spelled that way and I was too lazy to look it up so I deleted it before I hit the enter key.

ricpic said...

Can someone please explain the hysterical reaction to this bubble gum music on the part of the yutes? I just don't get it.

Trooper York said...

Did a bunch of post get deleted or something? I am not following this conversation too well.

Trooper York said...

I will be happy to testify that reader_iam is not Maxine Weiss.

That would be Sixty Grit.

Trooper York said...

Just kidding.

Sixty is not Palladin either although he is gay.

That is why he is obsessed with hard wood. Just sayn'

The Dude said...
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The Dude said...

Has anyone heard a peep from Palladian? I wonder how he is doing.

As for Paladin, did you know that Richard Boone was descended from Squire Boone? Hell, that fact alone makes more sense than the rest of this thread.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Bad music makes people crazy.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I remember Palladian. Talented artist and his words still ring in our ears...

"Hillary will never be president." Dude knew.

Trooper York said...

I always wondered about the fact that Richard Boone was related to Daniel. Who didn't look like Fess Parker but more like the squat grizzled Richard.

I think that was the case for most of the frontiersman. They were a lot smaller than the actors who portrayed them in the movies.

Trooper York said...
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Trooper York said...

Trooper York said...
I often wonder what Lems Levity Commenters look like in real life.

Lem......Luis Guzman.
Chip..........Dana Carvey
Sixty Grit..... Wilford Brimley.
Ed dutcher.......Richard Sanders (Les Nesman)
April Dicking Bimbos.......Edie McClurg
Armatel.........Peter Dinklage
Ritmo..........David Hyde Piece
Titus..........Louie Anderson
Leland.......Richard Basehart
Trooper York.....Brian Doyle Murray

The Dude said...

LOL - you are killin' me here.

And while it is a minor point, I actually look more like William Frederick Gibbons.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I get uglier and uglier. yay!

rcommal said...

having been diagnosed with a number of specific issues my response has been to work harder

and to refuse pharmaceuticals

[god knows that we are the sorts whose health insurance premiums have been sky-rocketing for years now, and also that I said that would happen many years ago, even and well before youse-guys got it.]

All of that said, my response to my various diagnoses was to work harder. This is especially important because I live across the street from someone who didn't and therefore is dying in particularly horrific ways. We moved backed here on account of that, after trying so hard to be there for my mom, who died in West Virginia, on account of ALS and also hospital infections.

(And, also, oh by the way, my home-schooled son got to get that bit of real-life experience as well.)

rcommal said...

So far--and until the day I get the surgery I need--I am extremely low cost.

I have worked hard, and this is no joke. Much less is there any lie.

At present, I weigh 122, having recently trying to build up and bolster muscle.

While we pay an astronomical premium every month, still we do not take advantage of the health system.

rcommal said...

We have changed our behavior in terms of health. We are not lazy, we are not dishonest, and above all we are not delusional.

Also, we are not taking advantage of social security, medicare, medicaid, and the commercial system.

Above all, we are not the subsidized.

rcommal said...

Most people here, on this site, cannot say the same.

Oh. No. You. Can't

rcommal said...

We have been self-supporting for many, many, many years now, and also we have been subsidizing others at the same time: an *and* sort of thing, and make no mistake about it.

rcommal said...

Also, while we have been paying property taxes, among other taxes, with regard to public education, we also have entirely taken responsibility for educating our own son. Start to finish. We have done it and paid for it. You guys used to admire homeschooling and those who did that, but of course you do not now.

No wonder. Most of you sneering of course never did do that;--it was only a talking point for you, and, also, in the majority of cases with regard to you all, your kids were educated on the public dollar.

rcommal said...

Now, weren't they.

rcommal said...

I get uglier and uglier. yay!

I hope that's just hypothetical for you. Or at least that it's only about entertainment.

In my real life, the ugly is an inextricable part of it, along with the love and joy.

I wish you all the best in your life for figuring out how to have one without complications.

Trooper York said...

Hey I love Edie McClurg.

She is my type.

Don't think that wasn't a compliment.

MamaM said...

my response has been to work harder

Work harder at what???

I wish you all the best too, rcommal.