Tuesday, June 27, 2017

How Trump Beat Hillary

Hillary won the nationwide popular vote by some 2.8 million votes. But Hillary won California by over 4 million votes. If we factor out California votes from the national totals for both candidates, Trump had some 58 millions votes nation wide vs. Hillary's 57 million.

Show the math:

                   Trump            Hillary

Gross:        62,984,825    ✔65,853,516

CA Votes:  4,483,810     8,753,788
Net:           58,501,015      57,099,728


rcommal said...

I didn't vote for Hillary.

rcommal said...

I didn't vote for Donald.

rcommal said...

I've never been a fan of the Clintons, start to finish, and also not of Donald J. Trump, start to finish, on account of all of those folks plus their ilk pulling shit for at least 25-35 years.

I've been paying attention, in detail, for many decades now.

rcommal said...

You, chickelit, can't say that you never voted for a Clinton.

Despite all of your knowledge with regard to all things chemistry and German language etc., still you can't say that.

AllenS said...

I voted for Trump, and I'm damned glad that I did.

edutcher said...
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edutcher said...

Factor out the estimated 10.7 fraudulent votes for the Beast and Trump killed her in the popular vote.

And the Electoral College, probably.

PS For whose ilk was his vote thrown away? Or was it abstention?

William said...

If the Libertarians voters were given a choice between Trump and Clinton, I think most of them would choose Trump. If there were a run off election, Trump might have won. Plus Trump voters, on average, weighed 23 lbs. more than the average Clinton voter so the electoral mass tilted in Trump's favor.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Jack-hammer the fault line.

Amartel said...

And there's no way the Dems aren't cheating in the California voting process. They own the state.

JRoberts said...

I suspect, like a lot of people, that there was voter fraud in California. However, I also believe there was voter suppression.

If I were still a resident of California, I might have been less likely to vote because the Harris/Sanchez race for Boxer's Senate seat didn't even offer a Republican option.

I wonder how many potential Trump voters stayed home because of that.

Methadras said...

too bad presidental politics is about electoral votes and not popular votes. Aww, poor drunkary!!!

The Dude said...

I have only seen one raven where I currently live. I see one on here with great regularity.

I did hear barred owls again this evening - they were caterwauling.

rcommal said...

I used the word "ilk" specifically to refer to the Clintons and to Trump, and I even referenced a time frame during which they and he--and, yes, their like, if you prefer that word to ilk--presented and demonstrated plenty of public behavior and information in order to evaluate them adequately specifically in terms of their [in]adequacy for highest office.

rcommal said...

Also, I am a firm supporter of the electoral college. I would prefer proportional, as opposed to winner-take-all, awarding of electoral votes, it is true. I am adamantly opposed to pure democracy at the national, vast election level in this large country of ours.

None of the above are recent, much less new, positions of mine. I've just been like that for decades.

rcommal said...

I voted for Trump, and I'm damned glad that I did.

AllenS: Believe it or not, I get that. The majority (and by majority, in this instance, I mean vast majority) of my extended family on all sides of the family within my generation and the generation older plus a bunch in the generation younger voted for President Trump in the general. My husband, for example, voted for Trump in the general (though not in the primary, not that our votes in the primary mattered either). My in-laws, across the street, for another example, are Trump supporters and Clinton-despisers (of course, in their cases, the outcomes of elections are less drastic these days on account of age, as is true of my dad and stepmom down in Florida). My brother in Tennessee voted for Trump in both. In the case of my brother, I suspect he's going to end up being among the most screwed, yet again, at the end of the day. I could detail more examples but I won't, which I'd suspect you prefer [ ; ) ]. ].

Anyhoo, I'm not doing this shit just to vent, and I'm not just doing this stuff to snark or troll.

I'm doing it because I truly do believe that my beloved country has been in danger for a long while now and that is on the trajectory for even worse.


(Also, I find it hard to abide the lies.)

rcommal said...

To clarify, yet again: when I said that neither my in-laws nor my dad in stepmom are going to be affected as much by outcomes of elections, it's because of the times in which they were raised and the resources that they have and that it's highly unlikely that their own health benefits---that is, Medicare; none are on Medicaid and none so far have had to go into a nursing home long-term--are at risk. That's not so of others.

rcommal said...

Meanwhile, from my point of view, I have zero problem with saying the following: President Trump is awful in terms of foreign policy. Forget the whole thing about "leader of the free world," he's just bad at it. President Obama left us in a bad place, and President Trump is exponentially making it worse, in my opinion. I am certain that you all don't agree with me on that, and that's fine on account of the fact that of course you do not have to agree with me. Don't question my sincerity on this topic, however, full stop. I'm not lefty at all or a neo-con at all, much less an average lefty or neo-con--or however you want to put/phrase those things.

rcommal said...

Yep, so I am, Sixty Grit.

What be you?

G Joubert said...

What Amartel said. Some estimates say there were 4 million fraudulent ballots for Hillary in LA County alone.

Methadras said...

rcommal said...

Don't question my sincerity on this topic, however, full stop. I'm not lefty at all or a neo-con at all, much less an average lefty or neo-con--or however you want to put/phrase those things.

When you say something like "don't question my sincerity..." it makes me want to question your sincerity. I guess you are going to have to clarify your statement of why Trump is bad on foreign policy instead of just stating your opinion on it. Can you site specific things that have given you the impression he's bad at it? His trip to Saudi? His trip to Israel? I need to understand what you are getting at in order to question your sincerity.

chickelit said...

G Joubert said...What Amartel said. Some estimates say there were 4 million fraudulent ballots for Hillary in LA County alone.

What's really suspicious is that Hillary garnered more raw votes in California in 2016 than Barack Obama did in 2008 or 2012.

Voter fraud in California will never be investigated in the absence of some smoking gun piece of evidence. AG Sessions would probably like to do so, but I think his strategy is to rankle California Dems via his prosecution of illegal immigrants and sanctuary cities.

chickelit said...

rcommal said...You, chickelit, can't say that you never voted for a Clinton.

I can say that I did not in 1992 -- I was living overseas and couldn't be bothered to go through the motions. I believe I did vote for Clinton in 1996 -- a vote I now regret.