Monday, May 29, 2017

"Comey's FBI Broke Its Own Rules & Procedures On Spying On Americans"

Via InstapunditPelosi confessed ignorance of this week's disclosure that the National Security Agency for at least five years under the Obama administration systematically violated Americans' Fourth Amendment rights...
Civil liberties groups said the disclosures should factor into lawmakers' decision at year's end about whether to reauthorize the NSA collection program that witnessed the abuses...

The sheer scale of the 4th Amendment violations is staggering, as was the sternness of the rebuke of the Obama administration by the FISA court, which ordinarily approves 99.9% of the government's request.

As of a few minutes ago, this story had not been covered by the Washington Post, the New York Times or any of the three broadcast networks.
Of course they aren't covering it, they cant. The press is busy hunting Russians at the White House.


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Compey spied and lied.

And he would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you damn Trump voters.

Leland said...

I don't want to hear one more word about McCarthyism.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

It's the hack press.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

It's OK for corruptocrats to talk to Russians, hand them reset buttons, whisper "I'll have more flexibility after the election" etc...

edutcher said...

Pelosi is always ignorant. They had to pass it so she could see what was in it.

ndspinelli said...

This is the reason for the onslaught of the Trump/Russia horseshit. The best defense is a good offense.