Monday, May 29, 2017

"8th graders refuse to take a photo with Paul Ryan because they don't "want to be associated with him""

Via Drudge:  Eighth grade students from South Orange Middle School in South Orange, New Jersey were on a school trip to Wasshington D.C. on Friday when they were given a very special opportunity: a photo-op with Speaker Paul Ryan. Under normal circumstances, many students would leap for the chance to take a photo with the third most powerful politician in the country.

Close to 100 8th graders refused to take a photo with the Speaker and instead sat in a parking lot across the street. Speaker Ryan then took a photo with the remaining class and posted it to his Instagram.

"I can’t take a picture with someone who supports a budget that would destroy public education and would leave 23 million people without healthcare,” Matthew Malespina, a student at the school, told his local newspaper, The Village Green.

Others grounded their decision in their aversion to Trump.

“I didn’t want to be in [the picture] because he believes in most of what Trump believes in,” a fellow student, Louisa Maynard-Parisi, told The Village Green.

(Link to more)


Chip Ahoy said...

It's not the kids, clearly it's the school administrators. Showing our public schools are infected with debilitating Democrat disease.

8th graders don't give a shit about politics. Peir ee. ud.

Or else I'd say, "smart kids."

(In High School, 11th grade, we had a field trip to ACLU office and none of us understood they're mostly bogus. And no matter how hard they tried to force us, none of really cared.)

ampersand said...

I wouldn't want to pose with Ryan either.

edutcher said...

Lefties abort their kids, so they have to steal other people's.

Leland said...

Maybe if the schools were more welcoming of GOP politicians, they would be more inclined to support them. Sadly, Ryan is far more likely than I am to support public schools.

Michael Haz said...

Little shitheads being raised by shithead parents and taught by shithead teachers.

ricpic said...

Wow, foolish me. I thought they didn't want to take a picture with Ryan because he's a turncoat on the Trump agenda. Turns out they're standard brainwashees.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Chip sums it up well, this stuff comes from the Teachers telling the 8th graders that.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

This proves that the hack press is working.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Blue schools in blue states taught blue lies.

bagoh20 said...

If my teacher gave me any excuse to avoid such a thing I'd go with it too. Lots of protest is just skipping school, work, or job hunting for a party day, but you have to play the dedicated activist part, otherwise people might see you for the slacker you are. Being slackers, hide behind the few real activists and let them do all the talking.