Wednesday, April 26, 2017

"Top Mexican Official Calls U.S. Border Wall a 'Hostile' Act"

"Mexico's foreign relations secretary on Tuesday called U.S. President Donald Trump's plan to build a border wall not only a "bad idea" but an "unfriendly, hostile" act and said he didn't think a barrier would accomplish anything."
And while Trump has repeatedly asserted that he will get the U.S.'s neighbor to pay for building the wall, Foreign Secretary Luis Videgaray repeated in a meeting with legislators that Mexico's won't pay a cent for it.

Trump had requested that Congress provide U.S. funds to begin the wall, but he signaled Monday that he would not insist on it, saying he might be willing to wait until September for the funding.

Videgaray also said Mexico's government would consider reducing security cooperation with the United States if talks on immigration and trade issues don't go well.

"If the negotiation on other themes — immigration, the border, trade — isn't satisfactory to Mexico's interests, we will have to review our existing cooperation," Videgaray said. "This would be especially in the security areas ... and that involves the national immigration agency, the federal police and of course, the armed forces."

Mexico at present cooperates with the United States in fighting drug cartels and other forms of transnational crime.
(Link to more)


The Dude said...


AllenS said...

It's supposed to be a hostile act.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...


Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I'm trying out a new name.

yes - it's a hostile act. The hostile act of a physical barrier built to force people to comply with our immigration laws. Something our government forgot.

The Dude said...

Is that you, Ritmo? HAHAHAHA!

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...


Last night I streamed a show on the British artist William Dobson. The British host pronounced "renaissance" as.... "Ren-A [*space*] Saunce"

I laughed and laughed.

edutcher said...

Americans a 2 for 2 against Mexico - 1836 and 1848.

Care to make it 3 for 3?

ndspinelli said...

We actually have a 2 front war brewing, a trade war w/ Canada is looming. Trump should be able to eat that girly man, Trudeau, for breakfast.

ricpic said...

I read that the Republicans in Congress are willing to fund Planned Parenthood but not The Wall. Eff the GOP.

Trooper York said...

The Wall will be built. It will not be perfect at the start. There will be fits and starts in fact. Funding will be all over the place. The people that hate Trump will scream if it is not done in a week and totally paid for by Mexico. Because they hold Trump to a standard that they never hold their side too in anything. Look Bill Clinton was a rapist but Bill O'Reilly had to go because he asked women for sex. Trump has to go because he rents out hotel rooms but Obama just took $400,000 for a speech from Goldman.

You just need to ignore the press and the Democrats. They are both out of power.

The Wall will be built. You can count on it.

Trooper York said...

Mexico needs to be slapped down.

President Trump needs to go on TV and show photos of the criminals, rapists and drug smugglers that come in from Mexico everyday. Put out their pictures and force the media to report it.

They will say it is anecdotal. That not all immigrants are like that. But if he does five a day for a week it will add up in peoples minds. Regular people that is.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

All the GOP needs to do it to tell PP to fund their own abortions with leftwing money.

Huge leftwing money from the Silicon Sultans, Hollywood, and Soros would be MORE than enough to pay for their abortion machine.

Leave the American tax payer out of it. Government has more important things to spend our money on.

edutcher said...

BTW That's the correct pronunciation of renaissance, according to the Limeys.

But they talk weird.

ricpic said...

I read that the Republicans in Congress are willing to fund Planned Parenthood but not The Wall. Eff the GOP.

Those are the Whigs. Real Republicans don't do stuff like that.

edutcher said...

You didn't have any problem with it backing up nd.

And the Limeys follow the French pronunciation, for those who can converse in a civil tone.

Amartel said...

What does this Top Mexican Doubletalker have to say about Mexico's southern border wall? Is that a hostile and unfriendly act? Should Guatemala and Belize be terribly offended and hurt?

edutcher said...

Of course not. That's to keep out the undesirables.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

The Wall will be built. It will not be perfect at the start. There will be fits and starts in fact. Funding will be all over the place. The people that hate Trump will scream if it is not done in a week and totally paid for by Mexico. Because they hold Trump to a standard that they never hold their side too in anything. Look Bill Clinton was a rapist but Bill O'Reilly had to go because he asked women for sex. Trump has to go because he rents out hotel rooms but Obama just took $400,000 for a speech from Goldman.

Well said.

I wish Trump would kick McConnell and Ryan in the nuts and then send them out to do battle with Chuck E. Schumer and Nancy "Palamino" Pelosi. But I recognize he wants to get a couple of things done first before doing so.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Sorry I can't post anything new until later this late afternoon early evening

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Where is Mike Ehrmantraut when you need him...

edutcher said...

Too bad I turn out to be right so often.

Sixty Grit said...

Is that you, Ritmo? HAHAHAHA!

Certainly sounds like him.

ndspinelli said...

April, When I get upset @ the Big Government Tax Man, I think of his lonely, insular, life and that helps mitigate my anger and derision. He is "right so often" because he spouts what his even more know-it-all nurse's aid wife tells him. We normal folks have lives, friends, interests, etc. This is all the Tax Man has got. I'm heading out for my second walk of the day. Low tide is approaching and that makes for great walking on the firm sand.

ndspinelli said...

Evi, Mike Ehrmantraut has become one of my favorite characters ever on TV.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

ND - All that plus an unhealthy obsession with people who have no interest in him.
Enjoy your walk.

Amartel said...

SO glad that Better Call Saul is back. Makes Mondays bearable.

edutcher said...

ndspinelli said...

April, When I get upset @ the Big Government Tax Man, I think of his lonely, insular, life and that helps mitigate my anger and derision. He is "right so often" because he spouts what his even more know-it-all nurse's aid wife tells him. We normal folks have lives, friends, interests, etc

Nurse wife.

50 years' experience. And must trash her because she knows that marijuana really does to the body.

And the brain. That's what this is really about. Ritmo and his advocacy of cannabis can't stand up to the facts.

Actually nd and his little flame war is sooo TOP, I can't believe it.