Wednesday, April 19, 2017

FOX news is really over.....stick a fork in them they are done!

The social justice warriors and the cucks got Bill O' Reilly today. A bogus controversy whipped up by the New York Times about sexual harassment led to him losing some advertisers. The two pussy sons of Murdoch who are cuckmeister generals forced the old man's hand and dumped a guy who made them billions and who was still on the top of his game as the highest rated host. Liberals everywhere are rejoicing. First they got General Kelly to put in a globalist into the National Security Slot. Then they got O'Reilly the most popular right wing TV star and the anchor of the FOX network. Now they are going to go after Hannity who will be the next one the Murdoch's drop. The ultimate goal is to get President Trump. By bringing bogus trumped up sexual harassment charges they set the stage for attacking Trump in the same way. The Russian bullshit is going nowhere so now they will switch to sexual harassment.

The final blow was a bullshit charge by some woman who said that O'Reilly refused to promote a show for her because she wouldn't go to his hotel room. Even the head cuck at Powerline said this was a big bag of bullshit. That didn't stop the Murdoch spawn who are intent on turning FOX into CNN. Good luck with that.

One good thing this did was end the need for anyone to ever watch FOX news again. Hopefully someone will seize the opportunity to set up a news network to present a different viewpoint.

The other good this did was prove Vice President Pence correct in refusing to be alone with women. Any business guy would be crazy to promote or even deal with women in any capacity. Never be alone with a woman. Keep your door opened. You are sure to get screwed. There will always be one to lie on you. Same with feminist college girls. Stick with working class babes. No college girls. Date Laverne and Shirley boys. If you want to keep your stuff.

Listen I deal with women in their underwear everyday and I know that you have to watch your step. Be polite but don't think they can take a joke. Cause if you do you can lose your gig. Even if this was twenty years ago it can still come back to bite you. Plus you should never settle a sexual harassment lawsuit. Fight it. Or you will lose it all.

At least if you are a conservative. Or a faux conservative like O' Reilly.


ndspinelli said...

Well, he's a pompous, know-it-all, bullshitting, Irishman. That said, about 4-5 years ago we took one of those Everglade air boat rides. Captain Jack told us he had taken O'Reilly and his family out a few days earlier and found him to be a nice guy. So, there's that!

ricpic said...

Doesn't the leprechaun owe it to the folks to fight this smear (if it is a smear) and clear his name? I would think his reputation means more to him than the fate of Fox News, which is out of his hands anyway.

Trooper York said...

Well as a know-it-all, bullshitting Irishman I understand where he is coming from. I think he is like me and is self-aware enough to know that he is a blowhard. That is why he can understand Trump who is also a know-it-all bullshitter. It is his opponents who are not self aware. They don't think that we understand what they are doing. The Murdochs surrendered to this because they wanted him out.

Trooper York said...

Ric I don't understand why he doesn't want to fight. Maybe that stops his pay out. If he is getting millions by not fighting it I can understand him quitting.

I wish he would fight. Better yet get together with a few other like minded people and start a rival network. Or even do what Anthony Cumia did and start his own network on the Internet. That is the future. He can start a daily program that he can charge a nominal amount. Say two dollars a month. It can be an app on your phone. I have three or four now instead of cable.

That is what he should do if he wants to stay in the game.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I am assuming the Big Mic will get a big payday. I also doubt we heard the last of Bill O'Reilly.

edutcher said...

There was a story maybe 10 years ago like this, but hushed up.

He seemed to go a bit wobbly after that and I figured the Lefties got to him.

Now the Murdoch brothers are using the preferred form of Lefty slander (it used to be calling somebody a racist or sexist or homophobe or mean-spirited) by going the Gloria Allred route and just finding some cheap broads who will make an unprovable and irrefutable charge (worked so well with black men, they're using it on white guys).

Well, like Target and United, Media Corp will kill itself.

PS Ric, word is he's been thinking about retirement for quite a while, so he goes out with a Platinum Parachute.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

If the payouts, to the tune of millions, were real, then O'Reilly has something to hide.

As far as I can tell - those payouts were real, and they were spectacular.

Trooper York said...

I don't know. There might be something to it. I do think he paid off because he didn't want the publicity.

The current allegations are bullshit pure and simple. The woman making them said he refused to get her a show on FOX. As though he had that power. He made the mistake of encouraging and trying to mentor her. Big mistake.

The FOX formula is to have hot chicks talking about the news. The problem is that they are usually idiots. Look at Dana Perino. What a moron. How does she get all these gigs. Seriously.

The Dude said...

I was an avid bicyclist for 50 years. I knew all the stories, met some of the top riders, stood beside the road as they rode by, still have my Tour de Trump hat I got at the finish line of the TdT up in Boston, and for years I saw that one-nut guy all over the place. He was on tv, heard him on sports radio, and for just as many years he denied being a doper. Ran a charity. Dated a filthy rock star. On and on - raised millions for Jerry's kids or whomever, sold bracelets, and for whatever reason, probably the fact that he never tested positive for PEDs, I figured he was telling the truth.

Gullible and naive, am I right?

Then one day the truth came out. All at once he was a loser, a doper, a cheat, and all those massive breakaways up the Hors de Categorie L'Alpe d'Huez et Le Mont Ventoux were fueled by ungodly amounts of undetectable chemicals. He even rode right past the Tommy Simpson memorial without batting an eye. I remember Tommy, and Lance, you were worse than Tommy. Doping was legal, or at least, not illegal when Tommy croaked himself on that mountain.

The truth came out and Lance was lanced. Popped like a pustule on a saddle sore.

So what does this have to do with the world's tallest Irishman? Same thing - there was nothing for years, maybe some hints, but then a sudden fall and the truth came out. They were both revealed to be schmucks.

I don't have tv, have not seen O'Reilly this century, and really don't care, but the fact that he paid someone or many someones hush money makes him look very guilty.

He's like Letterman, only, well, maybe he's exactly like Letterman. Get back to me if BO'R grows a beard.

Trooper York said...

I don't know what he did or didn't do. I do know that he was forced out for who he was but not for what he did.

It is ok to dislike him. He is a big mouth blowhard. Ok in small doses. He is the conservative Geraldo. Both ok in small doses.

I thought it was wrong when they forced Geraldo out on WABC and I think it was wrong when they forced out O'Reilly.

I just catch the highlights on youtube these days.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Let him go...

Tucker is the future!

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Excellent comment - Sixty.

The Dude said...

Where there is smoke there is fire. I have no idea if he is a blowhard, maybe he is just enthusiastic. Or on PEDs. Was he paying hush money to Cheryl Crow?

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Lotta doping going on with many cyclists when Lance was competing. (still true? I dunno) That's all I have in the way of an excuse for him.
Lance was exciting and made a European sport somewhat popular in the US. and then, it all came crashing down.

Sometimes it all comes crashing down. FOX doesn't need this negative publicity. I don't have cable, but I do hope that FOX remains defiant against the tide of pro-D hack press.

chickelit said...

Was he paying hush money to Cheryl Crow?

Yes, but she insisted on cash and only accepted one note at a time.

The Dude said...

I don't think Greg Lemond was a doper, and he won the TdF. He always knocked Lancey boy, and that always sat wrong with me, but it turns out that Greg knew what he was talking about all along. The grapevine is strong in that business.

I saw them both race, and the deal with Lance, even if the other riders were doping, is that he had the high octane dope. He could kick it into another gear and pull away from them on hills that are difficult to even walk up.

I saw the Tour de Trump go through a section of Maryland, including going up Harp Hill near Wolfsville. That is an extremely steep hill. Back in those days I had a goal of breaking the national speed limit of 55 on my bicycle. It was riding down Harp Hill that I came closest - 54.6, slowed, no doubt, but the twists in the road at the very top.

Those guys rode up the hill using gears that I could barely crank over on the flats. They are a cut above.

In honor of those days I just slapped on my Trump hat. Damn, that elastic is too tight. The HGH must have made my head larger.

The Dude said...

Well played, CL - you know her deal.

edutcher said...

Sixty Grit said...

Where there is smoke there is fire.

Don't bet on that one.

Ever hear of ransomware?

Sometimes the allegation is so ghastly that just having it made is career-ending. What if some 30 year old accused him of being the next Jerry Sandusky?

William said...

I think the Murdoch people usurped a decision that should have been made by the viewer. O'Reilly's seedy behavior was known to his audience, and they continued to watch him. Why not let the audience have the final word?...... O'Reilly was instrumental in constructing the Fox empire. He should have been treated with more grace. Shabby behavior is not restricted to sex. The Fox brand will take as big a hit as O'Reilly........Also, it's the dogs that don't bark. Shirley Temple wrote in her autobiography that Arthur Freed made a crude pass at her. I presume that Shirley Temple wasn't the only underaged actress he ever made a pass at. I presume that there continue to be Hollywood producers who make passes. I presume that we will never hear about such things unless they are spectacularly egregious. Casey Affleck won an Academy Award and this after his somewhat creepy advances against a subordinate were reported to the Ministry of Oblivion.

ampersand said...

This article, at the Hollywood Reporter, of all places, puts the blame on the Murdoch boys.
The old man was against any settlements arguing it would bring more accusations. It seemed really stupid to get rid of Ailes and extremely stupid to get rid of their number one show.
I don't watch Fox News, I don't have cable, and I've never seen O'Reilly's show on the Network. I've only seen O'Reilly on "Inside Edition" a sensationalistic 60 minutes type show. It surprised me he ever made such a success later.

AllenS said...

Did any of this payout money come from O'Reilly?

windbag said...

The other good this did was prove Vice President Pence correct in refusing to be alone with women. Any business guy would be crazy to promote or even deal with women in any capacity. Never be alone with a woman. Keep your door opened. You are sure to get screwed. There will always be one to lie on you.

When Billy Graham traveled, he always had someone else open his hotel room door and check it out before entering. All it would have taken is one guy with a camera to catch a shot of him in a hotel room with a woman to bring him down. He was careful, and never did have any scandals like that. Pence is right to be careful.

O'Reilly? who knows? Regardless, he took the money and ran, so it'll boil down to believing whatever you want about him.

ndspinelli said...

Sixty, I'm learning much about you. Lance always struck me as a lying, phony. I didn't follow cycling but he was everywhere and an easy read as a weasel, just like Brennan in the other post today.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I assume that Bill O'Reilly, being so full of himself, flirts with young women in the office. I also doubt he does the traditional "sexual harassment" stuff of quid pro quo (maybe a little). But does he dance on the line of what will get you in a lawsuit? Probably. He definitely has a target on his back.

He is out at Fox because the young Murdoch's want to do their own thing. I suspect it will drive the brand down, but I guess we will see.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

And the payouts were all from Fox and insurance, as far as I know. He has denied he ever did anythng wrong. But when has Bill O'Reilly ever admitted fault for anything?

The Dude said...

Like I said, ND, I took him at his word. Mainly heard him on sports talk radio. And since I mostly tell the truth I gave him the benefit of the doubt. Live and learn, eh?

Dating a Crow should have been the tip off. Ravens are ever more better.

Methadras said...

Murdoch's boys are going to take Foxnews left. They've basically been saying it since they got in. Out with the old, in with the left. Ailes, Sustren, now O'Reilly. Hannity is in their cross hairs and he knows it. He's been talking about how much longer he has on his contract.

ndspinelli said...

Sixty, He conned almost everyone. He conned people I know are very sharp, like yourself. No shame or apologies. I've been conned. No one is con proof.

Regarding this Irishman. I worked maybe a dozen sexual harassment lawsuits, hired by attorneys to dig. It wasn't my specialty by any means. I worked both sides, but mostly defense. I never worked defending a high profile guy like O'Reilly, but a few were executives, one a CEO of a regional corporation. Nuisance settlements are 5, sometimes 6 figures. I would need to know how many lawsuits this $14 million included, but that is not nuisance money in my professional opinion. I would like Amartel to weigh in on this.

Amartel said...

Do we know how many women were making claims? Basically, this is extortion dough so there's not really a legal yardstick for valuation. The criteria is how much the company is willing to pay to shut the claim factory down. Here, clearly, the claim factory was working overtime churning out clone claims. If it was anyone other than BOR I would have just laughed at the claim that anyone in 2017 would refer to a black woman as "hot chocolate." The problem with the BOR persona/schtick is that this allegation is entirely believable, regardless of truth. The value of these claims plummetted once they canned BOR.

Amartel said...

There is a strong parallel to the Bill Cosby claim factory. There's probably a kernel or two of truth in there but I bet most of these claims are shoddy opportunistic extortion.

Amartel said...

Unlike Cosby, BOR was pretty open about what he was about. He didn't roofie people. He looked and acted the part. He probably toned it down a bit for air but probably not that much. I could not stand his folksy schtick and rarely watched but I have no sympathy for people who voluntarily worked with the guy - and he did bring a lot of people along - and then turned around and pretended offense about his old-school ways. Ridiculous!

Amartel said...

So I read some articles about this farce and it seems it's the wussy-ass sponsors, corporate America, whose reaction drove this firing, not the actual nature or number of claims. The claims were rather pathetic, actually. So now the Borg has demonstrated yet again that it can manipulate content via pressure on corporate sponsorship. Something anybody who ever (used to) watch sports knows all too well. Something anyone watching the demise of ESPN knows does not end well for the host. OTOH, at least they didn't put Shep the Sheep (baaaaa!) on in BOR's place. It's going to be Bolling at 8 and The Five is moving to 9 (which is 6 my time) and will now have Jesse Watters who will be very good at mocking poor hapless Bob Beckel.

ndspinelli said...

Thanks, Amartel. We have some knowledgeable people here. Then we have a former IRS Gestapo Cliff Claven who doesn't knows shit but spouts about everything. We all pay the price that his old man was a worthless alcoholic. I sense he is a Friend of Bill, Cary Nation, ilk. "The Blonde" is really a blowup doll and the anecdotes about "The Blonde" are just his recollections of enabling mommy.