Friday, February 10, 2017

The Lyin' Of The Senate Sleeps Tonight

So, the Elizabeth Warren narrative is that she was barred from reading Coretta Scott King's letter to Strom Thurmond regarding the fitness of then US Attorney Jeff Sessions for an Alabama Fed Circuit judgeship.  The narrative fits right into the meme that Warren was buffeted during Black History Month. That's not actually what happened though. Here is the full C-Span record:

Warren harangued Jeff Sessions for a full 13 minutes before reciting a personal tirade authored by the late Sen. Ted Kennedy. During Warren's first twenty minutes, she repeating made use of the active voice to state conjecture as established fact.* Readers of this blog and my shadow blog, El Pollo Real, will realize that a personal pet peeve of mine is our language's loss of the subjunctive mood as a clear way to separate fact and fantasy. This is an egregious example. Back to the lyin' of the Senate.

It was Kennedy's words -- not Coretta Scott King's -- which caused Senator Cardin to issue the first fair warning. Kennedy's use of the phrase "disgrace to the Justice Department" (18 min 30 sec) was what set off the Senator. You can hear him clearly raise this point at the (24 min 22 sec).

*Quite early on in her recorded harangue, Warren calls one of Trump's executive orders "unlawful, unconstitutional, and deeply immoral."  That is not prescience on Warren's part -- that is outright prejudice -- a prejudgement of a matter which may well be decided against her wishes in a higher court.


Amartel said...


edutcher said...

More fake news,

Amartel said...

She's stirring up a lot of dust because of the imminent attacks on her phony consumer financial protection agency (the latest in a long line of profitable fraudulences primarily benefitting the State of Warren). Forget Keith Ellison and the other zombies trying to wrest control of the DNC, this is THE face of today's Democrat Party: Old, white, lying hypocrites profitting from false promises and fraudulence in office.

The Dude said...

This is O.I.T. She make much wampum speaking with forked tongue.

chickelit said...

Quite early on in her recorded harangue, Warren calls one of Trump's executive orders 'unlawful, unconstitutional, and deeply immoral.'

Impugning Trump is not the same as impugning Sessions, but Warren makes the point that Sessions and Trump are inseparable in opinion (and presumably, in character).

The Dude said...

I always liked this version.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...


This is THE face of today's Democrat Party: Old, white, lying hypocrites profitting from false promises and fraudulence in office.

Worth a shout. This.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

*Quite early on in her recorded harangue, Warren calls one of Trump's executive orders "unlawful, unconstitutional, and deeply immoral." That is not prescience on Warren's part -- that is outright prejudice -- a prejudgement of a matter which may well be decided against her wishes in a higher court.

The point being that Attorney General Howdy Doody Sessions lacks the independence to advise Trump against issuing illegal orders - in contravention of what he praised the AG he just fired for having the guts to do. And he was considered anti-civil rights by the people best positioned to know. Even Republicans blocked him back in the eighties, he was that bad. But I guess the Republican party has now sunk so low that even someone too racist for the Reagan era Republicans to support him is good enough now. Why? Because he supported Trump early on. It all came down to loyalty - to an unhinged candidate - as the only qualification. And instead of fixating on civil rights workers and black voters as his targets, it's now Mexicans. How little things change, even when they backslide horrendously.