Thursday, February 9, 2017


Top rated YouTube comment:
It's funny how many people don't know that this was an anti-war protest song, and not actually about American women
The Kardashians*


chickelit said...

One of Randy Bachman's best guitar riffs.

chickelit said...

*Madonna, Ashley Judd, Lena Dunham, et al.

rcommal said...

rcommal said...

edutcher said...

All you had to do was listen to it.

When you weren't drugged out, of course.

rcommal said...

And oh, by the way, #chickelittrooperyorkdustbunnyqueenallensmichaelhazlem + etc.: As part of ongoing training, our son now knows, on account of his having to do it, how to diagnose brakes issues in a vehicle and then how to fix 'em all. Now, perhaps, he won't choose to do that sort of thing for himself. Perhaps, he'd rather waste money paying other people to do that sort of thing. My thought about all of that is: At least he's gonna be making a decision from a place of choice (that is: ability).

rcommal said...


Your concept of common sense is nonsense.

rcommal said...

Had we paid *too* much attention to the likes of you, @eductcher, our son would be entirely ill-equipped for the future. Thanks be to God that we did not.

AllenS said...

Don't do drugs.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I always thought that was an EBow, but wikipedia says it was invented in 1969 and first introduced in 1976. Wikipedia says the "American Woman" album was recorded between August 12, 1969 and November 16, 1969.

So, it's certainly possible that Mr. Bachman had an early prototype.

But who knows? Maybe he just stood there, with a Les Paul, facing a red hot Marshall stack, 3 feet away.

Old school.

The Dude said...

This is the last time I heard anything about Guess Who it was in this bit.

edutcher said...

rcommal said...

Had we paid *too* much attention to the likes of you, @eductcher, our son would be entirely ill-equipped for the future. Thanks be to God that we did not.

Someone's sounding like Mrs Crankipants.

ricpic said...

The song makes no sense at all other than as a hate America yawp. The kind of thing Obama was weaned on.

Complete white-out day here in upstate New York. I could of got away without shaving but I thought I was going to make it into town, went outside, cleared off the car, warmed up the engine and then decided road to slick so to hell with it. Which means I shaved when I didn't have to! Damn.

ricpic said...

OMG I made the fundamental to too error! I hope rcommal forgives me. ;^)

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...


Is Gorsuch a liberal?

The Dude said...

And the classic "have" "of" error, enshrined in the Titus school of illiteracy.

I would not have mentioned it if you hadn't already mentioned a typo.

We had heavy rainfall last night as the cold weather is just arriving here now. Had it been colder we might have gotten a foot of snow.

Don't have to shovel rain.

edutcher said...

Gorsuch has a solid rep as a Conservative.

"The Hill", no different than "Politico", sounds like it wants to stir up a little FUD to torpedo his nomination.

Although someone who hates Trump might hold it against him that he lives in Boulder CO.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

As part of ongoing training, our son now knows, on account of his having to do it, how to diagnose brakes issues in a vehicle and then how to fix 'em all.

Good! Life skills are important to know and give you independence plus confidence. How to fix a leaking faucet. What to do in an emergency if there is a water leak, gas leak. How to light the heater in the house. Hanging pictures personal OCD annoyance :-) Changing the oil, air filter in your car. Tons of little things that make your life easier.

As a plus. Women tend to like men who are capable, competent, self assured and can do "stuff". Good husband material :-D

rcommal said...

So it goes, and God bless you.

[I have posted here and elsewhere under two hangars and no others other than these two:

reader_iam and rcommal.)

Too bad if you don't get that. The fact that you don't illustrates even more why I know that you sorts don't get shit from shinola and also why there is very little reason to even bother paying attention to, much less respecting, you.

I get why you don't respect me. I also get why you don't respect me.

Onward ho, on account of whatever choice is there, anyway, just sayin'.

rcommal said...

Anyhoo. Whatever. Last night, while my husband was at a Vestry meeting, my son got to order anything he wanted from a menu in a reliable delivery sort of thing (in advance, I already knew what my husband wanted, because he told me). My husband and I celebrate Valentine's Day only in terms of our son.

Why is that, you might ask? OK, I know that you don't, won't & etc., and nor would I expect you so to do!

Regardless: We met on a February 16th. Therefore, Valentine's Day never has been very significant in terms of that between us two. That said, we've paid attention to our family and friends who think that St. V. is so important, and we've made sure that our son knows that he is our true valentine.


That said, this Thursday, this February 16th in this year of our Lord 2017, marks the 25th year since we two met, and from that day unto this day we've been joint-life builders, according to the vows that, technically, we only officially took much later (on Jan. 7, 1995).

It's a thing, dontcha think? A quarter-century. I didn't even meet him until I was in my '30s (he's a bit younger), and so--realist that i am--there won't be a 50th, at least that can be counted upon. That's why this a big deal, and thanks be to God for it.

rcommal said...

rcommal said...

[That song's not coincidental:

When we did marry, that's the song that was our song, the one to we which danced, played by a small yet big band with a girl singer; so handy it was that I'm the daughter of two professional musicians.

So grateful that I've gotten so many unforgettable, precious experiences on account of both luckiness and the sheer hard work of others.)

rcommal said...

UPDATE: me! Seriously. I kid you not: Life has its own way of bridling galloping things.

Thus, anyhoo:

In the event, we woke up on Feb. 16, 2017, to find that there was no heat in the house. Furnace[/HVAC?] fail. Also, FIL told us that MIL was headed back to the hospital yet again for uncontrolled bleeding + meds-balancing

So much for the gratuitous, bullshit online things that I do. That sort of things matters so little ...


as do silly 25th year anniversary thangs, and I don't I know that, as well.

Life lived is the only damned that matters, I'm thinking right now.