Thursday, December 22, 2016

Whose that Mom?

Just about ready to pop a present for Christmas this former athlete was also married to a champion. Know for taking on five at a time. She was at the top of her game but is retired and living a happy life as a wife and Mom.

Whose that Mom?


edutcher said...

She's also tatted up like a merchant seaman, which is fitting.

She wrote a cautionary tale about making love, but she's out of that racket..

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Tanya Harding?

Trooper York said...

No not really.

She didn't hit anybodies knees.

She did spend a lot of time on them though.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Tiger's ex-wife?

chickelit said...

ed said seaman. Heh

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...


Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Lindsey Vaughn?

chickelit said...

Question for Troop or edutcher: Is she well known outside of porn or reality TV circles?

edutcher said...

I would say, "Yes".

I do believe she's been in the news once or twice.

Trooper York said...

Bestselling author. B

chickelit said...

Did she ever sing Prozaic hims?

chickelit said...

In a full-throated way of course.

AllenS said...

When will those of us who don't know who she is, find out who she is?

chickelit said...

I still don't know but I'm just curious as to how edutcher knew right off the bat.

deborah said...

Come on, who is it?

Trooper York said...

Porn Star Jenna Jameson.

Trooper York said...

She looked different back then.

deborah said...

Thanks for that fast reply!

chickelit said...

WAH, Wah, wah....

I thought it might be Elizabeth Wurtzel (after Troop gave the clue about being an author).

Methadras said...

chickelit said...

In a full-throated way of course.

Now that would be a talent considered the voice box is obstructed and all.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Holy crap!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

A little too much plastic surgery, a little too much replacement of dick with carbs.


MamaM said...

Aside from the fact that anyone with a working Google finger is equipped to find a matching picture and name faster than it takes to hook up to or God-forbid listen to some back and forth on Bloggingheads, the real mystery for me is why the adult woman pictured here would choose to go about looking like an adolescent with unresolved issues, bringing to mind Madonna with the lanky bleached blond hair?

Am I surprised by what turns up in her early history? Yes and no. While I was expecting unresolved trauma I wasn't expecting a childhood so closely matched to Madonna's, right down to the Catholicism and need to self-parent, due to the early loss of a mother. The gang-banging at 16 adds another layer to things that weren't her fault but are her responsibiuity to work through in adulthood. Children who are left to deal with childhood trauma on their own, find their own ways to survive, with addiction and acting out often being part of the package.

From the wiki: Her mother died of melanoma on February 20, 1976, two months prior to her daughter's second birthday. The cancer treatments bankrupted the family and they relocated in Nevada, Arizona, and Montana, usually living in a trailer home or living with her paternal grandmother. She and her older brother, Tony were raised Catholic,though they were essentially left to parent each other.

Jameson wrote in her autobiography that in October 1990, when she was 16 years old and while the family was living on a cattle ranch in Fromberg, Montana, she was beaten with rocks and gang raped by four boys after a football game at Fromberg High School. The incident began after she attempted to hitchhike home, and that she entered the car of the four boys while believing that she would be driven to her home.

The wiki also said she's converting to Judism. Here's hoping the child she carries is able to access and receive the love, nurture and structure needed to live a healthy, balanced life.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Am I surprised by what turns up in her early history? Yes and no. While I was expecting unresolved trauma I wasn't expecting a childhood so closely matched to Madonna's, right down to the Catholicism and need to self-parent, due to the early loss of a mother.

When a religion tells you that the sexuality used to violate you so violently and atrociously is evil regardless of how it's used, with whose permission or the pleasure or pain involved, then reclaiming it for its own sake would seem to be a natural priority.

I never knew about what nastiness she endured. Sad again. What people do to each other is horrifying beyond words.

Trooper York said...

I think she coped surprisingly well. Sure she did some stuff that she might regret. But she made a life for herself and is happy now.