Tuesday, December 20, 2016


Overheard at Lem's:
Eric the Fruit Bat said...
Don't know if this qualifies, but we have a Chris Isaak Christmas album that's one of my favorite things.
December 7, 2016 at 8:42 PM

The song reminded me of the refrain of another favorite of mine:
O star of wonder, star of night,
Star of royal beauty bright,
Westward leading, still proceeding,
Guide us to thy perfect light.
Gorgeous!  I woke up the other night with the melody of that refrain on my brain. I hummed and hummed it but could not recognize it.  Then I remembered a few words..."Star of Wonder, star of...." and a couple of Google dead ends finally led me to "We Three Kings."  I couldn't find a favorite version, but this one comes close:


Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

A glorious version of We Three Kings. thanks.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Some years ago I got the idea in my head to learn how to play some holiday songs on guitar. Being no musician, I ended up with a cheater's guide I found while browsing at Barnes & Noble. Tab. Came with a CD.

"We Three Kings" was as far as I got.

I'm kind of a dilettante.

I blame myself.

chickelit said...

I did the same thing with the banjo, fruitbat. II earned the into to "Tom Dooley" and a coupe of Scruggs rolls.

Chip Ahoy said...

A couple of Google dead ends...

Did any of the dead ends go like this?

We three Kings of Orient are;
Trying to smoke a rubber cigar;
It was loaded and it exploded!;
We two Kings of Orient are... and so on. Until the last kind is ka-boomed and keeping your lips pressed together musically muffle to the tune, "murf mer gerf merble murfmurfmurf gerg. Gargle gack murf gargley gack.

Or like this?

We four Beatles of Liverpool are,
Paul in a taxi, John in a car,
George on a scooter, beeping his hooter,
Following Ringo Star.

Or like this?

We three kings of Leicester Square
Selling ladies underwear
So fantastic, no elastic
Only tuppence a pair

HEY! Did you know this song "Quest of the Magi" written by John Henry Hopkins is the first American Christmas carol ever featured in the British collection of Christmas Carols Old and New? Now, this here is important and precious tidbit to hold in mind because it could be the clue and the answer that might open a gnarly uncooperative corner of a NYT crossword puzzle for you some day. You never know when it could pop up. And then you'll go, "Man, I sure am glad Chip emphasized this back then in the past."