Tuesday, November 22, 2016

WKRLEM: A kind of magic


Methadras said...

Highlander is such an awesome movie. I remember when it came out and me and my friends were just enamored with it and Queen hit the right musical theme with it too. Then Highlander 2 came out and we all tried to forget its existence.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Methadras, there can only be one...

ricpic said...

OT -- Interesting column in today's NY Post by Michael Goodwin that Trump has made a serious mistake by telling the he is not interested in pursuing a prosecution of Hillary. Why? Because, aside from brushing aside the principle that no individual is above the law, it puts Jeff Sessions in a bind should Trump nominate him for AG. Sessions integrity would be strained, to put it mildly, if he was under orders from his boss not to, at the very least, open an investigation into the goings on at the Clinton Foundation. I agree with Goodwin. What say you?


ricpic said...

by telling the NY Times

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Ricpic - Agree with Goodwin. Trump didn't need to say anything at all about Hillary. All he needed to do was STFU about it. Makes me wonder what the deal is.

Trooper York said...

Give it a rest with the bullshit conspiracy theory.

Rabel said...

Can someone help me with a question?

What's the purpose, need or reason for a vault for a burial?

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

The decision, if that’s what it is, and the ham-handed way it is being communicated, marks his first big blunder as president-elect.

I try not to argue with success -- and Michael Goodwin must be successful -- but it nauseates me that there is a market for this kind of claim, a reward for getting out front with yammering criticism.

That's not even Monday morning quarterbacking.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

It is a blunder. It should make his fans nervous. What else is next?
On balance, I'm fairly happy with what i see out of Trump so far. I'm not a fan boy, so I have no allegiance or emotional tie to him personally. Calling out an obvious broken campaign promise shouldn't make fan boys wet their pants. But it does. Making excuses for a single lousy decision as if the guy cannot multi-task? He's gonna help her heal? Jeebus - what nonsense.

btw- where's the mind-crime pile on for ricpic? I see it's only directed as me. I am so powerful! Like Susan Suranwrap.

The Dude said...

Trump is a liar.

Rabel said...

I have found the answer to my question myself and will now return to the Levity portion of the program.

ricpic said...

Because you're FEARED, April. Me? I'm the kid they put in right field. :^(

Trooper York said...

There is no pile up on ricpic because he is honest.

Nobody is pissing their pants except the people who did everything they could to defeat Trump and now have turned their attention to destroying his Presidency before he even starts.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

See Troop - there you go again. You think I have the power to destroy Trump's presidency? Laughable.

meanwhile, Trump's lame limp-dicked decision to pardon Hillary isn't going over well.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Sixty - what do you mean?

Rabel said...

In January, Hillary Clinton will not be sworn in as President of the United States of America. Donald Trump is responsible for this. All else pales in comparison.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I am still enjoying the winning.

I had very low expectations. I thought Hillary would win and destroy the country.

Now I figure everything good I get from Trump is like an extra serving of mash potatoes and gravy. The good mash potatoes, with yellow finns and butter and sour cream.

Give Thanks!

The Dude said...

A lying sack of shit.

Fuck Trump - he is a liar. He can redeem himself, but for now I am going to assume he is actively working to destroy the rule of law in this country.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Sixty - his words mean nothing- because - HE WON!

Now it looks like some common core swamp dweller will as Education Secretary.


Trooper York said...

Boy who sounds like the scorned fan boys now?

You can not make the perfect the enemy of the good.

Trump has not done anything yet except make a few appointments and already people are freaking out and acting out and trying to undermine him.

You might want to relax a little. Just sayn'

Trooper York said...

I feel pretty confident with Steve Bannon and Kushner there. Everyone needs to take a breath and enjoy the holidays. Jeeez.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I'm super happy Hillary will not be sworn in. Lets hope that Trump doesn't become her stand in.

BTW - what I like most about Trump -- he pisses all over CNN. Or at least I hope all those leaks are true.

Listening to Brian Ross(D-hack) on the car radio today - Ross smashed Trump and his businesses. Ripped Trump a new one. Very biased and unfair. My only thought - where were you Brian Ross(D-hack)with Hillary and her corruption? I do not recall this level of media scrutiny directed at Hillary Clinton.

If Trump thinks he can play nice by pardoning Hillary and installing democrats all over the place - if he thinks that will get him anything, we really are back to square one.

Trooper York said...

He is a politician.

IRONY ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!

You can't put all your faith in a politician because they lie when they are moving their lips.

Switch off IRONY ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I thought he wasn't a politician. Try to keep up, April.

The Dude said...

Faith? I put none in politicians. I was just hoping, apparently against hope, that Trump was not a lying liberal NYC far up north Y*nkee piece of shit.

My hope was misplaced. Get ready for Obama's third term. I read that he is considering that near-felon Harold Ford for a job. What next, Chelsea Clinton gets a cabinet position?

Trump is really screwing up and he's not even in office yet.

The Dude said...

In an effort to expand my horizons I just started watching Colin Quinn The New York Story. Turns out my previous comment was written in Dutch.

I only left out the word "stoop". I'll work on it.