Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Lock her up?

As am sure you know many parts of the lying mainstream media is reporting that President Trump will not push for a special prosecutor to indict Hillary Clinton for her many crimes. It seems that Trump has indicated he wants to avoid it to keep from dividing the country. He is quoted by they scumbag New York Times (via Politico) as follows:It’s just not something that I feel very strongly about,” he said Tuesday afternoon in an on-the-record discussion with reporters from The New York Times.
Trump cast his reversal as a unifying move that, contrary to some of the early backlash, he believes won’t upset his supporters.
“I don't think they will be disappointed. I think I will explain it that we in many ways will save our country,” he said, adding that prosecuting Clinton “would be very, very divisive for the country.”
Trump did, however, suggest he wasn’t taking potential investigations into Clinton off the table, while still remarking that he doesn’t want to “hurt the Clintons.”

So if you factor in the fact that the New York Times will do anything to protect Hilllary you have some interesting things to unpack. Trump is saying that he will not push it but even the Times admits that he wasn't taking potential investigations off of the table. The Justice Department under Jeff Sessions will continue it's investigation. It will be a fair inquiry without the President putting his thumb on the scale. Which I think is right and proper. Obama of course was the exact opposite. Jeff Sessions is a man of the utmost integrity. He will not cover up any crimes that Hillary had committed. In addition there is a separate investigation in New York into Anthony Weiner and Huma that Hillary is caught up in which is outside of Trumps control. You have to realize that there are ambitious people who will look at Hillary as a target. It will interesting to see who will be appointed the US Attorney for the Southern District. If it a grand standing political type like a Giuliani or Chris Christie you might get someone who wants to make a name for himself. Thus Hillary can be prosecuted and Trumps hands will be clean. That is Trump all over. So it still remains to be seen what will happen.

Personally I am disappointed that he is not appointing a special prosecutor. This is just the first of many things that I am sure Trump will do to disappoint me. I have said that from the beginning of this campaign. He is a weak vessel for the reforms and the direction I want. But he is a step along the way. If he passes his reforms of term limits and an end to revolving door lobbying then he will have done a lot. If he just enforces the immigration laws and builds a wall and cancels bogus trade deals he will have kept faith with his supporters. In addition I have little doubt he will unleash American energy to stimulate the economy. Plus he will keep us out of neocon wars with the Russians over Syria or some other bullshit like that there. He will do many positive things that will justify my support of his candidacy.

I am sure he will also do many things that disappoint me. He will disappoint on the social conservative issues like gay marriage and defunding Planned Parenthood. But then the Pope disappoints me so I am used to that. I just know he will not be a active enemy to religion and religious people like Obama and Hillary would be. I think he will also make a great Supreme Court pick because he will appoint someone like Ted Cruz or Mike Lee just to make everyone's head explode so it will all work out.

I would have loved to see a special prosecutor but I am willing to put my faith in Jeff Sessions and the rule of law.  I think think that is just a reasonable thing to do.

What do youse guys think?


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

If Martha Stewart could do time, why not Hillary!

Trooper York said...

I agree. But i also think it is in Trumps best interest not to be seen to be pushing it. If it comes about because of an outside investigation then it is all good. He can be all "Hey I was all for letting bygones be bygones but the grand jury in New York had a different idea."

The sneaky New York way to do it is to put in a politically ambitious prosecutor in New York and let him or her run wild with it. Then if she is indicted he can offer her a pardon if she allocutes. In fact that is the way I think it is going to go. We just have to wait and see.

ricpic said...

An even bigger fish than Hillary could be Podesta, given that there is more than a hint that he runs a pedophile ring which includes god knows how many prominent globalists. That's the great battle of our age: globalism versus nationalism, in our case America first. Taking down Podesta could be a near fatal blow to the globalists.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

It's not something he feels strongly about? What - the law?

Amartel said...

It's definitely not in Trump's interest to push to lock her up. It looks bad and it gives the left a victim revenge fantasy. Er, yet another victim revenge fantasy. You need an index to keep track of all the victim revenge fantasies over there. Anyway, this would be the latest. Also, we're all so thrilled he won that we don't overly are if he's hedging this.

That being said, the only reason it would look like he was punishing his opponent is because Clinton & Co. lied and lied and lied and delayed and lied and delayed and let this thing go on for so long hoping the press would make it disappear. It's the maladroit cover up that got her, helped her to lose the election because it looked so bad, but now it's the cover up that letting her off the hook. Her punishment is losing the election and all the money she would have been able to grift if she was in power. Not good enough. Clinton is probably guilty of a high crime and she's going to get to retire in comfort with all her ill-gotten gains having profitted handsomely from public service. That, too, is very bad precedent. And, yes, she's probably a sick old lady who doesn't have that long but isn't that what they said about that terrorist who was in prison in Scotland and they let him out because he only had 3 months to live but then he hung around for years taunting us?

Anyway, I'm fine with him letting her off his hook but it would be nice if someone else could pick up that slack.

TrooperYork said...

I think he doesn't feel strongly about putting her in jail.

Trump is a people pleaser. That is part of his personality. So he says things that his audience wants to hear. That is how he got elected President. So he said some stuff in his meeting with the New York Times that is being seized upon and interpreted as some yuge change in his policies.

Despite his reputation Trump often shows mercy and forgiveness. He blows up and then gets over it. I think he has some residual regard for Hillary and as he said he doesn't want to "hurt" her. He is not Ann Coulter. He is not Vox Day. He is not me. So I get that he is not going to push all out to put her in bracelets. Believe it or not he is too kind.

But he is also not going to cover anything up and keep her from being indicted by a grand jury.I think you have to take all of this with a grain of salt and wait to see what happens.

What you have to understand is that the Clintons have made a lot of enemies over the years. Some of them will be out to get her. Some angry Democrats. Not least of them being Anthony Weiner. We don't know what he has to trade to keep from going to jail. So the ongoing investigation can indict Hillary and Trump can plausibly say his hands are clean. That is what this is all about.

deborah said...

Watching her allocute would satisfy most, I think.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I want the FBI to pour over everything to do with the Clinton Foundation and pay-to-pay while she was at State. Establish the money trail we know exists.

If they cannot get anywhere - fine. In the meantime, she is not above the law.

deborah said...

Or Anthony could WeinerLeak.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Troop sez:

Personally I am disappointed that he is not appointing a special prosecutor. This is just the first of many things that I am sure Trump will do to disappoint me.

I agree.

ampersand said...

I would let her go with a warning. "You are through with politics. Anyone in your family sticking their nose in public affairs and I sic the Doj dogs on you." However if Obama pardons her, I would also sic the DOJ on her ,if anything to test the law. No one should get a blanket pardon. The Nixon case never went beyond an appeals court, it should have gone all the way to the Supreme court.

edutcher said...

Mme DeFarge and her lust to dip her hands in Frumpty's blood notwithstanding, this was my point about Jerry Ford. What he did got the country moving again. People hated it, I hated it, but I saw eventually it was a good thing. As Amartel alludes, another point is her health. If she does the big swoon like 9/11, he looks very bad.

As for disappointments, up to now, he's been awfully good and I think he will continue to be. The thing to keep in mind is you don't change a culture overnight; this was a process of a half century and it will take a lot more time than he is in office to put things right. I disagree about him being a pleaser or a weak vessel, but he probably sees the hysteria going on and on, financed by Dr Evil, and knows life will be easier if DEFCON is ratcheted down.

PS I think the special prosecutor law lapsed sometime in Pissy's term. If wrong, I will happily stand corrected.

edutcher said...

Something else to consider, a little magnanimity always looks good in a conqueror.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Personally, I want to see Hillary and all associated with her go to jail and be punished.

However, Trump has much to do. An ongoing, never ending circus of an investigation and trial would eat up all the energy and derail the important work that needs to be done. Cleaning up the IRS, Dept of Justice, FBI to start. Clearing out the deadwood, scaling back and even eliminating departments that are oppressively impeding progress. HUD, EPA, Education and many more. Rebuilding the Military.

If Trump himself were to be pushing for a Hillary trial, all that would be on the back burner. In addition, the optics of the incoming President pushing to punish the outgoing high ranking administrative people has the aura of a junta or dictatorship.

The wise thing is to have Trump not be the impetus but to let Sessions or whoever is the new Justice Department and FBI heads lead up the investigation. That way Trump can say....with a heavy sigh!....I didn't really want to do this, BUT...it is the way our system works and then...get out of the way and let it work.

Kind of like Pontious Pilate. Wash his hands of it.

I'd rather see shit get done and not waste any more of our oxygen on Hillary.

Drain the swamp is more important. So if a few of the alligators get away, the main thing is to make sure that there are no more growing and that the swamp IS drained.

I'm an evil vindictive woman (sort of) but I am also pragmatic. I think that Trump is pragmatic. Get things done first!

The Dude said...

It is times like this that I miss judges like Roy Bean, law west of the Pecos. He would find her guilty and dispense justice.

Judge Roy Bean: Justice is the handmaiden of law.
Nick the Grub Jackson gang: You said law was the handmaiden of justice.
Judge Roy Bean: Works both ways.

Third Coast said...

Besides Hillary, I want special prosecutors for the Fast and Furious and IRS scandals. Those smirking bastards that thumbed their noses at the Congress and took the 5th (John Koskinen & Lois Lerner should be hung) need to be brought to account.
After that, the BATF needs to be eliminated. They have a criminal history that started many years before Holder added his stench to their reputation.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I also think that justice can be served by not "necessarily" going after Hillary directly but rather by going after the Clinton Foundation as an illegally operated charity. Prove their illegality and THEN defund the whole dirty operation. Take the money and disburse it to real charitable organizations.

This way Hillary, Bill and that nasty Howdy Doody clone Chelsea will be cut off from money, power and influence selling. When they don't have anything to sell, aka the "foundation" is defunct, perhaps they will finally go away. Crawl into a hole and die.

To be cut off from their power, their money and become has been useless nothings will be some sort of punishment. Not as good as seeing a weeping Hillary being hauled off to jail. But better than nothing and the money that they have amassed can be used for real charitable purposes.

Plus...a lot of other people will go down with the corrupt ship.

Trump didn't go after Hillary (directly) just the terrible organization of their foundation.


Leland said...

Start memorizing this response: "Trump didn't say that, the MSM lied to you, just like they did prior to the election, and yet you still believe them. You still listen to them."

edutcher said...

oopsy, you make an excellent point. Turn the Slush Fund into a pariah by exposing it and the Ozarks cash cow dries up.

Sixty Grit said...

It is times like this that I miss judges like Roy Bean, law west of the Pecos

He also strung up many a man that didn't have it coming.

Chip Ahoy said...

What do I think? I think, you can't always get what you wah hunt. You can't always get what you wah hunt. But if you try sometimes you just might find *voice raises pitch* you get what you need. Oh, wait. Blast! That was somebody else thinking that.

Trooper York said...

I truly think everyone is jumping the gun.

The false media narrative is in overdrive.

Just as they claimed that the transition was in chaos and in disarray when in fact it is far ahead of the last five transitions with more appointments made than any of them.

Every lie and every bit of information purveyed by the media has to be taken with a grain of salt. I would only trust what Trump says himself and when appointments and actions are actually completed.

The mainstream media stated in a front page article in the New York Times that their mission was to elect Hillary and deny Trump the Presidency. Every opinion piece, headline and news article was slanted to do that. They are continuing with the same methods and practices.

I take Trump at his word. He isn't vindictive like me and DBQ and he does not want to "hurt" Hillary but he is not going to interfere with the ongoing investigations. His political capital is better spent elsewhere.

We shall see if mercy is the correct pathway. Somehow I doubt it.

edutcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
edutcher said...

For those interested, another side of the man. Good Surber piece on the personal Trump.

He calls murdered detective's son

ampersand said...

Hillary Clinton was never adverse to sending someone to the slammer. Billy Dale,of Travelgate fame,Peg Bargon a Hillary fan who made the mistake of giving her a dreamcatcher made with roadkill eagle feathers and Nakoula Basseley Nakoula , whose video was blamed for

Methadras said...

I'm just one guy, so my opinion really doesn't count for shit in the grand scheme of things, but I see this a long term fuck up. By not going after her directly as he said he would, he is playing right into the hands of the degenerates that are going to come after him anyway. This is a fucking concession he couldn't afford to lose and he didn't need to do it. He's being called everything under the sun and they are worried about being divisive? Black person please.

Her prosecution would send a direct and clear message to everyone in DC and who works for the federal government. You fuck up, you will end up like she does. We will find you, we will hunt you down, and prosecute you. That's what draining the swamp really looks like. Instead, you let your enemies go as a sign of good faith and magnanimity and all they will do is find a way to shove a knife in your back and with HRC, it will be through her stooges. I think this is a big fucking mistake all in the name of an administration turnover trying to look fresh and lean.

Trooper York said...

I think all the hardliners like you, me and DBQ agree with that Meth. But Trump seems to want to be merciful. I agree that it is a mistake.

Trump is a master showman and a devious fuck. Maybe he thinks having this sick old woman in the dock is bad optics. That is if it comes directly from him.

Not so much if it is from the NYPD investigation or a new FBI investigation of the Foundation. A lot depends on who is the new FBI director. There a whole bunch of people who have it out for the Clintons and want to get her pelt to advance their own careers. The fear people had of them is gone. So the minions will be turning on her. Especially if they are facing jail time. So it will be interesting and it can get down with out Trump getting his hands dirty.

I say keep your eye on the Weiner. That is where Hillary's comeuppance will come from.

They are going to stick her with the Weiner.

Leland said...

I think Rush made a good point. He agrees with not prosecuting Hillary, for long term reasons, but he also pointed out that Obama and Holder left W hanging out for 4 years before announcing no prosecution. I think the claims against W were mostly political, compared to what looks like cut and dry mishandling of classified documents (Something the Bush Administration was investigated for doing, and someone prosecuted for not being entirely truthful).

Bottom line, Trump does have more important things to do, but he could have left Hillary paying legal fees and worrying about her future for 4 more years!

Leland said...

Of course, this could be a rope-a-dope. If Trump suggests through a surrogate that Hillary won't be prosecuted; then why would Obama pardon her. Obama leaves office, and Trump announces new information suggests Hillary should explain herself to a jury.

Then again, the main thing Trump needs to do is make sure nobody with contact to Hillary maintains a security clearance.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Meth - YES. You opinion is valued! Mostly- because you are usually 100%.
The media are mocking Trump right now - right now - for flip flopping on his campaign promise on Clinton. Like you said, he didn't need to do it. He didn't need to say one thing. Keep em hanging.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

(you = your)

Trooper York said...

Of course the media is mocking him. They would no matter what he did. That is a given. Who cares?

He just took one more meme away from them to beat him with as he concentrates on running the country.

He is reaching out. To his rivals. To the #nevertrumpers. To the Democrats. By and large they are spurning him. But it is on the record.

He is a pragmatist. If prosecuting Hillary is a no win proposition for him he will farm it out. Wait and see.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I agree with Meth. Re-read his post.

I certainly do not mind if Trump mends fences and makes alliances with certain rivals. The Clinton corruption machine however NO. Third Coast said above, ignoring that lawlessness -- bad move. An unnecessary missed opportunity. Why not keep quiet if anything?

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Deep thoughts from Ann Coulter

edutcher said...

Trooper York said...

I think all the hardliners like you, me and DBQ agree with that Meth. But Trump seems to want to be merciful. I agree that it is a mistake.


Remember, this is the guy who always counts the cost. What does it get him to persecute a poor, old, sick, demented bag? What does it get him if he shows mercy? If he shows it as a measure of strength and not weakness?

If you ever saw "Schindler's List", there's a scene where Schindler talks Kolonel Klink into sparing some Jewish lives on the grounds that what is more evidence of the power you hold than sparing a life or two here and there when you could have them gassed without even thinking about it. Any jerk can just send them off to the Zyklon-B because he has the authority. Real power comes when you have it and make your own decisions.

He's showing everybody he could do it. But won't.

For now.

Like Rex Harrison as Caesar in "Cleopatra". He stands before what's left of Pompey's officers at Pharsalia and tells them, "Do not think I am soft. You will be watched. at the first sign of treachery, you will be killed".

Your life is mine, to do with as I please.

As I say, 37 dimensional stealth ninja virtual chess.

edutcher said...

PS Coulter can be a little weird at times. She thought Christie and McConnell were good, Conservative Republicans.

And I don't remember him blocking any DOJ investigations.

As always, Mme DeFarge needs to pay more attention to facts and less to hatred.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

"Trump is gonna help her heal." LOL


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

If you actually want an independent judiciary then you'd do what he says and leave it up to the DOJ.

These are not the sorts of things that are subject to mob rule - sorry to inform you.

He's doing the responsible thing by focusing on what presidents should focus on - their agenda. Not popular vengeance. That serves nothing.

Trooper York said...

He is not ignoring the lawlessness. He is saying that personally he is not vindictive.

You know what kind of shitstorm there would be if he said he was going to appoint a special prosecutor.

He did miss an opportunity. To be diverted and expend capital on something that he does not have to take a leading role in and still be effective.

As I have said I have a lot of confidence in Jeff Sessions. He will do the right thing and Trump now has plausible deniability to use a Nixonian phrase.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Balls - He's gonna help her heal.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

This is an interesting thread.

Never before have I read so many comments clamoring for "justice" without actually identifying a law that they suspect was broken.

If I ever had to appear before a jury or a judge, I would love to have some of you on as acting counsel for the prosecution. I would have the book thrown at me for violating the law of cutting the cheese, the law of calling "shotgun" for the passenger seat, and the law of the jungle. And by "the book," I mean confetti.

This strong man has made you think we actually turned from a nation of laws into a nation of men.

We did not. Without laws there would be no courts. And then where would Trump take the next person he felt insulted him to lose his next libel case?

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Yeah - fine DOJ, investigation, FBI - all good. Trump - all he had to do was shut up. No - he's gonna help good people heal.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Balls - How about this, for starters.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

He is not ignoring the lawlessness. He is saying that personally he is not vindictive.


Trump is doing the Texas Two-Step. Yesterday was red meat day. Today is healing day.

He may well turn out to be a good leader yet. To do so requires him to appeal beyond his base.

This may work out well for him. I'm giving him a fair shot. He won the "nation's" election, after all. Not just redstate.com's popularity context.

Trooper York said...

I know right. It sucks that he is showing mercy. It is a cuck thing to do. He is a lot more magnanimous than I would be.

Be assured that there is nothing that would heal that suppurating pus bag. She is corrupt and polluted. Like Michelle Pfeiffer's vagina in Scarface.

It goes in the ledger. Lets see how it goes. Enough black marks might turn his supporters away from him.

I think Trump is confident in his supporters. He is results oriented. As are his supporters. Lets see what happens. He isn't even President yet.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Trump might break to many promises and peel off the mask and reveal he's just a stand in for Hillary!

Oh cool - I have a new crazy theory.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Without reading the whole thing - I'd seen it before and knew about Clinton and the Russian uranium, as well as ALL the Clinton Cash stuff - if there's a law in it he broke, then put them on the run. Let an independent DOJ prosecute.

Just don't focus on it to the point of distraction as part of a presidential agenda. We've got shit to do. The Clintons' loss at the polls was a big blow for them politically - and hopefully they get out of politics for good. But I know the fear. They are cockroaches. There is still damage they can do despite being so righteously humbled.

If there's a violation, let him take it up. Just don't have Trump focus on it.

The Clintons are horrible. They must be humiliated. They must be held to the same legal standard as everyone else. And that includes prosecution if warranted.

But Trump needs to move past this personally as a matter of presidential competence. The nation's business encompasses more than just the pathetic Clintons.

Trooper York said...

The only ones who are counting up the promises and ginning up the hate are the people who never wanted Trump to be President in the first place.

Even Ann Coulter has said that this is the job of the Justice Department. Not the President Elect. If as Ritmo says you believe in the rule of law you let the process take place without interference. Otherwise you would be Obama.

I thought so called "conservatives" believed in the rule of law and not the actions of a "strong man." Or was all of that bullshit as usual.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm telling you, the most unifying thing Trump can do is focus on his agenda, and let an independent DOJ do what it needs to do.

The more Trump becomes a part of it, the more it works against him. It makes him look like he can't focus on the task at hand and like he needs to control a judiciary that ensures our freedom best when it is most independent - whichever conclusion they come to or outcome they pursue.

It's better for him, better for the country, better for everyone.

Let the Clintons be their own problem for now. If DOJ finds something, let them be the ones to move the ball on that.

Trooper York said...

The Clintons have to be looking over their shoulders. Not at Trump. At all of the other people they fucked. They are wounded animals. That is where they are very dangerous.

I tell you again.

Remember the Weiner.

That is going to be the downfall of the Gorgon.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

...believe in the rule of law you let the process take place...

Giuliani's a good model on this. He's a highly effective prosecutor, and administrator, but never vindictive. He calls out all the evidence of what's exculpatory, but never lets up for political reasons. He's not a hateful guy, but would never let that get in the way of speaking up about what even a popular ex-president like Bill or phony "icon" like Hillary might have done that's legally suspect.

He's a good guy. Straight shooter, admires honesty and tenacious. But never vindictive. Effective without letting it ruin him personally.

It would be great to see him get a cabinet appointment.

Trooper York said...

It is not the cops or the outside witnesses that bring down the Mafia. It is the Sammy the Bulls who rat out their boss. That is how they got Gotti. That is how they are going to get Clinton.

The Saudi's are going to tell Huma to give up Hillary to throw the United States into a frenzy in retaliation for Trump freeing up Domestic Oil Production.

Remember the Weiner.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Giuliani definitely deserves a cabinet appointment. He's probably the most deserving of anyone being considered.

Trooper York said...

I agree. I think he will be Secretary of State or at worst Homeland Security.

I don't believe that Mitt will be in the Cabinet.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Right now on the top thread at Althouse - scroll down to comment 7:45 by FEN.

Gold. I concur.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Lol. I couldn't even figure out why Mitt was meeting with him.

What key does Mitt hold that Trump needed to forgive him for? I just can't figure it out. What would Mitt have wanted?

Strange. I guess if it's just to "unify" the party, I'd figure Mitt would need some kind of clout within the party, which I didn't know he had.

Trooper York said...

He is only hanging out with Mitt so he can give him an Atomic Wedgie with his special underwear.

It is going to be epic.

Trooper York said...

I think he will still be Secretary of State. Trump will horsetrade to get him approved. I think there are several Democrats who will vote for him.

Rand Paul does not get to veto Trump's choices.

edutcher said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

This is an interesting thread.

Never before have I read so many comments clamoring for "justice" without actually identifying a law that they suspect was broken.

To be honest, I think that's well-broken ground here.

Giuliani definitely deserves a cabinet appointment. He's probably the most deserving of anyone being considered.

True dat.

Trooper York said...

The Clintons have to be looking over their shoulders. Not at Trump. At all of the other people they fucked. They are wounded animals. That is where they are very dangerous

It was Eddie DeBartolo rolling over that got Edwin Edwards.

I agree. I think he will be Secretary of State or at worst Homeland Security.

I don't believe that Mitt will be in the Cabinet.

Right on the Romster.

But it looks like Kobach is DHS and the word is Rand Paul doesn't like Rudy at State.

We'll see.

deborah said...

If he's too frail, Rudy wouldn't be a good fit for State, the jetting around and pressure of negotiations would be too strenuous....I say AG or DHS.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Fen's comment is about as rabid as I'd expect of him. In which case, does he feel it was wrong to pardon Nixon?

Yes, separate issue than from where we're coming on this. But criminal prosecution requires strong evidence.

The Clintons tied up a lot of legal gray areas with political malfeasance. I'm not ruling out that they broke a law, or that they could/should be prosecuted. I just think as a focus of personal/political energy it's a bit goofy to devote 80% to a fractious cause that may or may not yield fruit. Dredging up skeletons requires a body first. Or at least a missing case. If the Republicans make this the type of lost cause that they made of Bill's impeachment, it will just be more lost opportunity to fix all the other things that the Clintons and their friends actually broke, and remain broken.

There is stuff to fix. Stuff to build. The Clintons have discredited themselves enough for today and building a legacy that's 180 degrees counter to theirs is the best business in town. If they did something to crush themselves in court let that develop on its own.

After all, the guy got disbarred. That's a huge repudiation. Do you people even remember that?

It's something that worked itself out outside of the political process.

If something's coming to them, they'll get it. Their credibility is only slipping further and further the more time goes on and the more that comes to light.

What they did and what they were up to should have been a relentless focus BEFORE 2016. Not during. And not now.

deborah said...

I can see Romney at State, he'd be a good fit.

Trooper York said...

No he wouldn't. He wants a war with Russia. Fuck that noise.

Trooper York said...

Rudy isn't frail. That is just media bullshit. He deserves the Secretary of State and I am confident he will be nominated.

Don't believe the hype.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Rudy would be a great SOS.

No to war with Russia.

Let Trump's better ideas be facilitated by the best picks for those ideas.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Rudy Giuliani is 72 (two years older than Trump) and New Yorkers don't go frail until they're like 90.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Rudy's too smart and persuasive an asset to be put into any other position than SOS.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Find me an SOS other than Giuliani who would more effectively wind back our relations with toxic partners like the Saudis.

deborah said...

Hadn't heard he was anti russia, was that for show. If he was asked and accepted, he would take Trump's orders.

As far as Rudy, I heard he might not be vigorous on this very site...cancer, older. Though 73 seems young to me now lol.

Trooper York said...

One additional reason for Trump's saying "I want to help her heal?"

Some Democratic activists are demanding that Hillary contest the election in three states.
Wisconsin. Michigan. Pennsylvania.

I don't think that Trump wants to give her any incentive to do that until after he is inaugurated. Just sayn'

Trooper York said...

Romney would never take Trumps orders. He is too vain and conceited for that.

This would be a repeat of Jimmy Carter taking Cyrus Vance. Big Mistake.

Romney can not be trusted.

edutcher said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

Rudy would be a great SOS.

I would tend to agree.

I'd like him better at Justice, but a shot at the Ozark Mafia would be a shot at the title. He couldn't resist.

Trooper York said...

One additional reason for Trump's saying "I want to help her heal?"

Some Democratic activists are demanding that Hillary contest the election in three states.
Wisconsin. Michigan. Pennsylvania.

I don't think that Trump wants to give her any incentive to do that until after he is inaugurated. Just sayn'

For her, that would be asking for it. 3 million illegals voting and something like 4 million corpses and that doesn't count Dr Evil's crooked voting machines.

It's like the Sioux at Wounded Knee picking a fight with the 7th Cavalry and Battery E of the 1st Artillery.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"Ozark Mafia.." Lol.

Methadras said...

Trooper York said...

I know right. It sucks that he is showing mercy. It is a cuck thing to do. He is a lot more magnanimous than I would be.

Be assured that there is nothing that would heal that suppurating pus bag. She is corrupt and polluted. Like Michelle Pfeiffer's vagina in Scarface.

HERESY!!! Michelle Pfeiffer's vagina is pristine and saintly since the first day I saw her on the big screen in Scarface. I fell in love with her that day. I thought she was the hottest woman to ever exist. She was 19 at the time she made that movie and she was awesome. I was so in love with her imagery of her eyes, those lips, and that face that I could safely say that my ex-wife would have been a dead ringer for her, if not at least her sister.

Shame on you Troop!!! Leave Michelle Pfieffer's vagina alone. LEAVE IT ALONE!!! /weeping in gay tones.

Okay, on to sterner stuff.

It goes in the ledger. Lets see how it goes. Enough black marks might turn his supporters away from him.

I think Trump is confident in his supporters. He is results oriented. As are his supporters. Lets see what happens. He isn't even President yet.

I do see Trump as being nothing but a performance based president. I've said as much and I understand it. I'm taking a wait and see attitude at this point, but letting HRC off the hook is a serious misstep in my opinion.

edutcher said...

It's been around since the 90s.

Methadras said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

"Ozark Mafia.." Lol.

First time hearing that?

Trooper York said...

Sessions is already in at Justice.

Rudy is getting a big job. I think Secretary State is his for the asking. Trump doesn't screw his supporters and there was nobody as big a supporter and surrogate than Giuliani.

Trooper York said...

Hey Meth sorry buddy.

But I was referring to one of my favorite scenes of all time.

Al Pacino is in the hot tub complaining about the fact that he can't get Michelle preggers.

He screams "You're womb is polluted."

Gets me every time.

Methadras said...

Trooper York said...

The Clintons have to be looking over their shoulders. Not at Trump. At all of the other people they fucked. They are wounded animals. That is where they are very dangerous.

I tell you again.

Remember the Weiner.

That is going to be the downfall of the Gorgon.

She's been cut pretty deep. So much so that she may actually start her period again. Or is it just a puncture wound from being kicked between the legs? Who knows. Even a harpy gets her wings clipped, but running back to daddy Soros might not yield her much of anything unless he gives her some Tucks to assuage her pulsating orifice after election day.

Methadras said...

Trooper York said...

Hey Meth sorry buddy.

But I was referring to one of my favorite scenes of all time.

Al Pacino is in the hot tub complaining about the fact that he can't get Michelle preggers.

He screams "You're womb is polluted."

Gets me every time.

I know. Awesome scene and one of the best burns on the big screen.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Me and my virgin ears.

ampersand said...

Perhaps we're looking at this all wrong. Anyone ask Hillary? She may be very cozy with the idea of being in a woman's prison. Give her cartons of cigarettes, she can trade those for favors.