Thursday, November 17, 2016

Denver, first snow

For some strange reason the sight of the snow caused an impulse to hop in my truck and drive somewhere. To walk out into it and do something, go somewhere. 

Then I looked out the window as I write this, within half an hour, and the snow is gone. All of it. 

That's Denver weather for you. Psych! No, you cannot build a snowman, no, you cannot skid around. 


AllenS said...

That storm front will be in west central WI, friday evening. Maybe a half an inch.

Chip Ahoy said...

The snow came back. DOUBLE PSYCH! But it's very thin.

ricpic said...

Okay, that's enough winter. Can we haz spring now?

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Why some railings have that belly thing is a mystery to me.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

@ Eric

I was wondering that as well. Maybe so your knees, if bent can fit. A more relaxing way to stand? The illusion of more room on the balcony?

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

brrrr. It's been so hot warm and dry. We need it, even though it's not much.

I'm off to attempt to capture a feral kitten living behind a local restaurant. Maya captured 3 a few months ago. Catch, fix, and release. She's too busy for this one, so I'm going to try it. Got a trap, got sardines, got my nerves. with the snow, I don't have any idea if the cats will be out. Kitty is all set for surgery at humane society tomorrow morning if I'm successful. I hope I don't capture the wrong one.

chickelit said...

The way that newly fallen snow disappears in Denver is sublime.

MamaM said...

Why some railings have that belly thing is a mystery to me.

MadeJa look! Is that their function? Tto catch attention by providing a different visual line? I'd be interested to know why it's worth the extra metal used to produce curved spindles?

I'll be bringing the Christmas Cactus in from the enclosed porch tonight with temps going down to the low thirties as the front from the west moves in to settle for the upcoming week. The goal is to leave it out as long as possible in the hope it will bloom as close to Christmas as possible. I've had it for 30 plus years and its still going strong. Some traditions are born not made, and the bringing in of the Cactus at the Mhouse marks the turn toward Christmas with more certainty than snow.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Little black kitty - captured.
He was alone out in the snow. little meow.

chickelit said...

I think the belly-out rails allow a bit more space on deck -- for small tables and such.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

It's so you can line up pregnant women on their knees- like DBQ was getting at. Pregnant women need to feel the view.

Chip Ahoy said...

I always took the bulged railing for design porpoises. To add a western touch, or possibly a Spanish touch. To make the balcony appear as a bulged basket. Because they can.

It works well with the shape of standard flower pots.

ndspinelli said...

My mom had a Christmas Cactus from the time of my youth. Mom gave it to my bride before she died. We moved it to MN last Saturday and I noticed a couple days ago it's starting to bloom. It's got to be 50 years old.

The Dude said...

You might want to check your syntax, Nick.

ndspinelli said...

LOL. Yes, my bride is dead. Thanks.

AllenS said...

I feel so happy for you, Nick. You have a bride and a cactus! Don't get much better than that. Hey, how's the weather over there?

ndspinelli said...

Allen, We had some thunder and lightning. I was hoping for thunder snow, but it's still in the 40's and rain. How 'bout you, there's a thin line of significant snow, but it's north of us. From looking @ the map, Star Prairie is on the cusp of the snow?

The Dude said...

It's nearly 80 here. Too darned warm this close to Thanksgiving. It will be 32 degrees tomorrow night - that kind of temperature swing would normally mean we were in for some harsh weather, but we have been having a drought for a long time now and the air is too dry to support much in the way of thunderstorms or tornadoes.

We are having some bad wild fires in the western part of the state, they are so bad that the smoke has blown all the way over here. Come on rain!

AllenS said...

At the present time, it's sleeting. Wind out of the NW about 25 mph. Lots of rain today. Lots.

ndspinelli said...

Sixty, I saw a news piece on the smoke covering your state. Charlotte looked like LA back in the 60's.