Sunday, March 27, 2016

Tomi Lahren - Where are the Men?


Dust Bunny Queen said...

She wants to know what I think?

I think that she (and the other women who complain) are hanging out around the wrong people. They wouldn't stoop to actually go out with a real man. Get to know people outside of their hipster, effeminate, millennial boy-men circle.

The guys who fix the cars, change the tires, build the houses, drive the trucks....aren't good enough for them. They look down on those blue collar types. In doing so, they miss out on meeting someone who could be their perfect match, even IF he isn't wearing the coolest new clothes or using the neatest new gadgets.

Their loss. Too bad. Don't complain about not having any choices in men if you refuse to make some choices yourself.

Trooper York said...

She should go to a Trump rally.

MamaM said...

Women who focus on drama, act like little girls who don't know how to handle mutual relationship, and are unable to work a conflict through to resolution, engage in open, honest conversation, or value someone who may hold a different opinion then theirs are unlikely to see or meet real men.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Millennial men (boys) are soft. So soft, we can't even say so.
I think they are all helicopter-parented out hanging in mom's basement, gaming.

Meade said...

Pathetic virtue signaling. See a lot of that at Trump rallies.

ricpic said...

"Is it our fault, ladies?"

Asking a question that doesn't want an answer,

Meade mucking up the place with his usual scattershot turd flinging.

Methadras said...

This has been decades in the making and has been talked about to no avail, but the attack on masculinity has been working and this woman's whining is only a symptom of that effect. Misandry has been allowed to be used and flourish to detrimental effect in print media, in discourse, in education/academe. If you were a man and fought against it, why you were a hate filled bigot misogynist. You had to supplicate yourself to the feminist screeds at hand in order to have a shot at associating with women. Hence that video a while back of these balless eunich faux pussy men apologizing to women here:

This woman's screed is going to fall on deaf ears considered that decades of conditioning that boys are violent miscreants, who must be deconstructed and then reconstructed in the feminine image has taken root in the millennial generation. You see the distillation of all of the lessons that leftism has brought to bear in it's ever expanding war to dehumanize everything in the name political correctness. You want to know where all the men are lady? Sorry, I can't help you with this generation and frankly, I doubt the pendulum is going to swing very far in the other direction. As long as women of your generation believe they hold the key to how to wrap them around your finger, then you will keep asking this question until you become lesbians most likely.

I lay a lot of blame on my generation for producing these pussy men. My daughter is more man than most of these soft noodles who call themselves men. She's also disgusted with the whole lot, but I look at her, shrug, and just say, Leftism. It made this.

Trooper York said...

There is one place no woman who respects herself should look for men.

That would be the comments section of her blog.

chickelit said...

Remember Julia? the fictional woman from Manhattan who went to South Dakota to find a man? link.

WTH ever happened to her?

chickelit said...

Why don't you drive down to Janesville and see a Trump rally, Meade?

MamaM said...

Life tasks, from age 4-13:

Take care of oneself (one is enough for this stage)
Learn to ask for what he/she needs
Learn self expression
Develop personal resources and talents
Learn to make himself/herself understandable to others
Learn to do hard things
Learn what satisfies
See self through the "eyes of heaven"/ Realize intrinsic worth

Life tasks from Age 13 to entry into vocation/marriage/partnership/birth of first child:

Take care of two or more at same time
Discover the main characteristics of his/heart heart
Bring self and others back to joy simultaneously
Develop a personal style that reflects his/her heart
Learn to protect others from himself/herself
Learn to diversify and blend roles
Life-giving sexuality
Mutual satisfaction in relationship

Tasks following birth of first child until youngest child reaches adulthood

Give without needing to receive in return
Building a home
Protect family
Serve family
Enjoy family
Help children reach maturity
Synchronize with the developing needs of children, spouse, family, work, and community/church.

Tasks for Elder Stage

Giving life to those without families
Help parent and mature his/her community
Build and maintain a community identity
Act like himself/herself in the midst of difficulty
Enjoy uniqueness of individuals within community
Build the trust of others through elder's own tranparency and spontaneity.

With more of this happening, blogs would become more enjoyable places to visit, and worries and complaints by men and women about shortages of real men and real women would have less reason to be expressed.

Meade said...

"Why don't you drive down to Janesville and see a Trump rally, Meade?"

I just might do that — although, as a rule, I try to avoid soft targets.

rcommal said...

Although I could fisk that video to a fare-thee-well--and, indeed, that was my first inclination, to do so six ways to Sunday--upon reflection I'm seeing it as, perhaps, a flicker of hope for the future.

Recall that I have a kid not yet sixteen, who not only can change light bulbs and tires, but is on his way to be more than handy than many 20 years older (and more, too often). Not to mention his whole other educations and skill sets... .

rcommal said...

Maybe he'll be considered a catch. Who knows?