Wednesday, March 23, 2016

More Virtue Signalling For Bags*

Overheard at Lem's:

Dust Bunny Queen wrote:
Utah is a caucus state. Interesting how Cruz seems to take the caucus states compared to those where the people actually vote.

In a caucus you have no privacy of your vote and are actively met by others who want to persuade you to vote or not vote. It is the most patently UNdemocratic system ever invented. I might have been workable in the 1880's but today, it is ridiculous. link back to original
The theory is that Trump does better in primary states where voters have secret ballots. In caucus states, prying eyes of wives (or other women) see the Trump votes cast. I would like to see hard evidence that Trump does better under secret ballot voting. But is there any hard evidence that women are out to shame or punish husbands or boyfriends for voting Trump?

The nascent 'Vote Trump, Get Dumped' Campaign asks women to stage a sex strike against Trump voters. The political "lysistrategy" is not a new one and was the subject of an ancient Greek tragedy comedy: Lysistrata by Aristophanes.
*My title refers back to this post


chickelit said...

Vote Trump, get Dumped

A push back slogan could be "You Cruz, You Lose."

Meade said...

Is it virtue signaling to express hope that this time next year we will not have a President Trump, a President Cruz, or a President Clinton? Or is it just plain ordinary signaling?

Trooper York said...

Yote Cruz you become a Crazy Cooze!

Trooper York said...

Vote Marco if your family plays Polo!

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I just turned off ABC news. Wanted to see the Brussels coverage. ABC "news" launched into a promotional presentation of HIllary , and a negative presentation of Cruz and Trump - talking about the wife fight.

I'm sick of all of this stuff and I really don't care. Soon enough it will be yesterday's news. Right now it's all being used to promote HIllary.

chickelit said...

Meade wrote: Is it virtue signaling to express hope that this time next year we will not have a President Trump, a President Cruz, or a President Clinton? Or is it just plain ordinary signaling?

[Nixon voice]: Let me make this perfectly clear: It's virtue signalling to not vote for someone because someone else is present. I'm just putting it out there as a possibility.

chickelit said...

I mean come on, Meade, Althouse has written about closeted Trump supporters. It's a related phenomenon.

Meade said...

Yes, but how is it "virtue signaling?"

Maybe I just don't understand the phrase. I mean, virtue signaling is what I've observed many of you old Althouse commenters doing to each other for years now. Especially you, chickelit.

chickelit said...

Meade wrote: Maybe I just don't understand the phrase.

That bears repeating.

edutcher said...

Cruz seems to have a better ground game in such situations, but perhaps that's because there's more opportunity for dirty tricks such as these

chickelit said...

I encourage you to vote for Sanders in the WI primary, Meade. My working hypothesis is that Trump's traction and support is directly related to her action. Vote out the execrable Hillary, and Trump loses a lot of support.

chickelit said...

But, unfortunately, Hillary is and always has been inevitable. Because corruption.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

But, unfortunately, Hillary is and always has been inevitable. Because corruption.

+Plus her gigantic media crutch.

ricpic said...

So women are going to deny their husbands or lovers sex in order to discourage them from voting Trump? The result will be an administration - of either party - that continues down the path of dhimmitude to Islam. End of the road is too horrific in its consequences for women to describe.

edutcher said...

chickelit said...

But, unfortunately, Hillary is and always has been inevitable

She wasn't 8 years ago.

ricpic said...

So women are going to deny their husbands or lovers sex in order to discourage them from voting Trump?

One gets the impression such women aren't hooked up with Trump supporters.

Cruzzers, maybe.

Chip Ahoy said...

This is a sound theory and well considered. I'm not so certain it applies to Utah for Utah is utterly unique. Not just regular unique. Unique can take no addition meaningful qualifier as unique means singular, but this Utah defies that by being utterly unique. Don't you agree?

Incidentally, as a whole they're lovely people. Whatever you may think of them, the converse is also true. Teetotalers? (that should be teatotaller on account of drinking tea instead of refreshing alcoholic beverages.) They're fierce partiers. Sexually hung up? More porn sold there than anywhere. Religious freaks? Their playgrounds are world class ski slopes and world class powder. And so on. Their collective vote says, "hell no to Trump, and fuck no to Hillary" and doesn't that sound rather mature and well considered and reasonable?

Visit Utah. Their parks are quite incredible, as their geography. You'll love the place. You'll adore the people. It's truly awesome. *moves to Utah*

*comes back* So is Colorado. We'll have a weird to assess vote too.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The ugly Hillary hags who won't have sex with you...

lol. Sorry guys!

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

You are correct, Chip. Utah is abused for no good reason. It's a fantastic place, stunningly beautiful, and the people are nice.

rcocean said...

Mormons don't like Trump when they can vote for Cruz. But Utah will still go republican in November.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Blog Commenters and pundits everywhere tend to write or say "I am not a Trump supporter but...." That may be the most common form of virtue signaling these days.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Bags is adamantly against virtue signaling.

He's more of a vice signaler.

edutcher said...

rcocean said...

Mormons don't like Trump when they can vote for Cruz. But Utah will still go republican in November.

I think so. I'm sure, wanting to follow in Black Narcissus' footsteps, she'd like to do to the LDS what Pissy's tried to do to the Jews and Catholics.

I'm sure Hillary hates the bourgeois existence they lead there.

Which, if we're lucky, might lead to a repeat of 1857.

bagoh20 said...

I only call virtue signalling as a form of virtue signalling which is a virtuous thing I do. You may not be up to that yourself, but one of my virtues is the patience I have in waiting for you to come around and shoot for the stars your own self. In other words, I'm really a great guy and people love me and my really good mind.

William said...

When Dems hang ten, they are considered edgy. When Republicans are a click or two off center right, they are disreputable.......I wish I were a Dem. Then all my developmental problems would be considered edgy rather than racist. Trump is from Mars. Hillary is from Uranus.

bagoh20 said...

"I am not a Trump supporter", but I bet Trump doesn't even know what virtue signalling is, or a dog whistle, or where steaks come from, or that selling vodka is almost impossible to not make money at, or that the late 90's thru early 2000's was a great time for hotels and casinos (his claim to fame), because he went bankrupt at both when everybody else was making a fortune at it.

I love that THIS makes no difference whatsoever to his supporters' expectations for his ability to deliver what he promises.

"For 10 years between 1995 and 2005, Donald Trump ran Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts — and he did it so badly and incompetently that it collapsed into Chapter 11 bankruptcy. His stockholders were almost entirely wiped out, losing a staggering 89% of their money. The company actually lost money every single year. In total it racked up more than $600 million in net losses over that period.

Trump was chairman of the board throughout the entire time, and CEO as well for about half of it.

Meanwhile, over the same period, all his competitors were enjoying an enormous boom.

Donald Trump pocketed $32 million over nine years, while his public stockholders lost more than $100 million."

I can hardly wait for him to be our CEO.

ricpic said...

I spent a lot of time in Moab. The country, especially Arches and Canyonlands, is spectacular. The people? Eh.

edutcher said...

bagoh20 said...

"I am not a Trump supporter", but I bet Trump doesn't even know what virtue signalling is, or a dog whistle, or where steaks come from, or that selling vodka is almost impossible to not make money at, or that the late 90's thru early 2000's was a great time for hotels and casinos (his claim to fame), because he went bankrupt at both when everybody else was making a fortune at it.

Do you have any idea how bad the situation in AC was during that period, or is this more of the Cruzzer bull you like to spread?

Several of his companies did go bankrupt in AC, largely because the casino biz went bust, thanks to the way the city has been run.

Or does that count?

I love that THIS makes no difference whatsoever to his supporters' expectations for his ability to deliver what he promises.

Hell, I love the fact you can look up the facts and see there were only 4 (count 'em, 4) bankruptcies by his companies (compared to the dozens you implied).

But, hey, let's talk about Cruz and what a con job HE's been running.

Outsider? He clerked for William Rehnquist when he got out of his Ivy League law school. Real outcast, right?

He's been tight with the Bush family for 20 years and so has his wife - they're the first Bush marriage, y'know; they brag about it. It got them both jobs in Dubya's Administration.

It also led her to a cushy job at Goldman Sachs, loans that financed his Senate run he didn't want to admit, and a spot for her with the CFR and its North American Union initiative.

But you just want to ignore that and chortle about how his supporters ignore stuff.

Your savior is as big a phony as you claim Trump is.

Oh, and one other thing, the site you got the graphic, Marketwatch, "is a subsidiary of Dow Jones, a property of News Corp. MarketWatch is part of Dow Jones' Consumer Media Group, along with The Wall Street Journal, Barron's, the and affiliated internet properties."

Gee, NewsCorp, parent of Fox News that's been anti-Trump from the beginning because Murdoch's Lefty sons run the company, wouldn't fudge data, would they?

The AC casinos have been losing to the Indian casinos in upstate NY and surrounding states, the city's had to be taken over by the state because in revenue has fallen by half in the last 10 years, and, guess what, in the last year one of the few bright spots has been the Trump organization.

I am so tired of listening to Cruzzers and phony Conservatives who have to lie to make their boy look good.

chickelit said...

I mountain biked Capitol Reef NP on a red Trek in 1988 before it was cool.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

You're so cool, Chickl.

My dad used to take his dirt bike to canyon lands when he was younger (circa 1980's)

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Many beautiful hikes exist around Arches/Moab - Corona Arch, Negro Bill's, & Fisher Towers to name a few. Lots of climbers climb up to "Ancient Art" (I call it, the booger)

The view at Dead Horse Point

bagoh20 said...

Ed, Is it your intention to keep up this excuse making and spin for the next four years, as he disappoints you over and over the same way he has thousands before who trusted his line of shit about himself. Are you gonna be telling us how being the President is really hard,and world just won't cooperate with him, just like the Obamafans have. Trump brand is rife with failure. It's gonna be exhausting and it's a yuugely selfless thing you do undertaking this daunting task, and I'm sure Trump will thank you.