Monday, March 28, 2016

How About A Nice Warm Wisconsin Welcome For Donald Trump?

Trump is scheduled to appear at the Holiday Inn Express on Tuesday. An organizer told The Gazette earlier that the Monday protest is a last-ditch effort to convince the hotel and/or the city to cancel Trump's appearance in order to prevent violence.
Protesters Occupy Janesville Hotel Lobby

UPDATE: Protesters occupy Janesville Holiday Inn

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Frank Schultz
Monday, March 28, 2016

Nick Crow
Dozens of protesters arrived at the Holiday Inn Express on Monday evening as part of an anti-Donald Trump protest

UPDATE: Dozens of protesters entered the Holiday Inn Express on Monday evening as part of an anti-Donald Trump protest, according to Gazette reporter Nick Crow, who was on the scene.
A state Assembly representative is among the 60 or so protesters who occupied the lobby of the Holiday Inn Express in Janesville.
Shortly before 7 p.m., Janesville police on the scene had not moved to remove the protesters, who were chanting and refusing to leave, Crow said.
Hotel staff was not allowing anyone else in the hotel unless they were guests, Crow said.
About 20 more protesters did not go in the hotel and remain outside.
The protest was set to start at 6 p.m. Protesters entered the hotel and then left when asked to, Crow said.
But after some speeches, they returned to the hotel, Crow said.
Some inside sat with legs crossed and hands joined. Others stood. Their chants included “No hope for hate.”
Melissa Sargent, a Democratic representative to the state Assembly from the Madison area, was among those inside.  
“We're here to keep hate out of our state,” Sargent said.
Most of the protesters had left by 7:15 p.m., but six stayed and were using PVC pipe to link their arms, Crow reported.
Police locked the entrance and are not letting anyone into the hotel.
Crow remains on the scene. This report will be updated.
Trump is scheduled to appear at the Holiday Inn Express on Tuesday.
An organizer told The Gazette earlier that the Monday protest is a last-ditch effort to convince the hotel and/or the city to cancel Trump's appearance in order to prevent violence.
- See more at:

UPDATE: Protesters occupy Janesville Holiday Inn

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Frank Schultz
Monday, March 28, 2016

Nick Crow
Dozens of protesters arrived at the Holiday Inn Express on Monday evening as part of an anti-Donald Trump protest

UPDATE: Dozens of protesters entered the Holiday Inn Express on Monday evening as part of an anti-Donald Trump protest, according to Gazette reporter Nick Crow, who was on the scene.
A state Assembly representative is among the 60 or so protesters who occupied the lobby of the Holiday Inn Express in Janesville.
Shortly before 7 p.m., Janesville police on the scene had not moved to remove the protesters, who were chanting and refusing to leave, Crow said.
Hotel staff was not allowing anyone else in the hotel unless they were guests, Crow said.
About 20 more protesters did not go in the hotel and remain outside.
The protest was set to start at 6 p.m. Protesters entered the hotel and then left when asked to, Crow said.
But after some speeches, they returned to the hotel, Crow said.
Some inside sat with legs crossed and hands joined. Others stood. Their chants included “No hope for hate.”
Melissa Sargent, a Democratic representative to the state Assembly from the Madison area, was among those inside.  
“We're here to keep hate out of our state,” Sargent said.
Most of the protesters had left by 7:15 p.m., but six stayed and were using PVC pipe to link their arms, Crow reported.
Police locked the entrance and are not letting anyone into the hotel.
Crow remains on the scene. This report will be updated.
Trump is scheduled to appear at the Holiday Inn Express on Tuesday.
An organizer told The Gazette earlier that the Monday protest is a last-ditch effort to convince the hotel and/or the city to cancel Trump's appearance in order to prevent violence.
- See more at:
The story is still developing. To me, it sounds like something that FIBs out of Chicago would do -- a repeat of earlier this month.


chickelit said...

Meade called Trump a "soft target."

If I were Meade, I'd be covering this like he did the Madison protests. Not as convenient, but not too convenient.

If Trump came to Oceanside, I promise to give a Lem's Levity exclusive.

edutcher said...

Things are getting desperate for the Forces of Eeeevilll. Wouldn't surprise me to hear Rinse is in cahoots with Dr Evil.

With the One True Ted looking more and more untrue (that payoff to the Fiorina campaign and all the stuff about how gushy Amanda Carpenter gets over him look awfully bad), it looks like his lead may be slipping.

The Cruz crowd is also pulling some more of its dirty tricks, this time to steal delegates away from Trump (and we all know this wouldn't be happening without the connivance of Rinse and the McConnell crowd).

Be interesting to see, once all this is digested, how many fence sitters decide they don't like the One True Ted, after all.

chickelit said...

I think I talked my mother down from TDS this weekend. She'll be voting in the WI primary.

Michael Haz said...

A group called Bikers For Trump is planning to be in Janesville Tuesday to annoy the hippies and commies.

Here near the lake, my sis will be in her 10th floor office overlooking the riot while the CNN town hall is being aired. Mrs. Haz is staking out her riot watch position about 1PM. I'm going to (a place I won't name) to spot Trump's airplane. And then downtown to occupy a barstool at Major Goolsby's on the perimeter of the cordon zone to watch the unwashed morons screaming shit at other people. Should be a fun day.

Meade said...

"Meade called Trump a "soft target.""

False. I said, as a rule, I try to stay away from soft targets. These days. Life is much too short. Soft targets like political rallies. Unless there's a compelling reason for me to be there.

"If I were Meade, I'd be covering this like he did the Madison protests."

No you wouldn't. And the one thing is hardly like the other.

edutcher said...

Michael Haz said...

A group called Bikers For Trump is planning to be in Janesville Tuesday to annoy the hippies and commies.

That could be very cool.

PS Remember the NE mentioned a hooker in the piece? Try an 18 year old escort in Dallas. Very iffy, but it sounds like the same set-up as the rumored vid shot in DC.

Now all we need is the teacher.

Supposedly, Cruz' campaign manager is doing some Carville-style work to get him past this, but The Colossus of Ted ain't no Willie.

Meade said...

"I think I talked my mother down from TDS this weekend. She'll be voting in the WI primary."

That's odd. I have not observed TDS except on the Web and even that seems to be deranged Trumpians, not Trump haters. If there is DS here in Madison, I'd say it's toward Hillary. Many of my lefty acquaintances here have been livid toward Obama for about 6 years. And they seem to hate Hillary and Bill even more.

Meade said...

"Now all we need is the teacher."

See what I mean? The derangement is mostly within the Trump supporters themselves.

rcommal said...


If the Bikers for Trump are like "Rolling Thunder," I applaud and embrace that. I will be eternally grateful, as always I have been, for the Rolling Thunder guys, who have been remembering and standing firm&vigilant for those lost, even many decades ago, including a close cousin of my mother's, lost when I was a little girl, yet always remembered.

If it's only about annoying folks, OK, I get it. Still, it makes me sad and sorry, and, I dunno, probably among the stupidest people on the face of the earth.

Michael Haz said...

rcommal - it is a Rolling Thunder sort of thing. They stand between protestors and those lined up to enter the venue.

rcommal said...

I also appreciate, and will never forget, the biker guys who gathered 'round the funeral-service&burial sites of soldiers killed in action as counter-protest, and, yes, protection against, the Westboro Baptist sorts. I have a very long memory of gratitude.


bagoh20 said...

A Trump political rally is like a fallen soldier's funeral now? There is no bottom to this stuff is there? When do we take communion with the con man?

I don't see any reason to celebrate a strong arm protection force for a political candidate, purposefully pitting American against American in a physical confrontation. I have no doubt it will keep the peace, but beyond that, it's a sad development, and wholly unnecessary to accomplish what we wanted at one time, which was containment of the government and change. Now many want something entirely different. I'm not part of that.

rcommal said...


\ 0 /

chickelit said...

A cursory glance around the internet tells me w/o even having to be in Janesville that a concerted effort will be made to disrupt the Trump rally. Too many precedents. The extreme one to date was the blocking of the highway in Arizona. Anyone not bothered by these stunts isn't worth talking to.

The Chicago rally was a very bad precedent and unfortunately the city geographically very close to Janesville. In the Chicago example, there was a conspicuous absence of law enforcement or peacekeepers or what have you. I doubt this will happen in Janesville. Walker and Paul Ryan (who has absolutely no jurisdiction in his hometown but has a certain "moral authority") are apparently neutral or in fact opposed to Trump politically. But this isn't about being against Trump, it's about a people's fundamental rights to assemble and to peacefully oppose the gathering. Law enforcement is hopefully not as corrupt as it is in Chicago.

bags wrote I don't see any reason to celebrate a strong arm protection force for a political candidate

Oh, stop it with the Altamont Hell's Angel intimations. I'm supposing that you know very little about MC's?

rcommal said...

Now many want something entirely different. I'm not part of that.

So you say, bagoh, but I don't believe you. When it might have counted, you made other choices. Of COURSE, you are part of that which you're trying now to say--NOW!--of which you are not part. NOW .

Bullshit. Not buying it. Too late.

rcommal said...

chickelit, the same goes for you

bagoh20 said...

" I'm supposing that you know very little about MC's? "

Been riding one since I was 15. Still do. Many years it was all I had. I never thought it made me tough or right. You put some money down and you're a biker.

rcommal said...

At the dawn and the dusk of the day, we all live our own lives, nasty, brutish and short. That's it and that's all.

rcommal said...

(Thanks for all of the teachings [and confirmations].)

bagoh20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

Just because some Donald-come-lately comes around claiming to stand for what he never did, doesn't mean I have to buy his latest as-seen-on-TV bullshit product. I think he's a fraud, and unqualified. It's not complicated, nuanced or hard to understand. I have not changed MY standards. Falling in line behind a politician who has never represented what you are about is not a sign of strength, but rather giving up. The result will not be satisfying for either of us. How could it be?

bagoh20 said...

The neediness in here is getting stifling. It's like a college protest with a keg of prune juice.

chickelit said...

@bags: MC meant "motorcycle clubs" not "motorcycles." That the only sense I can make of your response.

bagoh20 said...

No, never been part of a MC club. I've never been a follower, or a joiner, of things. But that doesn't mean I am not familiar. My family has been a motorcycle family since I was a kid. I have no issue for those who choose to join a club, but everyone knows why they like the idea of one showing up as a protection force, and it's not to change minds, or convince, or bring people to your point of view, and so it won't. It seems to me that everything that excites Trumpers is just exciting the same core group of supporters over and over. Each time they get excited they imagine it broadens their appeal as much as it confirms their own, but it doesn't. It all looks like another failed Trump enterprise to me with people jumping on only to wish they hadn't.

edutcher said...

Meade said...

Now all we need is the teacher.

See what I mean? The derangement is mostly within the Trump supporters themselves.

Some people need to know what they're talking about, else what was supposed to be a glib witticism merely becomes glib drivel.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

But wait Bagoh, it you act now we'll send you a second Donny, free. Just pay shipping and handling.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Trump lies and his supporters lie for him. I say - no thanks. We don't need another lying politician.

The Dude said...

Sorry, April, Jesus ain't runnin'.

As for Meade and soft targets, he really meant "mark" - just look how he latched on to that old shaky bint and screwed her.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

An Open Letter to Trump Voters from His Top Strategist-Turned-Defector

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Sorry Sixty - superheros don't exist. Batman isn't real.

bagoh20 said...

"Oh, stop it with the Altamont Hell's Angel intimations."

Actually, I was thinking it reminded me of Melissa Click yelling "Can we get some muscle over here?". Not what I want to see in politics no matter who wants their safe space.
A few years back, I went to the Capitol in D.C. for a rally during the Iraq war. Huge thing that shut down the whole town. There were many thousands of people in clearly opposing factions of left and right. Lots of yelling and sign carrying and flag waving, but no violence. Some opponents even sat and talked like adults. There were plenty of bikers, and code pink and people were very adamant on both sides, but there was no violence, and nobody calling for muscle. The cops were there and kept order pretty easily, but they weren't taking sides, and nobody was calling for them to.

Trooper York said...

Donald Trump has the right to have a rally in Wisconsin. His voters and fans have a right to hear him speak without disruptions and riotous disturbances by paid provocateurs. The police need to do their job. He should hold his rally no matter what.

If the police in Wisconsin do not do their job we should know the reason why.

The Dude said...

Batman? Are you off your meds, April? What the fuck are you talking about? You are the one who is looking for a "politician" who doesn't "lie". Instead of railing against other politicians, please tell us who you are going to vote for. That would be very enlightening. Such a clear declarative statement would let us know just how fucking delusional you really are.

Well, bitch - who is your honest politician?

Trooper York said...

We should not treat the First Amendment the same way bags wants to treat our immigration laws. Something that we have to give up on because it is difficult to enforce.

Trump and his fans have rights too. Not just transgendered black liberation illegal immigrant socialists with a degree in womans studies.

Trooper York said...

I will say that in recent weeks Ted Cruz has lost me as a fan. I have enough of him and his fans. I know you say that about Trump and his fans all the time but the shoe can be on the other foot. NRO. Ace. FOX News. Levin. Red State. All of them. The increasingly torturous pretzel logic and machinations have gotten to the point that I just can't anymore.

The one thing I don't think they get is that for all of his bluster Donald Trump is relatively benign.

They will really not like what comes next.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I'm voting down ticket R. I refuse to vote Trump. He lost me with the NE crap.

Trooper York said...

Not to say they have to be on board the Trump train. But if they defect to Hillary and she wins and appoints liberal judges who gut the Second Amendment and religious will not be good.

And people will remember.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I would never vote Hillary. I am not obliged to vote for the other side of Hillary's coin.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

IF Trump would stop lying and spinning and would issue an apology for once, I'd reconsider.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Trump gets the rage-filled anger vote. We shall see how far that propels him.

bagoh20 said...

"We should not treat the First Amendment the same way bags wants to treat our immigration laws. Something that we have to give up on because it is difficult to enforce."

Troup, That's about as dishonest as a person could be, and I think it shows what Trumpism has done to you. I know you have been here reading what I say about immigration laws, which is that if we stopped handing out goodies and just enforced our laws, we wouldn't need to pretend a wall and some tough guy standing on it will fix the problems instead. I've said it over and over, and you know it. The problem is that Trump forces you to lie, to attack the messenger when he tells you anything negative about your precious con man. It's not Trump that really disappoints. It's how people have lowered themselves to his level with abandoning what they so long respected, and think it's suddenly a good thing. Hypocrisy, lying, dirty tricks, media manipulation, self-aggrandizement, incompetence and violence all used to be bad things, but now we have to know who is doing it before we can decide if it's terrible or genius.

chickelit said...

AprilApple said...
Trump gets the rage-filled anger vote. We shall see how far that propels him.

Just as Cruz is getting the rage-filled female anger vote. Just have a look at Twitter.

The Dude said...

Well there you have it - April is against everyone and for no one. In other words, you stand aloof and ready to criticize everyone's choice while refusing to take a stand of your own. Nice.

If Hillary carries Colorado in the general we can thank you and your hatred of lying politicians for allowing the most corrupt human ever to win a majority in your benighted and blitzed state. Whatever, man...

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Chickl - That's all Trump's doing.

Shorter Sixty - 'You better suck it up and vote Trump, you bitch.'

Meade said...

"Well, bitch - who is your honest politician? "

Sixty Trump is a bully.

The Dude said...

Mead is his mistress' bitch. And you love Obama and that Nazi Sanders, and on and on - come on big man, when are you going to become a real boy and get your own dog? What's that? Mommy won't allow you to have a dog. Aw, poor Mead.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

You put some money down and you're a biker. Don't try to do that in a place where there are real bikers. It won't go over well. Hope you have good insurance.

It is like the saying "all hat no cattle". You can buy a Stetson and some expensive fancy cowboy won't make you a cowboy. In fact most of the real cowboys in our area wear ball caps and Ropers boots.

Protesting is one thing. You have a right to make your opinions heard in the public square. Disrupting, blocking, pushing, shoving and trying to prevent people from attending is a completely different animal.

I applaud the bikers Rolling Thunder guys for standing up for and trying to protect the rights of those who want to attend the rally. Doing the job that our police and government either can't or won't do. I really hope that it doesn't turn out badly :-(

edutcher said...

AprilApple said...

I'm voting down ticket R. I refuse to vote Trump. He lost me with the NE crap.

Liar. He had nothing to do with it and you know it. Apparently, the people behind that were as anti-Trump as they are ant-Cruz, maybe more so.

You're also a hypocrite, sweets. You bugged everybody about supporting the nominee, now you say you won't.

Trump gets the rage-filled anger vote. We shall see how far that propels him.

No, that's the Cruzzers. According to some, he's going to cop to at least one fling, but not the others so he can try to move on, but he will have lied to his people just the same. Be interesting to see how they take that ("Well, I was lying before, but I'm not lying now").

I would never vote Hillary. I am not obliged to vote for the other side of Hillary's coin.

You're already pulling for her. You can't even hide it anymore.

PS Sorry, Lem. I know you say keep it civil, but you gotta call 'em like you see 'em.

Meade said...

All your dog are belong to me.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Ed- you lie for your liar. Feel free. I'm not interested anymore. Get over it.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Trump had everything to do with the NE story.

edutcher said...

Scott Walker's endorsed Cruz.

I wonder if he got a half mil like Fiorina?

Speaking of whom, since Heidi has cancelled all her appearances and disappeared from view, it's interesting Miss Carly has assumed the role of Dutiful Wife stand-in, assuring reporters all those nasty things about her Ted are completely untrue.

She looks as if the 500 Gs was nowhere near enough.

AprilApple said...

Ed- you lie for your liar.

I just tell the truth. And I document what I say.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

AS Bagoh said, you are as dishonest as can be if you think I support Hillary. I'm not pulling for her. Trump and his supporters are free to win me over. Instead, you buckle down, ignorant of any introspection, and you recoil in anger and rage.

I'm not interested in your rage party.

edutcher said...

Of course, you are. You were drooling over the possibility of him being drubbed by Hillary at TOP on Sunday.

Don't know what a rage party is, but why should you be interested in anyone's but your own?

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

NO. I'm warning Trump supporters that Hillary will have an easy time beating him because Trump cannot control his base anger, his ego, his capacity to bottom feed.

Methadras said...

chickelit said...

Meade called Trump a "soft target."

If I were Meade, I'd be covering this like he did the Madison protests. Not as convenient, but not too convenient.

If Trump came to Oceanside, I promise to give a Lem's Levity exclusive.

I'm in Carlsbad, so I might be there with you.

The Dude said...

Mead is his "wife's" third gay child. Were he a real man he wouldn't go around threatening to steal dogs owned by others. Also, he would that by merely suggesting that he was going to take something owned by someone else shows little knowledge of how fed up we are with amoral leeches and other thieves taking that which does not belong to them. Some of us will defend ourselves and our property.

Trooper York said...

Bags I forget the tread you posted in where you said we really couldn't critize the Mexicans who come here for economic opportunity and that there was nothing we could do about it. I am glad you are for enforcing the immigration law. Your many posts the last few months did not sound that way. As I recall you said we can not deport illegal aliens. That the problem is too big to get a handle on. That what Trump is proposing is unworkable and the problem is intractable. If I mischaracterized your position I apologize.

But I don't think I did. You are not for mass deportations. You are not for ending Muslim immigration until appropriate safeguards are in place. You are not for giving preferential treatment to Christian refugees who are being murdered in wholesale lots. You are not for sending these disease ridden tykes back to where they came from so they can give the Zika virus to the gay caballeros down Mexico way. Right?

Dust Bunny Queen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dust Bunny Queen said...

As I recall you said we can not deport illegal aliens. That the problem is too big to get a handle on

How do you eat an elephant?

One bite at a time.

If we never even try to curb illegal immigration and never begin to deport, at least the criminal illegal aliens, we will never be able to solve the problem. Just because we cannot do it all at once, is no excuse for not even trying.

The longest journey begins with the first step. You have to begin somewhere. Start somewhere. Begin!!!!

The Dude said...

Bags likes exploiting people darker than himself just as much as any antebellum slave owner, but rather than buying his workers down at the auction he just drives to the Jome Depot and picks them up - much simpler, less guilt, same results. Heck, those dim bulbs show up of their own accord. How freakin' stupid are they?

Some day there will be a slave rebellion and ol' Massa Bags gwine be in de col' col' groun'.

bagoh20 said...

Trouper, I said numerous times here that if we stop giving the benefits of jobs, welfare, free education, and all the rest to illegals that they will stop coming and go home. What other choice would they have? I said that without that, a wall or anything else will not work, and be extremely expensive. Taking away the carrots would save billions. Building sticks and chasing them around with them will cost a fortune and never end. The congress could implement my plan tomorrow at not cost. Do you want to fall for more bullshit government projects or solve the problem? What problem has the government ever solved since the 1940's

bagoh20 said...

Sixty, I'm darker than a Mexican, and still more American than you.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's pretty remarkable that you believe that, Bags. I'm sure they come, first and foremost, for the employment. Benefits are a long second, if that. In any event, shredding the American safety net and replacing it with a trap door, simply to do something about all the net illegal immigration that isn't happening anyway is like using a shotgun to kill a horsefly. At some point, you have to stop making hatred of your fellow Americans collateral damage to whatever other issue you're finding so important during this presidential race between a non-RINO and non-DINO.

The Dude said...

bags, you are a lifelong democrat voter, so no, you are not even close to being an American.

But keep on believing that you de good massa, and that California government loves business and that during the mexican riots they will kill you last. It must be a comforting delusion for you.

The Dude said...

Oh, and "mexican" is not a race, nor are they issued in standard colors. Surely you, of all people, should know this.

rcocean said...

"I said numerous times here that if we stop giving the benefits of jobs, welfare, free education, and all the rest to illegals that they will stop coming and go home."

Except that, in reality that will never happen. That's libertarian bs. Y'know, get rid of the welfare state and we won't have to worry about open borders. Fine, when you get rid of the welfare state we can RE-OPEN the border. Till then it stays closed.

The SCOTUS has already ruled: Illegals get free education. The Left has refused to deny illegals welfare and the Government refuses to sanction businessmen who hire illegals.