Monday, February 1, 2016

"Donald Trump tries to put money on Communion plate"

The Telegraph: On Sunday the Republican front-runner, who is a Presbyterian, attended a non-denominational church with his wife Melania in Council Bluffs, Iowa.

He took Communion but momentarily became confused and tried to put some money on one of the silver plates being passed around.

"I thought it was for offering," he explained and laughed.

The pastor told Mr Trump that "Jesus will guide your decisions". Mr Trump replied: "Thank you, I need that."


MamaM said...

Bread and Circuses

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

No word on how much the big guy dropped in.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Ron Furnier is wondering whether Trump's phenomena is a one time offering or potentious of changes to come.

Trump didn't do Iowa the way it's traditionally done.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I grew up with Sunday attendance at a Reformed church. It's like Presbyterian or Lutheran...minus all the rituals. Austere bare bones easy peasy Christian faith.
The few times I've gone to a Catholic service or wedding, I did note the major difference wasn't the content, but the rituals. I was confused by all the rituals.

so - I'm laughing with him not at him.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

When my aunt died, her church pushed hard to include communion in the service. I pushed hard back - NO. It was frustrating --they would NOT take no for an answer, and kept on pushing me. In retrospect I know why. It was all for the money-pile-on. Anyway, I did not want communion at her funeral. Most of her friends are non-religions and some are Jewish. I didn't want to freak them out. So _NO. I stuck with my NO and it was NO. annoying.

I have since decided that her church is an ass. Episcopalian. Buncha leftist money-grubbing jerks. I got a phone call from the funeral director (The very one I DID NOT HIRE), asking me for more money for the service. Now I know why the church loaded up on 3 musicians and 2 officiants without my knowledge. I didn't hand out enough hundred dollar bills, you see. They all demand piles of hundred dollar bills in envelopes at the end. All for a small intimate funeral.

My aunt left this rich church a nice pile of money in her will. I wrote the check and gave them a envelope filled with cash.

I'm just bitching. carry on.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

the review button is my friend. the review button is my friend.

AllenS said...

My mother was a Sicilian, and that meant going to Catholic mass. Once they got rid of the Latin mass, something big went missing. It lost its appeal to me.

rhhardin said...

On taking the wafer, ask "How long does this take to work?"

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

My best friend is catholic. I adore her family. when her 97 year old grandmother died, my family attended her catholic funeral. It was beautiful. But when the communion started, we didn't know what to do. Her family members are all Catholic and they stood up and went to the front and some of the friends and others stayed seated. We just didn't know the proper protocol.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Not that there isn't communion in the Reformed church, there is, but we don't do it at weddings and funeral.

bagoh20 said...

Politics and church are really the same pitch: give me money, and I'll promise you stuff we both know I can't deliver. See you next time, same deal.

ndspinelli said...

What a buffoon.

Trooper York said...

Donald Trump is not a religious guy. If you want a religious person vote for Huckabee or Santorum.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Her family members are all Catholic and they stood up and went to the front and some of the friends and others stayed seated. We just didn't know the proper protocol.

@ April

That is the proper protocol, as far as I remember it. It's been a long while since I've attended mass. If you are not Catholic you don't participate in the communion. As a visitor to the Church you sit respectfully and wait while others are taking communion.

It used to be that Catholics had to go to confession before taking communion and had to fast. If you didn't go to confession you were to sit and not participate (and all your friends and family looked at you with the hairy eyeball....what DID YOU DO???)

As kids the best part of church was after mass and fasting for communion, my mom would take us to the Crystal Creamery fountain/restaurant and we would get big gooey sundaes or other ice cream treats. Bribery works!!!!

I don't get the controversy over Trump thinking that the plate being passed was for donations/tithing. That was common in my church. A little basket was passed along and you either put in some money or an envelope with some money. I would assume the same thing. Passing the plate, here is a donation.

Can someone explain to me why this is a big deal what Trump did?

Amartel said...

It's not a big deal. As with all things everywhere all the time, it is an excuse to talk about Trump. Which is, I will admit, a step up from having everything be Obamacentric.

rcocean said...

A lot of protestant don't know anything about communion. So, i don't hold this against Trump at all. He's already made it clear he that he's a Christian but not a regular Church goer.

Sorta like Eisenhower, Nixon, and Reagan.

rcocean said...

"you want a religious person vote for Huckabee or Santorum."

The Huckster is one of those annoying pols who claim that Jesus and Him have the same policies. I don't vote for politicians who use the justification "God told me to do it"

deborah said...

Almost feels like a set-up to endear him to the religious Iowans...probably not.

Meade said...

Smart money still on the Hill:

Amartel said...

Huckabee is the worst. TV evangelist and politician is not a good combination. And he's back to being fat. Every election season he's out there as America's self-appointed voice of Christ in Politics. He gravitates to TV cameras and has attached himself to Trump for now.

Meade said...

Rand is right:

rcocean said...

I just realized we haven't had a Catholic POTUS since JFK, and the only major party Catholic nominee since JFK was John Kerry. Which is surprised me, I thought Kerry was Episcopalian.

This time: Cruz/Rubio/Santorum/Jeb/Kasich are Catholics.

Meade said...

By the way, every church I've been in where plates are being passed around? You put money in. The plate that has pieces of sacrificial victim in it? Doesn't get passed around.

Sydney said...

Meade- I grew up in a Baptist church that passed around the wafers and little shot glasses full of grape juice for communion. The pews had little holders for the shot glasses. They weren't consecrated, though, like the Catholic wafers and wine. And they weren't wafers, they were oyster crackers. And the congregation didn't believe they were the body and blood of Christ. They just believed they were taking a little communal meal in remembrance of the Last Supper.

Sydney said...

I also am laughing with him and not at him. We have so many permutations of Christianity all with different rituals that it isn't reasonable to expect someone to know what to do in any particular church unless they were a member.

Meade said...

"And the congregation didn't believe they were the body and blood of Christ."

If that was the case yesterday, I'm sure everyone there was able to find it in his heart to forgive the Donald for mistakenly dropping a little filthy lucre in the plate that had held the oyster crackers.


Never could learn to drink that blood
And call it wine
Never could learn to hold you, love
And call you mine

bagoh20 said...

OK, now THIS is a damned good reason to vote for Trump. I don't believe they would do it, but it's the best thing I've heard yet about a Trump Presidency. If they actually did it, it would be one of the greatest benefits a President has ever accomplished, and would at least partly validate the idea that all he has to do is win to make the U.S.A great again.

25% of Feds Would Consider Leaving Their Jobs if Trump Becomes President

Trooper York said...

They are leaving before they get fired.

If you think the air traffic controllers was a big deal just wait and see.

Meade said...

Make it 50% and I'll consider voting for his reelection in 2020.

Amartel said...

They always threaten to leave (the country, their jobs) but then they never do, the liars!

Amartel said...

It's all drama, drama, drama. Then they hang around and bellyache endlessly until the interloper leaves and they can return to the trough unimpeded.

Lydia said...

Funny about the plate thing, though, because just last July, Trump said this about going to church:

Trump said that while he hasn't asked God for forgiveness, he does participate in Holy Communion.

"When I drink my little wine -- which is about the only wine I drink -- and have my little cracker, I guess that is a form of asking for forgiveness, and I do that as often as possible because I feel cleansed," he said. "I think in terms of 'let's go on and let's make it right.'"

So maybe just a senior moment?

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Hey DBQ - thanks. That's good to know. We did the correct thing.

bagoh20 said...

All kinds of bloggers are now copying my line about federal workers quitting being a good reason to vote for Trump. Come to Lem's and hear it first.