Saturday, January 23, 2016

"Charlotte Rampling walks back Oscar comments"

Hours after actress Charlotte Rampling told an interviewer that the blowback against this year's all-white acting nominees was itself "racist," she is walking back her comments.
On Friday evening, the British actress, who is nominated for a best actress for her work in the film45 Years, gave a statement to CBS News, which read, "I regret that my comments could have been misinterpreted. I simply meant to say that in an ideal world every performance will be given equal opportunities for consideration."
The multilingual Rampling had given a Friday radio interview to a French journalist in which she said of the lack of any nominees of color, "We can never know if it was really the case, but perhaps the black actors did not deserve to be in the final straight."
When her interviewer asked about the possibility of quotas, she responded, “Why classify people? These days everyone is more or less accepted ... People will always say: ‘Him, he’s less handsome’; ‘Him, he’s too black’; ‘He is too white’ ... someone will always be saying ‘You are too’ (this or that) ... But do we have to take from this that there should be lots of minorities everywhere?”
By Friday evening, she was on board: “Diversity in our industry is an important issue that needs to be addressed,” her statement continued. “I am highly encouraged by the changes announced today by the academy to diversify its membership.”


bagoh20 said...

True courage is the rarest human quality.
The fake stuff is everywhere.

William said...

I think the next black actor to win an Academy Award will have an asterisk by his name. Every one will judge his/her performance to be an Affirmative Action hire........What great black performance got passed over this year?

Michael Haz said...
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ricpic said...

Mustn't speak the truth, Charlotte! Career death that.

Adamsunderground said...

She'll have a role in Tentative Rears a Slave

edutcher said...

She'll never do lunch in that town again.

chickelit said...

One way or another, Spite Lee will get his Oscar -- even if he has to sue for it.

chickelit said...

I knew a guy once who got his PhD by threatening to sue.

ampersand said...

It's the multilingual part that gets a gal ahead in Hollywood.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

She's probably one of many who feels this way but won't let it show because they are fearful.

Titus said...

I don't think any of you are outraged as much as I am.

I am fucking pissed.

This is unacceptable.

PC run amok I say!

Look at my Iraninan trick's bode-hot right?

chickelit said...

Actor: "So What do you think of Rampling?"

Understudy: "I don't know, I've never been Rampled."

Actor: "Ah, but you will."

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

Will Smith is not as good as Denzel.

There... I said it.

edutcher said...

"Concussion" got almost no box office.

The Academy learned its lesson a few years ago when it tried giving all the nominations to movies (mostly Euro) nobody had ever seen.

Some Seppo said...

chickelit, that wasn't at the DU school of education was it? Because I know of the same example there of a person who fulfilled all committee requirements but received push back at orals. He threatened a lawsuit and got his doctorate instead of a lawyer bill.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Nuke hollywood.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm proud to say I have not stepped into a movie theater even once this entire year. I will be boycotting the Oscars too. --but for other reasons. Mainly - I don't care.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

buncha whiny privileged spoiled bubble-dwelling ivory tower faux-commies (who refuse to open their many mansions to the poor) whining about skin color and golden statues.

MLK would be disgusted.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Lou Holtz once said, "Don't tell your problems to people: eighty percent don't care; and the other twenty percent are glad you have them." Unfortunately, Lou Holtz is a man out-of-step with our whiny age.

Today, people will not shut up about their problems. They want to let you know about every issue they have, every “microaggression” and every time they’re offended. It’s a bottomless sea of discontent. "

No kidding.

(as seen on insty)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


"Every time a Muslim engages in a terrorist attack, we get a lecture on the crusades which ended in 1291. Alternately, we hear how often these diehard Christians have attacked abortion clinics. Setting aside the fact that those killers are universally condemned by Christians, more people were killed in the San Bernardino terrorist attacks than were killed in every abortion clinic attack since Roe v. Wade."

G Joubert said...

But they win. From now on every category will include nomination(s) for black nominees, whether deserved or not, out of fear of being accused of racism if they don't, and that'll become the new standard.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Then again, we should all be weeping for poor Will Smith.