Friday, November 20, 2015

WKRLEM: Roundabout is fair play!


bagoh20 said...

Don't punch him in the mouth. I love that voice.

chickelit said...

I respectfully disagree with the "crappy music" tag.

Amartel said...

Skynrd has too many guitars but this is okay?
Sigh. To each his own.
You say "Yes" and I say NO NO NO.

Amartel said...

Mountains do not come out of the sky and stand there in and around the lake.
I'm sorry, they just don't.

Trooper York said...

Yes is one of those bands you either love or you hate. Just sayn'

bagoh20 said...

You have to remember that Trooper never got over getting kicked out of the Mills Brothers groupie rotation.

Trooper York said...

Actually it was Martha and Vandella's but whose counting.

Man those Vandella's! They should have been the one called the "Pips!"

Trooper York said...

Plus I met Sinead O'Conner in an Irish Bar once when I was single. But she was into girls then. No matter how drunk I got her. Waddayagonnado?

bagoh20 said...

" Waddayagonnado?"

Gender reassignment. It's all the rage.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

I love his voice, too. It's so pleasing.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

OK - that was fabulous.

chickelit said...

And remember: the bass player, Chris Squire, told that great story about meeting Jimi Hendrix: link

chickelit said...

Amartel said...
Skynrd has too many guitars but this is okay?

Skynyrd had three guitar players. Guitars are are like breasts. One is too few and three is too many.

I have never really liked "unplugged" versions of popular songs which is what this kind of is. But, it is worth keeping in mind that this is how many songs begin: the melodies are conceived on an acoustic guitar or a piano.

chickelit said...

the melodies are conceived on an acoustic guitar or a piano.

I know that sounds like Troop's unrequited fantasy with Skinead.

bagoh20 said...

Whether on a guitar or a piano, put Troop and Sinead on anything and we're talking the key of B-flat. Just sayin'

chickelit said...

bagoh20 said...
Whether on a guitar or a piano, put Troop and Sinead on anything and we're talking the key of B-flat. Just sayin'

Yeah, I don't get Troop's beer google vision for Sinead when he himself pointed out the fundamental problem with "Downton Abbey" female casting.

Tank said...

That was great. Thanks for posting that.

Yes and the Allmans, two completely different groups, and my two favorites.

Steg said...

Good song. I guess Chickelit didn't like the three-titted girl in Total Recall? I thought it was hot. I also dig the three guitar Iron Maiden setup. Though IMO their best was still the first two albums with only two guitars. Also I've never made it with a tribreast, so I can't compare.