Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy Fourth of July....Enjoy the time off

Everybody loves the Fourth of July. Well unless you are a communist. It is a great holiday. It celebrates our nations birth and the old white men who were responsible for our freedom!

It is also in the beginning of the summer when it is warm and we can barbecue and swim and just have an all around great time. Nothing beats having a hot dog and a cold beer outside at the pool while you are listening to a double header on the radio. Waiting to go see the fireworks at night.

Our intrepid correspondent Chickenlittle is off on a little jaunt this Fourth of July weekend. He deserves a little vacation with the family. He sent me this little photo to share with us.

Now you don't want to cross a Chicken. He can peck you to death and stuff. So you have to be circumspect when talking about him. But I am sure we can all agree that we wish him well on his vacation on the big island. I hope he will share more photos of his trip like this one in the jacuzzi.

Happy Fourth of July everybody!


Aridog said...

I posted elsewhere:

Only a bit out of character (??) I am making this day my day of naiveté’ :-) … I wish everyone the best 4th possible, both for themselves and their families & children, and I intend to be angry, or even just mildly irritated, with no one anywhere for today. I've seen enough strife & destruction that I need to be this way today, and to fervently believe we can and will learn to stop killing each other all over the world. For at least one day of the year and this one seems appropriate. Call it my day of Hope.

I will return to curmudgeon mode tomorrow perhaps? BTW...I spoke with a long time very good dear friend and veteran out west this morning and he's more or less doing the same thing. One day of sanity can't be too much.

rcocean said...

Its easy to feel sorry for chickens until you've spent time with them. They taste well, but they are rather nasty ill-tempered birds and quite unpleasant to each other.

rcocean said...

We're having BBQ chicken to celebrate. Fireworks for later.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

That photo is spit-take funny! Much funnier than this.

Happy Fourth, Everybody!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


A ways down the stream you posted, someone posted, a Jerry Seinfeld clip.
I'm a fan. I like him.

I just found this and I laughed. The dude is stealing my material.