Friday, June 12, 2015

Man receives sex act while blacked out, gets accused and expelled... Reddit censors

"Nearly two years later, she would accuse him of sexual assault. And under Amherst's guilty-until-proven-innocent (and even then, as we'll see, still guilty) hearing standards, the accused student was expelled."
The accused student — using the pseudonym John Doe — is suing the college for denying him due process. His lawyer had discovered text messages that prove the accused student did not initiate the encounter and in no way sexually assaulted the accuser. Despite this evidence, the college refused to reopen Doe's case.
Meanwhile, someone over at Reddit, had post this story for people to read and comment on it. That is what that site is all about right?... Well, don't be so sure... To the dismay of hundreds of redditors/commenters, the powers that be at Reddit took the post/link down.... Yes, you read that right, Reddit took down a post/link to a legitimate news story.

Later, someone else brought up the Reddit censoring, at another sub-Reddit page that deals with censorship, that Reddit had censored/taken down the link to a story of a young man getting expelled after receiving a sex act while blacked out....
Article about Questionable Rape Accusation at Amherst Removed from Front Page at +3369 for being "Tabloid News".
Here is the Top voted comment from that post....
The writer, Ashe Schow, writes for the Washington Examiner, which is definitely not a tabloid. She specializes in gender politics and campus sexual assault adjudications. She was also at the GamerGate meetup in DC, although she hasn't written much about GG.

At the time the post was removed it had just hit the front page of reddit. This appears to be yet another example of censorship for political reasons, and doesn't bode well for reddit, as it seems far too many subs are going completely anti-freespeech.

Link to original article
ht/ professor Christina H. Sommers


Chip Ahoy said...

Man receives sex act. How delicate.

bagoh20 said...

Yes imagine: "Woman receives sex act while passed out." I don't get the impression that equality is really all that valued. Fen's Law is like gravity - it's everywhere, in all things, and explains much in our universe.

The rule of Lemnity said...

‏@iowahawkblog said...

"Reddit says they're "banning behaviors, not ideas." Behaviors like entering keystrokes in unapproved order."