Wednesday, June 10, 2015

"How Deval Patrick secretly diverted millions to off-budget accounts"

"Former Gov. Deval Patrick’s administration secretly diverted nearly $27 million in public money to off-budget accounts that paid for a $1.35 million trade junket tab, bloated advertising contracts, and a deal with a federally subsidized tourism venture backed by U.S. Sen. Harry Reid, a Herald investigation has found."
The maneuver to fatten the hidden “trust” 

accounts with millions from state quasi-public agencies allowed Patrick to skirt the state Legislature and evade state budget cutbacks during the recession, the Herald found.
Via Instapundit who said...
Deval was the template for Obama, in imagery, in bypassing the legislature, and in massive crony socialism. Not surprisingly, his administration ended badly.


Methadras said...

I saw nowhere in the article the pending indictment of Deval Patrick. I wonder how that happened? Anyone? Bueller?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Jon Corzine, Harry Reid, Hillary Clinton and now Deval Patrick - all should be indicted and perp-walked.

Martha Stewart spent time in jail for much less, for crying out loud.

(Oh riiiiight - late night TV comedians got corruptocrat back.)

ricpic said...

But isn't that the new normal? Everything done in secret?