Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Horses, Deborah Butterfield

Deborah Butterfield, Bronze "Crane 3123.1" on display at Denver Botanical Gardens. I thought they were sticks, but they're bronze.

I wanted the Lazzarus version but Sony owns that and they're prohibiting display except for a few sites. It's a nice song. Too bad the fictional Buffalo Bill the perv ruined it. 


AllenS said...

I sure hope I don't have nightmares from that last vid.

rhhardin said...

The Butterfield I liked is here, for being startling for representing something.

ricpic said...

Why does she give a perfectly obvious sculpture that weird title?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

eee gads.

Chip Ahoy said...

Why named Crane? I don't know why. Maybe it took a crane to lift it into place and she said, 'Damn, I'm going to call this crane." Maybe there's a crane in it that we're not seeing. The horse and crane doing something. Maybe it was for a person named Crane, or located in a place called Crane or possibly situated for cranes. Maybe she craned her neck doing it. Or wanted a conversation starter.

The movie clip the gif is drawn from has a lot of other things. I sat here with my fingers spread to shift/command/3 to snap the whole screen at key frames. There are a lot of interesting frames that show particular aspects of Buffalo Bill's weirdness while the girl tries and fails to coax and trap the well-trimmed little white dog into the pit with the chicken bone and the bucket. About 100 really good frames.

I narrowed it to the weirdest at the end. That eliminated 90% of the choices, really good choices too. To concentrate on the guy dancing.

I could have picked a better Jenner head. I chose one very quickly to my disadvantage. My choice is too shiny.

The rest was easy. Shade Jenner's face the way the frame is shaded. Done roughy with air brush type tool. pssst, pssst, pssst, here and there. His hair put directly over the original, just let his dark hair overlap the original light hair with no blending at all. As the people at Walmart photos show women with piles of two or more mismatched wigs. What the heck. They're individual, mostly, resized and re-situated. Sometimes hie looks up, so shrink the forehead and stretch the bottom.

Then run it.

I had the music playing on i-Tunes with the gif running. It replayed and I let it. It replayed again. It ran over 5 times while I did something else. Mesmerizing when I looked over, there he is still dancing. As if Jenner is actually dancing. I just suspended disbelief and accepted the possibility that really could be Bruce Jenner dancing like that but without murderous intention, without the urge to kill heavyset women to tailor their breasts for himself. Just dancing like that. The gif does not hit the beat precisely but nonetheless goes with it very well. Weird as it is and unskillfully chopped, it's turning out to be one of my favorites because it goes so well with the music and it no longer seems so weird. The weirdness wore off. If Bruce Jenner were right here I'd have no problem chatting it up with no sense of oddness at all because this weird gif ran so much and I like the song.

edutcher said...

That vid's out of Tales From The Crypt.

Even Twilight Zone never got that weird.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Too bad the fictional Buffalo Bill the perv ruined it.

No more tucking your sack and peenie in while walking, naked, backward away from the mirror, eh? ;-)