Thursday, June 11, 2015

"Favors to foundation donors stretch back to Hillary Clinton’s Senate days"

"Earmarks, legislative action benefited husband’s benefactors"
For instance, Mrs. Clinton introduced a bill when she was New York’s junior senator that allowed a donor to the Clinton Foundation to use tax-exempt bonds to build a shopping center in Syracuse, New York, public records show. 
She also went to bat for Freddie Mac, working to defeat legislation that would have subjected the mortgage giant to tougher regulations before the housing bubble burst and led to a major recession. That same year, Freddie Mac donated $50,000 to $100,000 to her husband’s charity, originally called the William J. Clinton Foundation records show.
“It seems like the Clinton Foundation operates as a slush fund for the Clintons,” Bill Allison, a senior fellow at the Sunlight Foundation, a government watchdog group, told the New York Post in April after conflict-of-interest reports started surfacing between the Clinton Foundation and Mrs. Clinton’s political work.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

No no no - Rubio took out student loans and purchased a boat.

He's much worse.

clinton is corrupt and belongs in jail - but it's all cool because she has a D behind her name.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

No smoking gun!

--- laugh-dog stephanopolis 100 million dollar hack press

ricpic said...

I'm a scary clown and I'll sell-off America at fire sale prices and my eyes are made of paste and my grin is terrifying and I sleep with Muslim Huma Brotherhood and I've suffered so much that if you don't vote for me I'LL betta!

bagoh20 said...

Just because that sandwich smells like shit doesn't mean it's not delicious. It has been laying around here for years, and it has always smelled like that. Go ahead, take a big bite. Have I ever lied to you?