Friday, June 12, 2015

Boeing 787 Dreamliner

What photography trick is this? Angles and mirrors and magnets and special lenses. You cannot trust anything these days. Here's another video

Your takeoff is impressive but you're still an ugly straight up thin metal tube, a flying mobile home, with people all crammed in there, structurally sound in one direction and dodgy in all other directions. One solid punch from above and your bumblebee wings break right off. 

Still. Well, maybe once, if you promise a vertical take off like that. 


Chip Ahoy said...

And for fun, change your name to "Boing," a savings of one letter.

Chip Ahoy said...

Another thing I just now noticed on this, but it bugs me. I want to knock the person on the head with a ball peen hammer. bonk.

You have some content of some importance to you that you'd like to share so you do. You go to all the trouble of editing and uploading your visual thing, then you think, "Now that I have this content and now that I have the means to share it, how in the last moments after all that can I completely fuck it up?

I know, I'll slather it with advertisements right at the critical moment of viewing and load the whole thing, completely cover it, overlay it with related and unrelated material as if with graffiti. Destroy the original thing people bothered to come to over to see and shove things at them they did not care to see and don't want. Betray the viewers by betraying my own content. Completely fuck up my own content.

I never did read a single advertisement.

I never did click on anything offered.

I have absolutely no idea why on YouTube the offers to jack one's own content at the last moments of uploading are taken but they are. Somehow they seem like such a good idea, possibly to drive traffic. So traffic now supersedes clarity and cleanliness of content. Fuck the video of the plane flying straight up, right at that critical moment of viewing place an ad. The one single perfect place to jack content the best. So fuck you right back, person who uploaded this video, just fuck you right back for that.

I feel genuine hostility. I do.

It's not like painting a fresco then breaking it. That's different. I kills me to break them but they must be broken. To suggest difficulty getting the thing off a wall. Suggest a problem with stealing it. That breaking adds. But this type of video breaking subtracts, and gravely so. The little ad ruins it.

Chip Ahoy said...

The rain storms around here are passing though as choo-choo train of rain storms. And it's heavy rain too. Then after all that, on again off again, each day I must make sure to water and feed the plants. It's easy to think they're taken care of by the rain, that they're not being burned up by sun, but forming broad leaves and away from the terrace edge they still need to be fed and kept watered.

We gardner types are ever alert for plant needs. After you kill a couple hundred of them by this neglect or that oversight you start to look out for certain things, like their dirt all dried out or changed to mud, both extremes could be bad.

chickelit said...

Chip, SoCal weather has been a constant cloudy mist for two days straight now, all moving on shore and heading east. CO is assured of more rain unless a countervailing weather front moves in from the Gulf.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I live in Seattle now.

chickelit said...

@April: Hunker down and drink the Starbucks.

Leland said...

I live under an approach to a large airport. You can always tell the Dreamliners because their wings flex so much. The tips end up way over the fuselage. Beautiful plane, but still not as impressive as the A-380s.

rhhardin said...

Vertical takeoff is just a question of speed. The engines can't support the weight of the aircraft so it has to end, but the more speed you start with, the more you can hold it.

rhhardin said...

I have adblock and never see ads on youtube.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It won't stop raining. CA - will you please take it!

chickelit said...

April, we gladly take the water via the Colorado River.

chickelit said...

The sun sends the water charging up the hills and mountains as clouds; when it rains and falls back, we collect it. Rinse and repeat.

Boulder water, on the eastern slope, raises crops in the arid western plains.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Chocolate soup of a river.. It's all yours.

ricpic said...

The sun sends the water charging up the hills and mountains as clouds...

Hey chick, that's poetry! Really.

Chocolate soup of a river.

Hey April, that's poetry! Really.

I'm surrounded by throwaway talent. :^)

Chip Ahoy said...

It is such a wonderful place to live during these periods. Storms all night with the door wide open, gray all morning. Then BANG full sun, with storm clouds right behind the sunny gap. You can actually see the train of clouds piling up and darken over the the foothills as they stretch by wind and traipse across the sky overhead. Dark, then heavy rain, gaps of sun, dark, then heavy rain, gaps of sun, on and on a light and dark, and wet and dry show, apparently endlessly.