Saturday, June 6, 2015

American Pharoah wins triple crown

That's a Neme headdress with Wadjet cobra uraeus (on its tail) and Nekhbet vulture, and not the Pschent double crown containing both the Hedjet white crown of Upper Egypt and the Deshret red crown of Lower Egypt. 

Silly, but this is what I see whenever I see the phrase "American Pharoah" and that turns out to be quite a lot today because that American Pharoah has three crowns. 

The tweets I'm reading connect Obama to Carter by the gap between triple crown winners, retweets of the same insight.

Is that true? 

Secretariat 1973
Seattle Slew 1977
Affirmed 1978

where I learn the jockeys wear outrageously patterned jerseys to distinguish themselves from other jockeys, meaning observers are watching the shirts and hats and not the horses.


The rule of Lemnity said...

A former Obama spinner trolled everybody good.

"Another accomplishment -- Obama first President to have a Triple Crown winner since Carter"

I'm Full of Soup said...


Iowahawk, in response to Pfeifer's suckup , tweeted "jizz-garglers gotta jizz gargle".

Chip Ahoy said...

Jesus, another comment thread that does not stop and everyone has similar reaction, you didn't build that. Man, that phrase really stuck in people's craw.

edutcher said...

Selfie should live so long. Geographically that region of the horse, but above and more to the rear.

But, if the Lefties want to try to spin this, they still can't get past the fact Nixon had the greatest Triple Crown winner of all.