The recitation audibly starts and stops a couple times because the dog started barking during the recording and I wanted to delete those personal details.
When I listened back, I was struck by how odd it is to voice a woman's thoughts as a man. Would a man even say some of the things she said? Does this create a concern for speechwriters?
Conversely, would a woman say things that men routinely say?
Why did Tricky Dick Rodham delete all the personal emails and preserve the public work emails? Only a sociopath would delete the emails from his supposed loved ones. Delete the pictures Chelsea sent him of his granddaughter? It seems impossible, but Tricky Dick Rodham sounds colder than Hussein. No, can't be, no one could be that cold. And yet, the evidence.....
Hey chick, did you call Rush today? He just took a call from someone comparing Hillary's performance at the UN to Nixon releasing the White House tapes and saying you'll have to trust me on the missing 18 minutes. It was you, right?
The recitation audibly starts and stops a couple times because the dog started barking during the recording and I wanted to delete those personal details.
Damn, that's good, chick. You got his tonal quality, his cadence, and ideo-shrinkeries all together.
waaaah lol
Damn, that's good, chick. You got his tonal quality, his cadence, and ideo-shrinkeries all together.
I even shake pretend jowls when I do this voice.
When I listened back, I was struck by how odd it is to voice a woman's thoughts as a man. Would a man even say some of the things she said? Does this create a concern for speechwriters?
Conversely, would a woman say things that men routinely say?
That's a good question.
Has no American president... oh Reagan had a woman speech writer, what's her name sometimes writes in the WSJ?
Peggy Noonan
Great job chickie!
That's her. thanks.
Montage of a Hillary and Bill denial.
A little pee just came out. LOL, chick!
When you wrote this is what Checkers would have heard were he still alive, I thought, Checkers is a dog, right? I was expecting:
"Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Checkers blah blah blah blah blah bla blah blah blah blah Checkers blah blah bla blah blah."
That is scary.
ack. When you overlay the two images, you kinda get Madelaine Albright.
*Lord forgive me, that aint' right.
I think you are right April.
That will leave a mark! You merged Nixon with the #ArkansasUnderwood Hillary! Great work!
April that is true! And the one with glasses came out sort of like Kissinger.
chickelit, otherwise known as Rich Little.
Creepily good, Chick. If you do requests, Hillary's two phone inconvenience statement as Nixon would be worth a listen.
Why did Tricky Dick Rodham delete all the personal emails and preserve the public work emails? Only a sociopath would delete the emails from his supposed loved ones. Delete the pictures Chelsea sent him of his granddaughter? It seems impossible, but Tricky Dick Rodham sounds colder than Hussein. No, can't be, no one could be that cold. And yet, the evidence.....
Hey chick, did you call Rush today? He just took a call from someone comparing Hillary's performance at the UN to Nixon releasing the White House tapes and saying you'll have to trust me on the missing 18 minutes. It was you, right?
lifted from instapundit comment section:
"30,000 deleted emails? Nixon was satisfied with one 18 minute gap. She started her career preying on Nixon, and now she has become him."
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