If I used "satire" label that would give it away even before you saw this coming a mile away.
As soon as the woman speaks the joke is use up but they milk the setup anyway. After all, they did go to all the trouble of making it appear convincing so might as well play it out fully.
As a goof I get it. However, as someone who has been a witness to seeing someone hearing for the first time in their lives, the experience is imprinted into my soul. It was truly a miraculous thing to witness and not a try eye in the house. The sheer joy witness that day was had a substance I'd never experienced before. It was glorious magic. I'll never forget it for as long as I live.
To see a grown man react to the voices of his mother and father (everyone made sure that he would hear his mother and father before anyone else. The tech was a genius in how he dialed the implant in without saying a word and used mom and dad's speech and my friends reactions to fine tune) as if the universe opened up to him for the first time was beautiful and so damned heart warming. He literally jumped out of his chair and held onto them for 5 minutes while weeping. I'm crying now just typing this out while I remember the whole thing.
If I used "satire" label that would give it away even before you saw this coming a mile away.
As soon as the woman speaks the joke is use up but they milk the setup anyway. After all, they did go to all the trouble of making it appear convincing so might as well play it out fully.
If the first thing I heard was Hillary's voice, I'd ask for a loaded gun.
The "deaf" actor does a heckuva good job mimicking the way deaf people pronounce.
Kind of makes you wonder what humans with all the senses we know about are nevertheless missing out on.
I have a question. Do people blind from birth use their eyebrows to convey emotion the way sighted people do?
Too good. I was fooled, which started me laughing as the rest unfolded.
As a goof I get it. However, as someone who has been a witness to seeing someone hearing for the first time in their lives, the experience is imprinted into my soul. It was truly a miraculous thing to witness and not a try eye in the house. The sheer joy witness that day was had a substance I'd never experienced before. It was glorious magic. I'll never forget it for as long as I live.
To see a grown man react to the voices of his mother and father (everyone made sure that he would hear his mother and father before anyone else. The tech was a genius in how he dialed the implant in without saying a word and used mom and dad's speech and my friends reactions to fine tune) as if the universe opened up to him for the first time was beautiful and so damned heart warming. He literally jumped out of his chair and held onto them for 5 minutes while weeping. I'm crying now just typing this out while I remember the whole thing.
I was fooled. The guy playing deaf was really good.
Or could it be that it's not that hard to play deaf and act emotional faking hearing for the first time?
I don't know.
I mean my sympathies are geared, predestined to like the deaf person. So, I could definitely not see it coming. that's the answer.
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