Monday, February 16, 2015


This video is better than the previous video that went viral of a man tossing a cinderblock into an old washing mating. Whirlpool should use this video for their own advertisements. I'm sold.


john said...

What a great commercial that would have made.

"You can be sure ladies and gentlemen, no matter where that Timex is, it's still running. It takes a licking and keeps on ticking."

Rabel said...

Didn't know they could run on their hind legs like that.

chickelit said...

I think it's obscene in its own way.

I got no pleasure watching that.

bagoh20 said...

Come on ladies - admit it. How many of you needed to have a cigarette after watching that?

I don't understand the point. Did the metal thing come out clean or not?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I do need a cigarette after that…wow!

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...


Brill said...

WTF, washer porn.

Methadras said...

chickelit said...

I think it's obscene in its own way.

I got no pleasure watching that.

You know, I felt the same way. I actually felt bad for the washing machine that it was being treated this way. It's a completely inanimate object, but watching it being abused like this was totally unnecessary to do in my opinion.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Chick and Methadras make me feel guilty for finding pleasure in that video. Just in time for Ash Wednesday (Father Fox and Troop can explain).

Methadras said...

Sorry EBL. I wasn't trying to project, but the whole thing just seemed, I don't know, malicious maybe? Like the washing machine is just sitting there waiting to do it's job which is to wash your clothes, make you smell and look nice and this asshole comes up, turns you on, and shoves a metal weight into your maw and makes you shake yourself to pieces and watches you role and purpose in life die. And for no good reason other than to see it happen.

It's actually quite sadistic when I think about it. Again, I know that this is a totally inanimiate object, but my imagination in that what man creates has a purpose and whatever that purpose is, the creation is waiting to fulfil that purpose with gladness and joy. If your car breaks down, do you drive it off a cliff or take it to get taken care of? If your sink gets clogged, do you blow it up with dynamite or do you unplug it or get a plumber. If you have termites, do you burn your house down or get it tented to take care of it?

You see, this poor washing machine wanted to serve its purpose, it was built for a reason, but it wasn't meant to for this. That's how I feel about it.

chickelit said...

I felt the same way, methadras. But I understand the amusement others found. As a kid, I used to enjoy blowing up model kits and things I built so who am I to judge?

There really is no power to create w/o the power to destroy.

Washing machines were/are great laborsaving devices. Our poor grandmothers would cringe at that video.

First world amusement.

Rabel said...

"And for no good reason other than to see it happen."

From the guy who posted the video:

"this vid has made enough to buy at least half a dozen new machines, or a good used car, in the time its been up."

1. Destroy washer and take video.
2. Post on YouTube.
3. Profit.