Tuesday, October 22, 2013

"Are Obamacare call centers outsourced too?"

I wouldn't be surprised if the call center was in India.
Obama hired a Canadian company to build the ObamaCare website to beguine with.


Update: Commenter request after "read more"


Known Unknown said...

Begin the Beguine.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Looks like we're going to have to add "irony" to the list.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm laughing at the Rachel Maddowcare website/800 number loop.


Phil 314 said...

Is this one of you "old time music" posts? Where's the video of Artie Shaw?

The rule of Lemnity said...

Where's the video of Artie Shaw?

You got it.

Michael Haz said...

As long as the person on the other end of the phone doesn't call it "InfidelCare".

Chip Ahoy said...

Begin the Beguine

Fred Astaire tippy tap dance. I think. If that's his sister Adele then she is a crossword answer.

Icepick said...

I see they're sticking with the 1-800-F*UC-KYO number. Good for them for going with truth in marketing. Which is ironic, given that it's the first truthful thing Obama has ever done.

bagoh20 said...

I've loved that song since I was a kid.

The rule of Lemnity said...

While ObamaCare was outsourced,
Obama re-elect stayed in-house.

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

bagoh20 said...
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bagoh20 said...

Isn't it indicative of our dysfunctional politics and brain dead media that Ted Cruz and the Tea party are political idiots, evil partisans and simultaneously the people most vociferously warning us about the biggest threats we face nationally and personally, which just happen to be huge glaring idiocies and failures of the left.

If the sky was filled with alien warships destroying cities, and Ted Cruz was pointing at them, the press would be bitching about him stirring up trouble, and the right wing pundits would be joining in.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

There's a great song by TMBG called "Purple Toupee" where the narrator tries to remember the history that happened when he was a kid.

He gets it wrong, somewhat sensically, to humorous effect.

I remember the year I went to camp.

Heard a story 'bout some lady named Selma and some Blacks.

Somebody put their fingers in the President's ears.

And it wasn't too much later they came out with Johnson's wax.

Anyway, whenever somebody refers to "Begin the Beguine," the first thing that comes to mind for me is Perez Prado doing "Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White."

I don't know why.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Yeap... it's bad enough that ObamaCare is a disaster, we predicted that all along, what is even worst is the certitude that there is no stopping it.

The nightmare scenario may be coming to pass ahead of schedule.

I hate to sound doom-gloomy but there is no light at the end of the tunnel.

For the senate to flip thing may have to get worst ... and even then.

It's mind-numbing trying to make a prediction when nothing seems to matter.

The rule of Lemnity said...

In late Sept. a test of http://Healthcare.gov crashed the system with just a few hundred users

They Knew all along.

The rule of Lemnity said...

It puts Benghazi in perspective,
doesn't it?

Obama-Doesn't-Care is more like it.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Where is Inga?

Maybe she can explain it to us.

ndspinelli said...

She's studying for her RN boards. She's had "an MS in nursing" for 5 years or so but still is not an RN.

Shouting Thomas said...

Lunatic meme of the day from alternet.

Obama trusted the big corporations to built his website, and they swindled him!

bagoh20 said...

Soon all of us, left and right, will be hoping and praying that the health care system can be returned to just half it's original competence and usability, but it will be a pipe dream. Kind of like education is now, but with deadly consequences, and very ugly stories. I just hope people learn the obvious lessons, but I don't have hope for that. It seems that no matter how consistently bad it's performance is, people always trust the government to do things right the next time. It's a kind of widespread mental block that has been with us for a long time.

Shouting Thomas said...


I think that the expectations of women have killed any hope.

I've been talking to liberal women about this. Their trust in the ability of government to fix everything and to be a benevolent caretaker for the incompetent and stupid is awesome.

They see the government as a sensitive, trustworthy parental figure. Denial of any kind of benefit or goodie is just evidence that you are a Blue Meany.

There is no going back.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

"When you've got them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow."

-- Chuck Colson, supposedly

Icepick said...

Lem, here's a good article full of wonderful news about our gloriously competent Administration, the best in the history of competence:

Health insurance exchange launched despite signs of serious problems

Shortest version: A late test (because there were no early tests) had the system crashing with only a few hundred users logged in. Also, as late as September 26, no test had been done to ensure even one person could successfully navigate the entire process.

This from that bastion of radical Tea Partyism, The Washington Post.

KCFleming said...

I remember when they used to call people like Obama 'bumblefucks'.

But Inga and jon Stewart and Peggy Noonan and Krugman and Althouse and McCain think he's swell.

Not swollen, swell.
Swell, and he means well.
Plus, yer racist and homophobic you splooge stooges.

But I see a bumblefuck with a radio voice. He'd be fine as a newsreader in Squat-n-Pee, New Mexico. Maybe advance to Albuquerque in 5 years. The big time.

But shit, he can't even read his own speeches yet.He made some3 poor pregnant lady almost pass out yesterday, so goodammned boring.

Icepick said...

Where is Inga?

Lem, Spinelli, aren't we suffering enough?

Icepick said...

But shit, he can't even read his own speeches yet.He made some poor pregnant lady almost pass out yesterday, so goddammned boring.

Pogo, she didn't pass out from boredom, she orgasmed from excitement. She was finally seeing and hearing the baby-daddy she wants her child to have. Or that she wishes she had.

But that's okay, even if he is boring, he can still work for NPR. They put meth heads to sleep with NPR broadcasts all the time.

KCFleming said...

Spinelli's being rhetorical, I think (throws salt over shoulder).

I cast you out, unclean Inga!
The power of Icepick compels you!

KCFleming said...

Orgasm or Fainting?

Sounds like an internet meme!

KCFleming said...

She looked like a zombie for a minute, ready to eat human flesh.

But maybe that's just me.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Inga is conveniently unavailable for comment.

The rule of Lemnity said...

She is lying low for awhile.

Icepick said...

Inga is conveniently unavailable for comment.


She is lying low for awhile.

That sounds ominous. I like it!

Methadras said...

I posted earlier last week, the software developer companies that are involved and they are all sketchy.

deborah said...



I adore tap.

Icepick said...

I posted earlier last week, the software developer companies that are involved and they are all sketchy.

So they fit right in with the Administration.

deborah said...

I summon thee, oh wondrous Inga, bringer of something these here guys prodigiously desire. Hear me and hasten!

Methadras said...
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Methadras said...

deborah said...

I summon thee, oh wondrous Inga, bringer of something these here guys prodigiously desire. Hear me and hasten!

We are now resorting to necromancy? The horror of it all. I thought google alerts was enough.

deborah said...

lol be nice.

deborah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The rule of Lemnity said...

the software developer companies that are involved and they are all sketchy.

It puts "shovel ready jobs" in a new perspective.

Icepick said...

It puts "shovel ready jobs" in a new perspective.

Shovel ready jobs:

Assassination (you gotta put the bodies somewhere)
Re-education camps (same)
Agrarian Reform (same)
ObamaCare implementation (same)

and so on and so forth.

Icepick said...

Why aren't ARM, phx and Ritmo here to tell us how well ObamaCare is being implemented, as they were a week or so? Even the President admits it is a fuck up now, though he implies that neither he nor anyone in the Administration had anything to do with it. Has the cognitive dissonance made their heads explode at last? One can only hope.

edutcher said...

The Lefties always disappear like a short beer when there's bad news for their side.

And, no, I'm willing to bet the call centers are in Jamaica someplace.

Revenant said...

The Canadian company probably outsourced most of the work to India, too. That's what clueless software companies tend to do, to "save money".

Chip Ahoy said...

Perez Prado doing "Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White."

Oh. Ha ha ha ha good one.

Anonymous said...

I'm heeeeeeere! You called?

Sorry too busy over at Althouse to comment here. Looks like you missed little ol' me, how sweet! Where are Phx and ARM, you can abuse them in my absence.

ken in tx said...

Begin the Beguine is a meta-song, a song about a song which is itself. Like the Tennessee Waltz.

When I was a kid, I found this confusing. After I heard Begin the Beguine, I wanted to hear what the Beguine sounded like as well.

chickelit said...

"Just think of what Democrats can accomplish with a Democratic House, Senate and Presidency"

Inga On Althouse

Icepick said...

"Just think of what Democrats can accomplish with a Democratic House, Senate and Presidency"

They had that just a few short years ago. They achieved the worst recovery on record, and ObamaCare, a regulation so bad that large parts of it have been delayed.

Oh, and I forgot the part with trillions and trillions of dollars in more debt in the span of five years, with no actual budget.


Anonymous said...

Wow Chickie, I'm honored. Now you're exporting my Althouse comments here! Good work!:)

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Following up on an Insty link, I checked out TOP for the first time in a very long time. The box wine bint did not take kindly to my very witty comment related to law rankings that "she was always a number 2 in my eyes" as either she or lawnboy deleted it.

Speaking of pieces of feces, I see that someone said "fat drunk cow" three times and summoned her.

How marvelous.

Anonymous said...

Or would that be importing?

Anonymous said...

I'll leave you now to PMJ, he's all yours, since Althouse won't put up with him.

chickelit said...

The most interesting thing about those ranking polls was not that Insty retains the top spot (we knew that) but that LI is growing so fast.

I attribute it to a deft use of Twitter and cross-linking.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

I attribute a large part of the growth of LI to the Zimmerman trial. I think a lot of people (myself included) first started checking that site regularly due to their excellent coverage, and stuck around after becoming familiar with the writers and other content.

chickelit said...

Inga said...
Wow Chickie, I'm honored. Now you're exporting my Althouse comments here! Good work!:)

I'm enabling your abuse.

chickelit said...

Good point, PMJ. Althouse views soared on the WI recall coverage. I'm not sure what she can do for an encore. If LI shows a drop-off, it will just prove that readers are fickle.

KCFleming said...

LI also rose due to the Trayvon Martin trial coverage. LI did a top-notch job with excellent analysis. I read there pretty much daily now.

Did Althouse cover the Martin trial?
No gay marriage or splooge angle, so maybe not.

KCFleming said...


Geez, now I think I have to bury a potato or kiss a newt or recite Pocahontas backwards or sumpin.

ricpic said...

The grifter god with fire in his eyes: "These problems are getting fixed!"

KCFleming said...

Grifter swiped the fire, to boot.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Wow Chickie, I'm honored. Now you're exporting my Althouse comments here! Good work!:)

Merely sharing the idiocy over there to those of us who won't frequent that dive anymore. Chick is taking one for the team. Delving into the stew so we don't have to. Thanks :-)

test said...

Lem said...
Yeap... it's bad enough that ObamaCare is a disaster, we predicted that all along, what is even worst is the certitude that there is no stopping it.

There is a chance that if there are enough complaints about high pricing and low benefits congress will repeal or drastically reduce the coverage requirements allowing insurors to sell the products not now available.

Anonymous said...

DBQ, most likely you would get deleted, just like PMJ. :)

Palladian said...

I'm heeeeeeere! You called?

Expecto Patronum!

Icepick said...

LOL @Palladian

Trooper York said...

I don't much care about the Legal Blog rankings as I don't have to expertise to independently verify the numbers. Someone does understand it put this comment on my blog about the Evil Blogger Lady's cesspool of banality:

"Did the Evil Blogger Lady get some bad Sitemeter ratings?

Big time. There's some sort of weird lag between SiteMeter's reporting time and the period being reported on, but last month (ending Oct 13), she posted 451K uniques, which is her worst since the summer of '08.

I suspect she's bottomed out and will bounce back a bit this month to a new normal low, but I confess severe drop surprised me. She's looking at a good 40% or more drop over the past couple year average, and no recent 1M+ spike despite some pretty heavy linkage from Knoxville."

I recently was directed to a post and noticed it was mostly all Inga all the time. I am sure that will work just great for them.

Trooper York said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Icepick said...

Ted Cruz gets in another good crack: "You may have noticed that all the Nigerian email scammers have become a lot less active lately. They all have been hired to run the Obamacare website."

Trooper York said...

This is another example of Fen's law.

The liberals all went after Romney and claimed he sent jobs over seas and here the Obama care jobs went to Canada and India.

Just what you would expect from these people.

They always lie.

Trooper York said...

Obama lied when he said it would cost less.

He lied when he said you could keep your insurance.

He lied when he said you would keep your doctors and hospitals.

Now he is lying when he says this sign up mess will be fixed. It won't be fixed anytime soon. They deliberately hid the costs because of the "sticker shock" so many Americans would get. Not all Americans. But many millions would be up in arms. Not to mention people who will be cut back to part time status to weasel out of companies having to insure them under this idiotic law.

Michael Haz said...

I predict that within the next 14 days Obama will either (1) decree the individual mandate is delayed, or (2) request that Congress delay implementation.

Whichever does occur, the Cruz faction of the Republican Party will score a win.

Birches said...


That was a witty comment. I'm glad I could read it here.

Birches said...

I will also note that everyone else (except TOP) on tax prof's rankings is using google analytics for their web hits, not site meter. Apparently, site meter is being a little glitchy. Wonder what difference that would make?

Icepick said...

Haz, President Barely won't do any such thing until he absolutely has to, which would be some time in March. There's no way he eats a shit sandwich on this until he makes everyone else eat shit for real.

Aridog said...

Before this thread goes tits up, I need to post the music I remeber from my early childhood...which was in WWII.

If Artie Shaw can be recalled, so can the Andrews Sisters then and recalled now. The "Burn the Floor" show(s) were introductory to the newer break dance and hip hop, ...like it or not. American Voices may just turn out to justify our sacrifice of blood in farway lands. I know I'd rather it than another bout with the power of life or death in my hands.

I was born listening to boogie woogie and never understood why good ole Mom wanted me to play Hayden, Bach, etc. Jerry Lee Lewis was my musical savior.

ndspinelli said...

This is why I said, from the outset, shutting down was STUPID and took the focus away from this "train wreck." Folks, this is not even the hard part! This is the signup, not the implementation. It's like if Amazon had their rollout and couldn't even get people to create an account. WTF would that have told you about their products and service?? The Republicans were fucking stupid.

ndspinelli said...

No mention of not being an RN.

KCFleming said...

I signed up for Obamacare and all I got was this lousy death panel.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I recently was directed to a post and noticed it was mostly all Inga all the time.

Inga is happy as a clam with Althouse all to herself.

ndspinelli said...

They deserve each other. Althouse despise the LPN, but any port in a storm.

Rabel said...

Hey, there's Inga. I was guessing she had been kidnapped by Gypsies.

Lydia said...

Icepick said...
Haz, President Barely won't [decree the individual mandate is delayed, or request that Congress delay implementation] do any such thing until he absolutely has to, which would be some time in March. There's no way he eats a shit sandwich on this until he makes everyone else eat shit for real.

Unless he decides to throw Sebelius under the bus on this. That might help him distance himself from the disaster and make him look sorta tough, at least to those not paying attention.

Trooper York said...

I thought she washed up on shore in California?

chickelit said...

Trooper York wrote: I thought she washed up on shore in California?

You misheard. That was an oarfish, not an orifice.

Michael Haz said...

The delay will come sooner rather than later. Those who are uninsured are required to be insured December 15th. If the site remains a disaster, the delay will be announced in November.

Methadras said...

ndspinelli said...

This is why I said, from the outset, shutting down was STUPID and took the focus away from this "train wreck." Folks, this is not even the hard part! This is the signup, not the implementation. It's like if Amazon had their rollout and couldn't even get people to create an account. WTF would that have told you about their products and service?? The Republicans were fucking stupid.

The shutdown is long gone in political dustbin-land. It might have well been a thousand years ago. Now the Urkel Administration is trying to fix something that could never be put together at all to begin with and watching do the Urkel is entertaining. This is going to collapse and if the republicans play it right they will hammer away at this and stay on point with it and keep hitting this nerve. It's not getting fixed anytime soon. It will most likely be a complete rewrite and when you are staring at 3 years of implementation and $460 million to put this clusterfuck of a programing hack together, you will have a lot to answer for if a rewrite comes and it will come. It's a mess and they know it and once again, government has turned something else to complete shit. When will the public ever learn.

Methadras said...

Lydia said...

Unless he decides to throw Sebelius under the bus on this. That might help him distance himself from the disaster and make him look sorta tough, at least to those not paying attention.

Publically Urkel has given The Long Faced Crone his full 100% support. Frankly, how this woman ever made it this far is astounding, but hey, never let it be said that eating enough twat, sucking enough cock, or letting your donors have access to your ass never gets you anywhere, cause The Long Faced Crone is probably one hell of a grifter. Either way, privately, Urkel probably told her to fix it or else, but since he's already become the public point man for this, it just shows how inept his leadership is and how that ineptitude has trickled down to his underlings. They suck just as bad. It's all political incest with the fucking and sucking and touching. Aren't politics awesome? No? Bueller?

Icepick said...

Unless he decides to throw Sebelius under the bus on this.

He can ditch Silliphish without delaying the mandate.

The amazing thing is that not only has he not fired her yet, not only has she not resigned out of decency, but she's been brushing off Congress while screwing around doing God only knows what. This Administration only does two things well: run for office and run from accountability.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

The Dems will, at some point, sort out the insurance signup but turning this around won't be so easy.

Anonymous said...

Yes ARM. I've been reading some very interesting speculation about Dems and House seats.

bagoh20 said...

If the Dems get the sign-up system fixed that just makes it worse, as people discover what they have to sign up for. The lame start of Obamacare has saved its worst revelation for just before the elections - a slow burning disaster that Repubs have laid clearly at the feet of the Dems where it belongs.

The people signing up early are outside the employer based population and are just a sliver of the population. When it hits the 170 million employer-based next year and they are forced in mass onto the exchanges, this will go from an out break to a pandemic of disappointment and anger. People covered by their employer are just watching from the sidelines right now hoping it magically goes away somehow, but it won't, and they will be pissed. It's not worth the cost, but Repubs will gain from this in a way they would never be able to on their own.

bagoh20 said...

Everything is on the line for the Dems, and they have incredible resources through the government and total dedication of the Executive Branch which now has no choice but to go all in. It's the partisan equivalent of a 9/11, and they will pull out all the stops, even going to the hated private sector to get someone who knows what they are doing, but even with all that they will either fail or achieve unprecedented mediocrity. It couldn't happen to a more deserving group.

I wonder if they have on their office walls one of those motivational posters with Ray Charles driving a bus and the caption "We have to pass it to see what's in it. Forward!"