Friday, July 26, 2013

Help! Koch brothers sighted in Colorado

Apparently brain damaged Joan McCarter writing at Daily Kos and the bug up her ass about Koch and their millions, think that it is horrible for Conservatives to push  in a state that is trending blue, and that guns have aught to do with the recall efforts there. While dismissing Bloomberg's loathsome influence altogether. 

See that? It is a red state, but it is trending blue. 

They already turned District 1 with their aggressive exclusionary ways, taking up positions within state government and using those positions to attain state office. While an unsuspecting and trustful conservative population, doing their business, let them.  She acknowledges the state is red. And yet, in her sorry-ass world conservative influence is intolerable. 

You have to notice the Koch brothers really bug the living piss out of these people. They've taken hold in their imaginations and lodged there permanently pressing on the eye sockets. It's blinding.  I haven't heard anyone here mention Tim Gill as if his influence is nonexistent or doesn't amount to much worth mentioning. 

How colossally single-mindedly stupid she is in writing when she asserts they are trying to take over in Colorado as they did in Wisconsin. Don't let them. Then asks for $3.00 to each of the two Democrats who busted a move on Colorado citizen's 2nd Amendment protected right. The outrage the reason for the recalls. She leaves all that out. It does not exist in her narrow analysis. Just Koch, Koch-adoodle-doo. 

One of the recall targets said on t.v. , the tall dipshit in Colorado Springs, stuttering aggressively, "Not doing anything is not an option." 

That's a favorite phrase of hyperkinetic Nervous Nellies that falls flat as it is spoken. I wait for the interviewer to say, "Oh bullshit."


Michael Haz said...

The Koch Brothers? The same Koch Brothers who employ some 50,000 unionized human beings? Who give huge amounts of money to NPR and Planned Parenthood? Who support same sex marriage? Whoa. Those guys are true enemies of the left.

It's like the Idiot Mobile Task Force that was formed in Wisconsin has been repositioned to Colorado and Texas.

rhhardin said...

007 Bond in the parody Casino Royale is said to have an obsession on Debussy

Yet when he wins some ball throwing contest, he walks away humming something from Ravel, Le tombeau de Couperin, the Forlane.

Just a continuity point.

edutcher said...

Subversion is only supposed to go their way.

Chip Ahoy said...

You have to notice the Koch brothers really bug the living piss out of these people.

The Lefties are like that with anyone they can't destroy.

Miss Sarah is an obsession, now so is George Zimmerman.

As is the proprietress of TOP in the eyes of a certain phony mariner.

rcocean said...

As MH, indicates they aren't that conservative. However, their intention to buy the LaT has gotten the liberals hysterical. You see liberal publishers with liberal writers produce "objective" news but a Libertarian publisher with liberal writers would produce slanted biased news.

So, they're opposing the Koch Brothers for the good of the country. In their world.

rcocean said...

First it was Miliken, then Murdoch, now the Koch Brothers.

Just another in the long line of Conservative Super-Villains.

Joe Schmoe said...

It seems easy to demonize the Koch Brother because they are, at least outside of wherever they call world headquarters, not really shown on TV or the interwebs all that much. I don't think I've ever seen a picture of them, or seen an interview on TV with either of them. They are just always referred to in a nefarious third-person tone with child-molester music in the background.

Now that could be because they are private people. Or it could be because the left doesn't want them to get too much exposure, because if their more progressive views become more well-known, then they lose that easy-to-apply bogeyman sheen. Either way, they choose a low profile.

Beta Rube said...

Did the Koch Brothers take over Wisconsin twice? I hadn't heard.

They are now causing public union membership to decrease in Wisconsin.

I love these guys, and I don't even know them.

rhhardin said...

007 Bond parody Casino Royale is too stupid to finish.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Remember the rule:
Wealthy liberals from Hollywood can spend endless and countless sums on democrats.

Free market business people are not allowed to spend money on their political interests.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Free speech is a one way street for the radical left.

The 2nd amendment is scary poopy.
Please only government officials can carry gunz. What's wrong with you?