Friday, July 5, 2024

On Consequence and Strength


As part of an art project I am working on, I was going through some of my old notebooks and papers today, looking for phrases and drawings that catch my eye and attention.  In doing so, I came across a small page with my father's writing on it, something from one of the little notebooks he used to keep.   Born in 1914 (d.1994) my dad had no dealings with the internet, and wasn't much of a typist, but would take the time needed to handwrite in tiny script with his gold Cross pen (always that pen with blue ink) the quotes, poems, and info that mattered to him and seemed worth saving.  All of that came to me to sort through after he died which means I've probably been holding that saved page with the following for the last 30 years.  Looking it up, I found the quote he'd copied had been written in the 1950's, by Virginia Satir.